Hi there I’m Becca, a consummate crafter and lover of papercrafts! My perfect morning is hopping up, grabbing coffee, throwing on my sweats and sizing up a day sure to be filled with some kind of crafts. But first, off to the window to breathe in the wonderment of a new day. On my way outside I pick up my optimism – I keeped it tucked into my pocket ready to pull out at a moments notice. Hands almost full but one more thing, I pick up my heart – can’t forget that – there’s a place for it on my sleeve. I’m so thankful to God for blessing me with another day, another chance to make a difference, another journey to embark on without knowing in advance of the outcome. That’s life! I enjoy it every.single.day. It’s an amazing adventure – I hope you’ll join in!
I am a believer in the hand written word and a keeper of memories. The joy that handcrafted cards, gifts and embellishments bring harken back to days where little courtesies and traditions were an integral part of our society. I like to think that every handwritten card or note I send prolongs the dream, even if it is one card, one gift, one embellishment at a time.
I believe that creativity is buried within each of us. It’s our choice to scoop it out, lay it on the table and decide if we want to give it a go or not. In my life, faith and crafting have given me a peace that heals and replenishes my soul continually. I give into it with great surrender – it’s an integral part of who I am and at my age I’ve finally learned that it’s a good adventure when I can just be me.
I’m touched to know that people come here to read. I have a fabulous and active community and if you’re looking to find out more of what I’m about read my Craft Bio and be sure you visit New Here? That’s the cliff notes version of the crafty journey I’ve been on for more than seven years. It rolls the highlights into a tidy curated bundle, if you’re new to my blog.