Welcome to Day Six of my New Year Giveaways. I suppose that tomorrow I can claim that we’re beginning to wind down. But not today! Today’s another chance to kick your heels up and throw your name in the bucket for a win. In the meantime, have a look a the die template I’m offering today. Proud mama – this one matches the one up for grabs yesterday. These are all dies I designed and were recently released. When I shake some of the busyness off, I’ll get down to work with these dies. In the meantime, check out below how you can possibly win the set of dies pictured.
Eight Days of Giveaways
Here are the links to the days already posted…
Amazing Paper Grace Giveaway Day 1
Amazing Paper Grace Giveaway Day 2
Amazing Paper Grace Giveaway Day 3
Amazing Paper Grace Giveaway Day 4
Amazing Paper Grace Giveaway Day 5
How to win
•Open to all, including my international friends.
•On each post, leave one comment telling me a one word goal you have for 2016 in a sentence like this – My goal for 2016 is _______” (Putting it in a sentence will keep you out of my spam folder)
•Winners will be posted on my Giveaway page on January 7th
•Comments accepted for all days, however die winners will receive a bonus handmade card if they comment on the day the die is posted.
•Hint, hint, hint I’ll have a bonus drawing for a winner of a grab bag of goodies for those who visit Days 2 – 8 and get their comment in on the same day the die is posted!
What you win
1 die set as pictured aboveThanks so much!! :-)
My goal is to see these dies in real life. They are so lacey pretty.
My goal for 2016 is sharing
listen, I love this die, it’s so frilly.
My goal for 2016 is sharing!
My goal for 2016 is to PRAY. Although I usually says prayers of thanks for my blessings each day, I oftentimes forget to pray for others.
My goal for 2016 is to be more spiritual.
Another goal for 2016 is to loose some weight and start exercising.
A goal of mine for 2016 is “organization.” I want to be more organized!!!
Hello Becca, I am going to try to keep up to date with mail etc! Xxx
My goal for 2016 is kindness and peace.
My goal for 2016 is to be of “SERVICE” where ever I recognize a need.
My goal for 2016 is to get my craft room cleaned up and organized so I can make room for more dies like your gorgeous one above.
These dies are absolutely gorgeous. Can’t wait to see what the expert/designer makes with these!!!
Another of my goals for 2016 is to DECLUTTER!
My goal for 2016 is to be an inspiration and blessing to my grandchildren
One of my goals for 2016 is to get closer to God!
My goal for 2016 is patience.
Another goal for me is to check my Pinterest boards are in order.x
Good morning Becca! Love this die! Another goal for 2016 is to PLAY more. I want to play with all of my crafty goodies!
My goal for 2016 is more patience with other’s!!!
Good luck everyone!!!
Have a good one!!!
Loopy Lynda xxx
My goal for 2016 is to be more helpful
Hi Becca you really are talented not only do you create beautiful cards but you design stunning dies,wish I had some of your creativity. My aim for the New Year is to try and achieve the many goals I have set myself.
A goal for 2016 is helpful. I’d like to find time to help people more, especially my parents as they are getting older.
My next goal for 2016 is creating.
My goal for 2016 is ** organise **.
My goal for 2016 in one word is to Share. Share with others the many blessings that I have.
My goal for 2016 is my health. Love the new dies you have created. Can’t wait for more.
Becca, I love your dies! They are so elegant!!! My goal this year is to be in the moment.
My goal for 2016 is to clean.
My #1 goal for 2016 is to declutter my home! #2 goal is to reorganize my craft room. Love this die! Can’t wait to see it in real life. You have created gorgeous dies. Thank you for helping all of us jump start our creative juices.
be more patient
This die is spectacular! Thanks Becca for all your work to present to us new and innovative ideas for our card making! Now that could be a challenge for me in the new year…get cracking with new creations using all kinds of media!
My goal for 2016 is to be unjudgemental
My goal for 2016 is fitness.
My goal for 2016 is create.
My goal for 2016 is selflessness.
My goal for 2016 is more crafting.
My goal for 2016 is helpfulness
My goal for 2016 is to get more organized.
My goal for 2016 is to be thoughtful.
My goal for 2016 is to spend more time with family and make more Christmas cards to have enough not to have to purchase any. Happy new year, here’s hoping for good health and happiness.
My goal for 2016 is to be free in creating – no more doubts, fears of not being good enough!
My goal for 2016 is to strive to achieve those goals I thought we out of my reach as they are NOT!
My goal for 2016 is focus, to see clearly what needs to be prioritized and stay with it until fruition.
My goal for 2016 is donate.
My goal for 2016 is to be “organized”.
Hi Becca my goal for 2016 is to try harder
My goal for 2016 is keep smiling!
For day #6 – In 2016 I want to be more generous
my 2016 goal is PRAY AND HEAR FROM GOD MORE!
My goal for 2016 is to share.
My goal for 2016 is time. Spend more time with my granddaughters.
My greatest goal is to get healthier. I’d also love to get my mojo back and make more cards this year!
My 2016 word for today is ENJOY!
My goal for 2016 is to play more with the dies that I have.
My goal for 2016 is organization. Love this new die!
My goal for 2016 is Positivity.
My goal for 2016 is to be thankful for what I have and to be happy one does not need much as I see so many with far less and they are happy. Great dies as well as cards made with them—thanks for being generous with your give-away!
Another goal for 2016 is to only buy what we need when we need it. I got into the habit of buying for a rainy day, and spending too much, then never using half of it.
My goal for 2016 is to loose a few pounds
Hello Becca, Again, how lovely your creations and how blessed your hands!
My goal for 2016 is to become organized to prepare for a major life change and move. By becoming more organized, it will be much earlier for me to continue to create through the changes.
Thank you for sharing and giving. God bless you.
My goal for 2016 is to spend more time with my grandchildren. They are all growing up so fast that I’m afraid if I blink they will be
adults with children of their own !!!
My goal it to try and live for the moment a little more.
Hi Becca, Day 6 – My goal for 2016 is ‘patience’, I don’t usually do ‘patience’ very well, so hopefully I will be more ‘patient’ with others.
Wow !! this set of dies is stunning, I will look forward to seeing what you create with these beauties.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
In 2016 I aim to be more GRATEFULL for what I have.
Another goal is to be healthy and fit.
My goal for 2016 is to get organizrd
My goal for 2016 is KINDNESS…
My goal for 2016 is to craft more
Blessing to you
My goal for 2016 is to be happy.
Don’t sweat the small stuff.
My goal for 2016 is to be healthier.
My goal for 2016 is to create!
My goal for 2016 is to create something every day
My goal for 2016 is to try to stay healthy by eating well and exercising.
My goal for 2016 is self-management.
My goal for 2016 is get more active
My goal is more exercise!
My goal for 2016 is to scrapbook more. This is a beautiful die, I have it and love using it, so feminine.
my goal in 2016 is calm.
My goal for 2016 is to be more compassionate.
Another goal for 2016 is to get the BIG room in the front of our house cleaned out and remodeled. We already have two rooms and a hallway done; but, we have both been sick for a month.
Thanks for sharing with us!
Wow, love the die today!! What a beauty! My goal for 2016 is managing time.
My goal for 2016 is flooring.
My goal for 2016 is Calm!
My goal for 2016 is sleep.
OH BECCA! This die is GORGEOUS & I can see how it coordinates with the die yesterday!!! (Be still my heart!) ;) ANOTHER GOAL for 2016 would be to LEARN, more about this craft, but other things I am wanting to focus on this year too. LOTS OF LEARNING for me this year! ;)
My goal for 2016 patience.
My goal for 2016 is organise
Wow Becca, what a classic designed die, love it! Thanks for the chance to win!
My goal for 2016 is FOCUS!I have to focus more on my blog, my family, and me this year. I need to focus more on staying on task, having a plan for everyday, and focus on sticking to it.
My goal for 2016 is to be more generous with my time and talents.
My goal for 2016 is Love
My goal for 2016 is to finish off some past sewing projects sitting on my cabinet so I can start something new!
My goal for 2016 is Happiness. Oh, I want to win this set!
My goal for 2016 is to give Thanks. Thank you Becca for all you do.
Question #1, Becca… Do you realize (even a little bit?) how incredibly TALENTED you really are??? These are stunning!
Question #2, Will the card coming with the winners die set be made with THAT set?
My goal for 2016 is : ORGANIZATION! I am totally cleaning and reorganizing it right now and my goal is to keep it that way!
Thanks for the chance to win!
My goal for 2016 is much better time management and getting cards and projects done on time :),
My Goal for 2016 is: being healthy!
My goal for 2016 is to spend more time on myself too.
My goal for 2016 is to exercise consistently. Thank you for sharing your most gifted talents.
My goal for 2016 is to Exercise! Thx, Becca, for the chance to win
the dies!!!!!!!!!!!
Hugs, Pat Barger
My goal for 2016 is compassion.. Love this die set, very beautiful, can’t wait to see your creation with it!!!
My goal for 2016 is to be “more in the moment”. Becca thanks for the opportunity to win?
My goal for 2016 is to retire
In 2016 I will be more patient
Woo Hoo….finally one I do not already have!!!! This is a beauty – don’t know how I missed it – LOL! Thanks Becca for the chance to win it…you are a peach!
Paper Hugs,
My goal for 2016 is to be more PHYSICALLY ACTIVE than in 2015
My goal for 2016 is EXERCISE more and get in shape.
Thank you Becca for all you do.
My goal for 2016 is to be DAILY (in the Word).
Becca each one of these dies are more beautiful than the last!
Oops…forgot my goal. My goal for 2016 is to SHARE! Making a packet up now for a newbie who is starting from scratch and will enjoy all my duplicates!
Paper Hugs,
My goal for 2016 is praying faithfully.
My goal for 2016 is EXERCISE! My second goal is to have a chance to play with all of these awesome dies.
Another goal of mine is to pray more for others.
Your Sister in Christ
My goal for 2016 is to be in prayer more!
My goal in 2016 is to stop procrastinating! Very bad habit!
Another goal for 2016 is to use my time more wisely and finish what I start – in a reasonable time-frame. Oh my yet another gorgeous die and can hardly wait to see what you do with it!! Maybe I should try to be more patient also…;-)
My goal for 2016, like so many others, is to get my craft room ORGANIZED so I can be more creative and efficient. Less time searching for things and more time working with your fantastic dies. And, of course, getting inspiration from your beautiful cards…..keep them coming.
My goal for 2016 is MAKE CARD A DAY
My goal for 2016 is patience.
My goal for 2016 is positivity!!!!
A goal I have for 2016 is to LISTEN.
My goal for 2016 is to be organizeed.
Hi becca! My goal for 2016 is to sort out my ribbons!
My goal for 2016 is to get up each day with a smile!?
My goal for 2016 is time management.
My goal for 2016 is Inspiration
I have just started my own blog to pass on my ideas to others. I hope to continue and expand this in 2016
Pat x
My goal for 2016 is to make more awesome cards using dies like these.
my goal for 2016 is too COMPLETE –
My goal in 2016 is to be ‘confident’ that I can creative on my own.
My goal for 2016 is to try and spend more time paper crafting.
My Goal for 2016 is to write in my journal everyday!
Gorgeous dies Becca!! :)
My goal for 2016 is to me more of a giver. Oh, my, these dies just keep getting better each day. Love it.
My goal for 2016 is Inspire
I hope to learn from others and in-turn inspire them
Pat x
My goal for 2016 is helping others in need.
Another goal for 2016: Patience.
My goal for 2016 is perseverance in all aspects of my life but most of all my spiritual life.
My goal for 2016 is to have a little time out for me from my very crazy busy life. These dies will make me sit down !!!!!
my goal for 2016 is to be grateful for all the people in my life that bring me joy, such as you becca
My goal for 2016 is to create.
My goal for 2016 is trust
a goal for 2016 is to create “outside the box” more often.
What a beautiful die set…they all are pretty spectacular, but this one is stunning. Can’t wait to see how you have used it!
My goal to share for today is to be CONTENT.
Thanks, again Becca. Blessings!
My goal for 2016 is energizing.
My goal for 2016 is to retire!
My goal for 2016 is to spread kindness.
My goal for 2016 is deeper study of the scriptures. p.s. this die is beautiful.
My goal for 2016 is to enjoy life more, worry less.
my goal for 2016 is to be more optimistic.
My goal for 2016 is to eat more healthy.
My goal for 2016 is to try and use up all the craft supplies I have before buying more!
The dies just keep getting nicer and nicer.
My goal is to organize & use!
My goal for 2016 is to keep in touch with my friends better.
My goal for 2016 is: exercise
My goal is to listen more and talk less.
My goal for 2016 is to share.
My goal for 2016 is listening.
Another goal- be the butterfly not the bee!
My goal for 2016 is to be more frugal.
My goal for 2016 is to manage my time
A goal is to exercise more and eat healthy.
Carol b
My goal for 2016 is to pray more, stress less
My goal for 2016 is health.
Love this die Becca. Bought it already
Ann Robbins
Hi Becca, Goal 5: Forgiveness to others and also to self. Time to let go of old baggage if still hanging around.
This die is to die for–I have it, have used it for the background of a Valentine. This is a stunner. I can’t wait until you do something with it. I’ll be the first to say, why didn’t I think of that. Simple answer, you are the designer, I’m not. Thanks for a great product, Becca. Barbara
My goal for 2016 is connection.
My goal for 2016 is to PRIORITISE my life a bit better.
My goal for 2016 is to make gorgeous cards with your new dies!
My goal for 2016 is to lose “the spare tire”.
My goal for 2016 is passion.
My goal for 2016 id generosity.
My goal for 2016 is:
Conduct inventory of how best to use forgotten craft items and to implement them for projects.
My goal for 2016 is to donate. Wow, Becca, this looks like a gorgeous die and I can’t wait to see what you do with it.
My goal for 2016 is to lose weight and to own some of your dies.
They are so beautiful and lacy, which is my style also. Love lace
My goal for 2016 is to exrevise more.m
Greater spirituality is my goal for this new year.
My goal for 2016 is to Mentor
My goal for 2016 is to trust God that he will provide my every need including the right job
my goal for 2016 is weightloss….
My goal for 2016 is travel. Time to start working on my goals now! Happy New Year.
My goal for 2016 is to be strong.
I have to say I’m HAPPY with my life.
the other goal for 2016 is to start yoga to keep my calm and level of stress controlled.
In 2016, my wish is to be healthy.
My goal for 2016 is to PLANT an herb garden.
My goal for 2016 is to get organized.
My goal for 2016 is to get really organized not only with my crafts but also around the house.
My goal for 2016 is to EXERCISE more.
I’m working toward becoming healthier.
For 2016, I wish to be kinder.
My goal for 2016 is giving.
One of my many goals for 2016 is to have a more loving, Christlike heart.
My goal is to be kind.
Beautiful dies :-)
my 2016 goals is doing more craftying
My goal for 2016 is to encourage others more to be creative…sorry not one word xx
My goal for 2016 is to be organized and use what I have learned for better creations.
My goal for 2016 is to bring more freedom to my life!)
Gorgeous dies!
My goal for 2016 is to TRY to get my stamp studio in much better order.
My goal is to craft more. Your dies and inspiration is gorgeous!
My goal for 2016 is to be more understanding.
My goal for 2016 is to get organized. xx
My goal for 2016 is Sharing.
One of the most important things on my list for 2016 is: Live in the Light
My goal for 2016 is to make a priority of my paper crafting hobby!
My goal for 2016 is empathy
and yes I should go back to “exercise”
My goal for 2016 is to try new things.
My goal for 2016 is patience.
My hope for 2016 is contentment. (Day six)
my goal in 2016 is gratitude
My goal for 2016 is forgiveness.
Another goal for this is to clean my craft room, need to make room to work in there….beautiful die just like you are. Thanks for sharing.
My 2016 goal is to attend Bible Class regularly
My goal for 2016 is to focus on and prioritize the important things.
My goal for 2016 is to be healthy
My goal for 2016 is to be more patient with my loved ones
My goal for 2016 is embrace new opportunities.
My goal for 2016 is joy.
Creativity will not be a goal but a practiced action.
My goal for 2016 is to try new things!
My goal is to organize
My goal for 2016 is to get my body healthy again! This die is gorgeous. Thank you for the opportunity.
One goal for 2016 is to continue going to Curves 3 times a week.
my goal for 2016 is ORGANIZE.. I Really need to do this !! REally !!
My goal for 2016 is ORGANIZE.
My goal for 2016 is organization.
My goal for 2016 is positivity
Hi Becca. One more goal for me is to “Blog” more often. Hugs xxx
Another word for my 2016 goal is COMMITMENT. If we are not committed, we don’t have much of a chance to succeed.
My goal for 2016 is to search.
My goal in 2016 is creativity.
Another gorgeous die set! Thanks for the chance to win it!
My word that I am thinking of today…. simplify! Need to pare down some belongings, like sorting through my closet! I have things that should be donated that I no longer wear, and a few items I should just toss.
In 2016 I resolve to organize my craft items!
Should be goal # one !! Redo my website in 2016
My goal for 2016 is peace.
My goal for 2016 is the continued reassurance of being favored, meditating and relating with my covenant God and His reason of “favored” people. Thanks for the chance!
My goal for 2016 is to procrastinate less!
My goal for 2016 is to create lots!
A goal is healthier
WOWZA WOWZA WOWZA!! My goal for 2016 is to CREATE!! Thanks for the chance to win, all of the dies are spectacular!! Here’s to a Happy New Year!
My goal for 2916 is creating.
My goal for 2016 is to live healthier and to give back.
A goal is thoughtfulness
Hello Becca,
These dies are gorgeous! Another goal for 2016 is to relax. I get so wound up trying to get everything done that I don’t enjoy life and I plan to do that in 2016!
My goal for 2016 is to be a better person. One that listens to her family and friends, is more understanding and patient.
My goal for 2016 is Craft!!!
I have four albums I want to start and finish before the holidays 2016!
My goal for 2016 is good health
My 2016 goal is to create and share.
One of my goals for 2016 is to send more cards to brighten people’s day. There’s nothing like a card to put a smile on someone’s face.
My goal for 2016 is to be closer to God.
Thank you for the opportunity to win Becca, I think this might be my favourite set – my word of the year is Kindness.
For 2016 I want to be better at prioritizing.
My goal for 2016 is To be more understanding
My goal for 2016 is to be more patient.
My goal for 2016 is to do something creative daily.
Another goal I have for 2016 is to reach out more to help my fellow cancer survivors enjoy a sense of well being by my example.
Another goal for me in 2016 is to complete all of my unfinished craft projects:)
My goal for 2016 is laughing.
“My goal for 2016 is to be much more creative, create more extraordinary cards.”
My goal for 2016 is to show kindness to those that try my patience.Lovely die again today !
My goal for 2016 is more prayer.
another goal I have for 2016 is: SERENITY
My goal for 2016 is to be more giving.
This is gorgeous!! I hope to make more cards and send them this year!!!
My goal for 2016 is positivity.
So many hopes for this year! One of the many: generosity!
Oh my goodness these dies are soooo amazing. My brain is already working overtime with all the amazing things, I can make with these.
Todays goal for 2016 is: STABILITY in my crafting, so that I can keep my crafting more flowing during the year and not as last year with times with almost no crafting time and then in other times, I was producing in high speed for days and nights to finish things.
My goal for 2016 is volunteer.
My goal for 2016 is peace
My goal for 2016 is to donate more.
My goal for 2016 is to be understanding
I like this and your Cascading grace dies very much! Goal #6: To pray more for my Sunday school Kids
My goal is to see this die made into a card.X
Would love to have these dies! One of my goals for 2016 is to just enjoy life as it comes.
Have a great new year!
My goal for 2016 is to be more “Forgiving”
A goal for 2016 is to be more appreciative.
My goal for 2016 is to do more scrap booking Now that I am 75 I need to get busy.
My goal for this year is to have continued good health, happiness, and enjoy life to the fullest. Happy new year Becca!
More axercice.
More exercise
My goal for 2016 is to be more happier
My goal for 2016 is to be craftier! I would like to work outside of my comfort box!!!
My goal for 2016 is to try my best to live a life that is Christ.
Thank you and God Bless
My goal for 2016 is to work on my journal more. It’s been 9 months since I’ve put anything in it and I promised myself when I got it I would do something every month. Thanks for making me take the time to reflect on things.xoxo
My goal for is Peace.
A goal for 2016 is to get this beautiful die!!
Another goal for 2016 is to share and teach my 6yr twin granddaughters some of the old traditional crafts such as sewing, crochet, kniting, baking etc. They love papercrafting with me and want to share in some of the other crafts that I do and I am only to glad to pass these arts down. I learned so much from my grandmothers and want them to be able to say the same thing when they grow up.
My goal for 2016 is to be kinder.
Although I try to be caring and kind to everyone, sometimes I get caught up in what I’m doing and forget about what really matters most, including people closest to me.
These dies, like everything else you have and do are beautiful.
Stay safe, happy and healthy
Deb C, Ballarat, Victoria
One of my goals for 2016 is to exercise.
1My goal for 2016 is to persist & encourage!
My goal for 2016 is contentment!
My goal for 2016 is to make each minute count, be more focused on matters which are important.
My goal for 2016 is to learn new techniques.
My word for today is faith,you have to have faith in your life always.
God Bless you and your family.
My goal for 2016 is thriftiness.
This year I’m going to tidy my craft room after every project. Reply
My goal for 2016 is to clean more of my desk after crafting.
My goal for 2016 is to be more gentle.
My goal in 2016 is better COMMUNICATION . To reach more people and spread some joy. The dies are gorgeous. So looking forward to seeing what you do with them Becca -your cards are amazing X X
My goal in 2016 is to make more cards and use what I have. Becca, you always make this possible with the wonderful ideas you have and inspiration you give to us all!
Another of my goals is to spend more time with friends this year! Hugs Christine xx
My goal for 2016 is baking.
My goal for 2016 is to be more joyful.
My goal for 2016 is to share my cards instead of hoarding them.
My goal for 2016 is to listen rather than talk! Day 6 die set is really quite lovely….flourish die are my favorites! What
elegant cards this die will create!!
My goal for 2016 is Resilience.
Another 2016 goal that I have is CLEANEReating (how’s that for one word?
My goal for 2016 to be more creative.
My goal for 2016 is weight loss.
My goal for 2016 is patience.
What a beautiful die set.
My goal for 2016 is to be more pleasing to our Lord.
My goal for 2016 is organization.
My goal is to get settled.
A goal that I have for 2016 is to be more understanding
My goal for 2016 is ORGANIZATION
One of my goals for 2016 is to live in each moment!
My goal for 2016 is to stay fit.
What a gorgeous die Becca! Take care Jane B.
My Goal for 2016 is HAPPINESS
My thoughts for another goal for 2016 is to finished cards I have started and not finished last year.
My goal for 2016 is to be a better person.
My goal for 2016 is to ask for God’s wisdom before opening my mouth!
My goal for 2016 is : to take care of my health
My goal for 2016 is to make the most of the “divine appointments” God brings my way.
My goal for 2016 is to create order.
My goal for 2016 is PATIENCE
My goal is to spend more time w/my grandchildren!
Hi Becca my goal for 2016 is to accept
hugs Trish.
One of my goals for 2016 is take some online classes to improve techniques for cards!!
My word for day six is Forward hugs PAM xxxxxx
My goal for 2016 is to be Proactive (vs. always reactive) in life.
Thanks for the chance to start verbalizing some of these goals.
My goal for 2016 is decutter.
I want to learn more about water coloring this year. Also, learn more about graphic design and more about creating other things too. Just learning more!
My goal for 2016 is to TRY and get my stamp studio more organized. My husband said it was taking over another room.
My goal for 2016 is de-stress.
My Goal for 2016 is : Finances to pay Debts off.
My goal for 2016 is to set a good example for my daughter.
My goal for 2016 is to organize my scrapbook room and supplies.
For 2016, I desire to TRUST God more than my situations.
My goal for 2016 is organize!
My goal for 2016 is to organize my e-mail accounts, delete, sort and reply!
In 2016, I intend to live ‘healthier’.
In 2016 I want to be kinder!
Forgive and forget
My goal for 2016 is to appreciate my blessings!
In 2016 I want to be neater!
My goal for 2016 is exercise.
My goal for 2016 is HEALTH!
my goal for 2016 is to work hard and have more holidays x
Other than learning to abide in God’s grace and sharing that grace, I also want to be more disciplined in my life – in all areas.
My goal for 2016 is to follow God’s guidance.
My goal for 2016 is to be positive.
My goal for 2016 is fitness.
To be more open-minded
My gaol for 2016 is to organise and have more time to be creative!
My goal for 2016 is be generous
I plan on spending more time studying the Bible this year!
One of my 2016 goals is Health.
My wish for 2016 is to create something everyday.
My goal for 2016 is – ORGANIZE!
My goal for 2016 is to make healthier choices.
My goal for 2016 is to be more organized—especially where my crafting area is concerned. Love your dies.
In 2016 I would like CONTENTMENT in my retirement.
My next goal for 2016 is to finish all the UFO’s in my cupboard & there are plenty of them. I should be occupied for a few months.
Have a nice day Becca.
My goal for 2016 is to Organize.
My goal for 2016 is to organize.
My goal for 2016 is to clean my craft room, and let some one else have extra treasures!
My next goes is to make sure all my family is ok and help if I can I do do some of that already. Hope your new year is going Amazing
My sixth goal for 2015 is to be more CREATIVE!
In 2016 I should like to be imperturbable
My goal for 2016 is to be more sharing!
My goal for 2016 is to complete all outstanding projects
My goal for 2016 is to appreciate my 2 year old as she navigates the terrible twos!!
My goal for 2016 is to remember to take some time for myself>
My Goal for 2016 is weight control
My goal for 2016 is growth.
This goal is probably the most important one
To read & study my bible more
My goal for 2016 is letting go of what is not important
My goal for 2016 is a good attitude!!
My goal for 2016 is to get all my Christmas cards finished before the end of November.
My goal for 2016 is to relax.
My goal for 2016 is REMODELING.
My goal for 2016 is to stamp more!!
For 2016, a goal I have is to LEARN more about crafting.
My goal is writing people more.
My goal for 2016 is to be less judgmental.
My goal for 2016 is Get organized, set more time to create, and create more beautiful cards like yours!
My goal for 2016 is more diecutting!
My goal for 2016 is to be more optimistic.
My goal for 2016 is trying not be depressief becouse i’am sick and a lots more making cards when I have no pain!!!
Mvg Gina
My hope for 2016 is to touch some lives with cards
A goal for 2016 is to stop procrastinating.
My goal for 2016 is to take the time, to enjoy my family, my friends, enjoy nature, being healthy and creative. I love all dies presented. Happy New Year to all
My goal for 2016 is to play work more and play less. And, yes, I wrote that correctly.
My goal for 2016 is to economise.
My goal for 2016 is create
My goal for 2016 is project finishing.
I love the beautiful frilly die. My goal for 2016 is be healthier.
A goal I have for 2016 is Happiness!
my goal for 2016 is to have more of an inner peace
My goal for 2016 is to try more techniques.
My goal for 2016 is to keep learning.
My goal is to return to return to my exercise schedule.
My goal for 2016 is to create.
My goal for 2016 is ‘growth’….professionally, creatively and personally!!!
my goal for 2016 is to get healthy
My goal for 2016 is acceptance.
My “new” goal for 2016 is to get all of your dies. Everyday I see one I like even better!!! You are very talented!
My goal for 2016 is Patience.
My goal for 2016 is patience
My goal for 2016 is to cook more often. Which means taking more time for myself.
My day 6 goal for 2016 is organization. I hope my other days didn’t go to spam. Whoops
My goal for 2016 is curiosity
Dear Becca, my goal for 2016 is, to use my BigShot more often.
Just Wow
One of my many goals for 2016 is mindfulness
My goal for 2016 is to use some of my stash that is still in their wrappers, lol. Well back to normal which is what some of the children need as they get fed up after being off school or college. I hope that you have had a nice time with your family flower,
Sending you hugs
Norah (glenochil village, Scotland)
My goal for 2016 is to use more of the supplies I have.
WOW! This will be a favourite go to die. So many uses.
My Goal word “time” to spend with friends, family, craft, travel, everything!
My goal for 2016 is to lose some weight. Be healthier in general.
My goal for 2016 is to send out more “Thinking of You” cards to others.
My goal for 2016 is worry less
My goal for 2016 is to exercise more.
To see the good in everyone.
My goal for 2016 is to enjoy my craft room more
My goal for 2016 is to give more unwanted papers to the charity shops.
My goal for 2016 is satisfied .
A goal of mine is to be more thankful.
A goal I would list would be contentment.
My goal for 2016 is to learn to balance challenge and skill.
My goal for 2016 is to play more with my dog, Chipper.
My goal for 2016 is to do more for others.
My goal for 2016 is to pray everyday, morning and evening, and to be grateful for all I have
Another beautiful die set. I’m going to work on getting more veggies in my diet. Thanks so much for all you share!
My Goal for 2016 is to travel. I’m working on some cards today so I will have a stash of ones made up since my travel plans may get me behind.
My goal for 2016 is organized. I hope to get my craft room organized so I can move around in it easily & be more creative.
My goal for 2016 is to do more crafting.
In 2016 another of my goals is to create lasting MEMORIES of special moments and events with family and friends through my card making and scrapbooking.
Amazing die Bec, you are so talented.
My goal for 2016 is EXPERIMENT!
My goal for 2016 is to spend more time with family & friends.
Another gorgeous set of dies!
Another goal is to organise!
Anne (UK) x
One of my goals this year is to try and understand the anguish our son is going through as the MS moves on.
My goal for 2016 is to more fun stuff with my husband!
My goal is to organize!
This is the die! This is the one set I couldn’t get on Christmas. I was able to get other beauties from your line, but this would definetely be a beautiful addition to my collection. Thanks for your generosity. Another goal for 2016 is to be better for my husband and son, do everything better and more efficiently to fulfill their need and keep up with the house (without neglecting my crafting). Wish you all the best! Hugs dear friend.
Hi Becca! My goal for 2016 is to be more organized. This means not only my craft room, but my whole house and life too! Big job, but I know it will make life easier. Looks like you have some beautiful dies coming out and I can’t wait to see what you make with them! What is your goal for 2016?
My goal for 2016 is have my cards done early or at least on time so I’m not under pressure to hurry because I need a card!
My goal for 2016 is to craft more.
My Goal for 2016 is to persevere learning new ideas for my cards
My goal for 2016 is patience
Another goal I have is to learn to meditate
One of my goals for 2016 is challenging myself to use what I have rather than buying more stuff!!
My goal for 2016 is Love
Thanks Becca xx
My goal for 2016 is – acceptance
My goal in 2016 is to clean my perennial beds so my head is clear!
My goal for 2016 is to Learn more. We can never stop learning. Life is a gift and we must appreciate it more.
My goal for 2016 is to clean and organize
My goal for 2016 is appreciate what you have.
My goal for 2016 is to share!
My goal for 2016 is focus.
One of my goals for 2016 is Pinterest.
My goal for 2016 is to be more Healthier.
My goal for 2016 is to get more of my projects completed!!
My goal for 2016 is to NURTURE my brainpower even more.
My goal for 2016 is to try to make more cards throughout the year.
My main goal for 2016 is to get organized.
Donna B
My goal for 2016 is to not sweat the small stuff. Life is too short!
Hi Becca,
My goal for 2016 is the word of today………Compassion!
Thanks for the chance to win!
María Alba
My 2016 goal is to have more patience.
I’m loving these new dies!
My goal #6 for 2016 is lightheartedness.
Let’s do have an amazing, 2016, Becca!
Love and blessings,
My goal for 2016 is to have a more balanced life.
My goal for 2016 is to be less critical of others.
My 2016 goal is LOVE !!
A goal I have for 2016 is sharing.
A goal for 2016 is to take my photos out of those old sticky albums!
My goal for 2016 is completion.
My goal for 2016 is to not procrastinate.
A goal I have for 2016 is smile.
My goal for 2016 is to be more patient.
My goal for 2016 is reduce the house clutter.
My goal for 2016 is to learn copperplate
My goal for 2016 is be creative
My goal for 2016 is Rejoice!
My goal for 2016 is to have a clean house. Lol
My goal for 2016 is understanding”
My goal for 2016 is cultivating new friends and enjoying new experiences.
Becca, this set is a stunner! Win or buy, it Will be mine.
Thank you sincerely for all the beauty you have brought to so many lives.
My goals for 2016 are better physical health and better efficiency — get important things done more efficiently.
My goal for 2016 is to graduate with honors. (radiography program at the hospital and Bloomsburg University)
My goal for 2016 is thoughtfulness.
My goal for 2016 is to be more UNDERSTANDING
My goal for 2016 is to do more exercises.
My goal for 2016 is friends.
My 2016 goal volunteer
one thing i need to work on is to be “content” with what i have and not keep buying, lol
One of my 2016 goals is to live in forgiveness.
In 2016 I want to be not as stressed!
My goal for 2016 is to get better organized.
My goal for 2016 is JOY!
A goal for 2016 GET THIS DIE!! Gorgeous, it was gonna be, use what you’ve got till I saw this one!
My goal for 2016 is to finish some of my long neglected projects.
Hello again Becca…my goal for 2016 is to be so much more “deliberate” with my card making…to make and share more cards with others. Love this gorgeous designed die too!! Will use it!! LOL! Thanks for another opportunity to win!
My goal for 2016 is to organize and purge my craft room.
My goal for 2016 is spreading love.
Hi Becca,
My goal for 2016 is to be creative and make fabulous cards!
My goal for 2016 is to be AMAZING.
My goal for 2016 is PUNCTUALITY.
My goal for 2016 is to participate.
Oh my, Becca, beautiful dies you are giving away!
Another goal for 2016 is to lose weight. Ugh!
My goal for 2016 is __SMILE_____”
Not matter what comes your way, find
some thing or some way to “Smile” through it.
Life’s too short :)
I love your new dies!
My goal for 2016 is RELAX
My goal for 2016 is focus.
My goal for 2016 is to create using stamps and dies in my stash that have never been used.
My goal for 2016 is calm
A goal I have foe 2016 is to be intentional – in sharing my faith and discipling.
2016 goal is to complete my work on my family tree.
My goal for 2016 is to eat healthy. I enjoy seeing all your beautiful cards!!
My goal for 2016 is to be creative.
My goal for 2016 is to find a new job.
My goal for 2016 is to be more friendly, thanks
My goal for 2016 is to give God the glory. thanks
my goal for 2016 is consideration
My goal for 2016 is to be more patient, with my family and everyone else.
My goal for 2016 is to get more active such as, hiking, walking more, and just exercising more.
My goal for 2016 is to make beautiful cards using dies and the minc machine
One of my goals for 2016 is to challenge myself
and not play it safe
My goal for 2016 is joy!
Y goal for 2016 is patience
My goal is to give thanks in all things. Happy New Year, Becca!
My goal for 2016 is to diet.
Beautiful dies. My goal for 2016 is to Walk more.
My goal for 2016 is to be more responsible for what I say and do.
My goal for 2016 is being more creative
My goal for 2016 is to maximize.
My goal for 2016 is to be alive to every moment and love , love, love!
My goal for 2016 is CHARITY
My goal for 2016 is READ
I must get ORGANIZED!!!
I am going to get ORGANIZED!!!
WOW, the dies are SO beautiful! You are SO talented! Sorry I missed post my goal yesterday but better late than never. Here is one of my goals for 2016: to be more “creative” and finish my craft book!
My goal for 2016 is not buying so much new crafting stash.
My goal for 2016 is to economize.
My goal for 2016 is to be more adventurous
Goal for 2016 – organise more!
My goal for 2016 is to try to understand others better
Another goal for 2016 will be TRY SOMETHING NEW!!! Take that challenge!! Most of all don’t say I CAN’T!!!!
Another goal for 2016 is to take an online class for Adobe Illustrator.
My goal for 2016 is forward. To look ahead.
My goal for 2016 is to be more tolerant of my husband who is one of the best!
My goal for 2016 is to be inspiring
My goal for 2016 is contentment.
My goal for 2016 is to Love and be Loved.
My goal for 2016 is to EXPLORE new horizons.
2016 goal is to spend more time scrapbooking.
My goal for 2016 is KINDNESS, to myself as well as others.
My goal for 2016 is to be careful with my finances although I’ve not had a good start as my debit card has been hacked! So much for 2016.
My goal for 2016 is to be more thankful.
My goal for 2016 is to plan ahead. No last minute card making!
My goal is to enjoy being with friends
My goal for 2016 is to get rid of some of the excess stuff in my house.
My goal for 2016 is to be more understanding.
My goal for 2016 is to make a difference in my great-grandson’s life.
my goal for 2016 is health
Hi becca, and one hundred million blessings from wet and windy ireland! My goal in 2016 is to give something back to my community each and every day! Wether it’s my time, my help or a simple card for someone who needs cheering up.
my goal or 2016 is contentment
My goal for 2016 is become a minimalist.
Patience is another goal for 2016.
My goal for 2016 is scrapbooking!
Another goal in 2016 is CALM. I tend to fly off the handle too quickly! :/
“My goal for 2016 is to use more of my scraps while stamping and scrapping”
Gorgeous dies Becca!
My goal for 2016 to write my will.
One of my goals for 2016 is continue in a “healthy” lifestyle
My goal for 2016 is understanding
My goal for 2016 is Positivity
My goal for 2016 is to take better care of myself.
One of my many goals is to be organized!
my goal for 2016 is to use my creative abilities to serve others more. I believe we are all created with creative abilities and by sharing them we grow more and also help those we share with to grow.
My goal for 2016 is to be willing to trust my own judgment more.
My goal for 2016 is health
My goal for 2016 is to make a lot of cards for our servicemen and women overseas.
My goal for this year – to give more gifts!
My goal for 2016 is to beat cancer, get healthy, and encourage others.
My goal for 2016 is to be more ACCEPTING of the way some people are, you can’t change them if they don’t want to change themselves so there is no use in getting all flustered about it.
My goal for 2016 is to more gentle.
My goal for 2016 iis to be humble
My goal for 2016 is to be at peace.
My goal for 2016 is take better care of my body!! I was under the weather the past few days and missed posting on my FAVORITE Becca die! Becca, if you read this – I’m looking for some samples made with this die and and can find none. I know I’ve seen them – they were aweswome. That’s why I got it!!
My goal for 2016 is to complete some projects I have started!!
This year one of my goals is to organize my Craft room better. To get my stamps, dies & tools set up so it is easier to craft.
My goal for 2016 more gifting!
My goal for 2016 is to eat better
My goal is freedom – freedom to create without fears and doubts!
Since part of the garage is my new stamp room. My goal is to get it organize in a way that I can see & remember where stuff is.
My goal for 2016 positivity.
My goal for 2016 is to declutter my craftroom.
My goal for 2016 is to organize-craft room, drawers, shelves etc.
My goal for 2016 is organize.
My goal for 2016 is. Happiness
My goal for 2016 is talk less; listen more!
My goal in 2016 is to be “Healthy”
My goal for 2016 is to craft more and have lots of fun!
My goal for 2016 is J E S U S.
My goal for 2016 is kindness.
My goal for 2016 is to _ stay focused_.
My word for 2016 is going to be clean – starting with my garage.
My 2016 goal is gratitude.
Another of my goals for 2016 is “COMPLETION”! I have MANY MANY unfinished projects! Can’t wait to see your projects with your new dies!
My goal for 2016 is to make more cards :)
I’m working on being healthier and fit.
My goal for 2016 is reading.
my goal is ‘cherish’
My goal in 2016 is to take better care of myself.
My word for Day Six is “Respect”.
Another goal for 2016 is prayer.
my goal for 2016 is to exercise regularly!
Hi, well I don’t do new years resolutions, but have ongoing goals, particularly to fill my spiritual need, mine are to keep regularly reading the Bible, and taking the opportunity to speak to people about Gods promises for a better world as outlined in his word. A great website is jw.org it helps to show the answers from the scriptures to questions many people have which is greatly comforting. Thank you leah x
My hopes for 2016 is peace
My hopes for 2016 is peace and health
My 2016 goal is to get organized.
Another goal for 2016 is to call my brothers on the phone more this year to keep in touch with them.
My goal for 2016 is to be more organized! And do more crafting.
My goal for 2016 is to learn how to use my SNC and actually create some cards or projects with it.
My goal for 2016 is organization.
My goal for 2016 is to get more creative!
Another goal I have for 2016 is to enjoy life more.
A goal I have for 2016 is slow down.
My goal for 2016 is “culling”.
My goal for 2016 is compassion.
My goal for 2016 is: be a student. :)
My goal for 2016 is to LISTEN before interupting
Another 2016 goal is to exercise more. Easier said then done.
My goal for 2016 is not to worry about failure.
My goal for 2016 is better Heath.
My goal for 2016 is to relax & enjoy my life & family.
My Goal for 2016 to find myself,and peace
Continue to enjoy my little grandson!!! Which isn’t hard!!
My goal for 2016 is “family”
To stay healthy and make more cards :-)
My goal for 2016 is to stay healthy and make more cards.
My goal for 2016 is CREATING
WOW!WOW!WOW!WOW! LOVE this set!!! It looks like an old fashioned ladies hanky! Wonderful Becca, just Wonderful!
One of my goals for 2016 is getting more organized
One of my primary goals for 2016 is to express more gratitude to God, and to find ways of helping others more. Ultimately I hope to be able to volunteer, but if not (due to health issues), I pray God will continue to use me right where I am.
A crafting goal other than starting my own blog would be to be a better colorist, and to be able to find more tutorials online to help me with this goal, as health issues tend to keep me from taking classes at craft stores.
Thank you, Becca for this great giveaway!!! I think we all win because taking the time each day to realize some of our goals for the year gives us gifts that are priceless. How I appreciate this!!!
Hello Becca, Happy New Year… My goal for 2016 is to get really organized to help with a big life change and move in the near future so my crafting will not be too drastically affected! Thank you for the opportunity to enter your give away and for all you share and give to us all. God bless you. Eliana
My 2016 goal is to accomplish more and make people happy.
My goal for 2016 is to not duplicate a new stamp or die.
My goal for 2016 is awareness
My goal for 2016 is to smile more.
My goal for 2016 is to teach my grandaughter (age 10) to sew.
My goal for 2016 is to spend time with family and friends.
Take risks
My goal for 2016 is to read more.
My goal for 2016 is to work with the kids at Children’s Hospital so they can enjoy making cards for their friends or family. Just want to put a smile on their faces
A goal I have for 2016 is declutter
My goal for 2016 is kindness.
My goal for 2016 is to write down a memory at the end of everyday to save in memory box.
My goal for 2016 is to be more vocal about what I’m feeling.
My goal for 2016 is to clean out the garage and utility room.
My goal for 2016 is to get more sleep by going to bed earlier.
My 2016 goal is GRATITUDE…
My goal in 2016 is to become more proficient at paper crafting.
My goa; for 2016 is tobe very grateful even of seemingly small things like raindrops, nature and people next to me I might not know.
Day 6 – my goal is ‘organize’ the craftroom.
My goal for 2016 is to be more adventurous.
I want to be organized in 2016.
My goal for 2016 is to lose weight.
My goal for 2016 is to create quicker.
Hi Becca, my goal for 2016 is more walking.
Nancyd xx
My goal is exercise!
My goal for 2016 is to craft more.
My goal for 2016 is to be more courageous.
My goal for 2016 is to get my house ready to sell.
My goal for 2016 is faith.
my goal for 2016 is FUN.
Hugs Theresa (TOB) x
My goal for 2016 is to not be so stressed.
My goal for 2016 is to organize all of my photos by putting them into albums and getting them off of the computer onto dvd’s.
More patience
You cards are gorgeous
My one goal for 2016 is health.
A goal I have for 2016 is to help anyone that needs it!
A goal I have for 2016 is to have fun every day
My goal for2016 is to start early with my Christmas cards.
Jane B.
My goal for 2016 is to try and understand people better!
My goal for 2016 is sorting through my craft room and getting it all organized, getting rid of duplicates and cutting back to a smaller supply! I think I have enough kits to make about 300 Christmas cards and who knows how many birthday and anniversary cards. Time to cut back a bit!
My goal for 2016 is to get organized.
My goal for 2016 is to produce more crafts.
thanks Becca for the chance to win!
My gold for 2016 is to share more with others
In 2016 I will “create” more with my stash.
My goal is work harder!
My goal for 2016 is health , happiness and spend more time crafting.
My goal for 2016 is to return to my routine of regular exercise that will help keep my MS in remission and I’ll have energy to try and make some of the beautiful crafts you make!
My goal for 2016 is: ond daily random act of kindness, big or small.
My goal for 2016 is be more optimistic.
My goal is patience’s.
Another goal for 2016 is not to get so stressed out.
I’m working on organization in 2016
My goal for 2016 is unique. I want to blend my love of pop up cards and 3D paper craft with the new techniques I’ve learned to create a unique style.
My goal for 2016 is helping
My goal for 2016 is more crafting to be more rellaxed and happy.
My goal for 2016 is peace.
My goal for 2016 is to be adventurous.
My goal for 2016 is to spend more time with my loved ones
My goal is 2016 is to expand my cardmaking techniques.
My goal in 2016 is organize.
You’ve created so many beautiful new dies! One of my goals for 2016 is to prioritize. Put the right things first, and get more done.
My goal for 2016 is to read your blog every day!
My goal for 2016 is to be Mindful
love more
My sixth goal for 2016 is creativity to doing amazing things on cardmaking, scrapbooking and many other aspects of my life!
My eighth and last goal for 2016 is self-confidence. The most important thing to be happy and striving to fulfill their dreams.
My goal is to scrapbook some grandchild photos.
My goal for 2016 is patience. To take time fore me and not be in such a rush try to do so many things into one day. It seems the more I do the more I am needed to do.
I really need to get my crafting room organized.
My goal for 2016 is KINDNESS!!!!
I love it when people go out of their way to be kind to me. My husband is great example of this. I need to be more like him. So this is my goal for this year.
Becca, you are a wonderful example of this also.
Thank you for the kindness in sharing these dies with all of us, and giving us the opportunity to win one. Your cards inspire me all the time.
Good-luck to everyone.
Meditate after reading
My goal for 2016 is mental health. It is time to take back my life. This is my year to love myself!
My goal for 2016 is to get organized!
My goal for 2016 is to be more creative
My goal for 2016 is to get healthier.
My goal for 2016 is “AmazingPaperGrace” daily! :)
My goal for 2016 is to make someone happy.