Hi there friends, I’m going through messages left for me and am picking up on quite a few questions about the Minc Machine; I thought it best to devote a post to cover the most repeated questions. I recently did a tutorial to show you how to use your Minc Machine to create borders and detail from diecuts that you can see HERE.
A minc machine is a small device that through heat will allow you to adhere the appropriate foil to a toner based image.
There are several machines readily available on the market made by American Crafts; I’m most familiar with the ones branded by Heidi Swapp and purchased mine online with Michaels. The Minc machine I chose has a 13″ opening and a new mini versionthat has a 6″ opening. Others have tinkered around with laminator machines to get similar results. The bottom line is Enough Heat + Quality Toner = Success.
You will want a laser printer/scanner combo that gives you a pristine copy as the amount, quality and density of toner adhered to the paper is what determines a large part of success with foiling.
My recommendation is to walk into an Office Supply Store and print a black and white copy on to run of the mill copy paper, then take it home and run it through your Minc machine. I tried this on several printers in Office Depot and they were only too happy to help. Because there are variables in each printer as far as toner and heat, you really won’t know unless you test it. Most printers can be purchased on site or you can take your endeavor online once you have a model number you like. Keep in mind this is one of a few variables that go into successful mincing and if you can get the right toner from the start, it will be easy to trouble shoot any issues that pop up.
If you are getting a printer that has a scanner combo (so that you can photocopy your dies to cut them and create borders) please be sure that it does not shink the copy. You can check this by taking a fair sized die, like a square, to the store with you. Compare the copy to the die by laying over top to assure they are identical. In the printer, adjust the settings to be a 100% reproduction and any options to scale should not be checked.
- Toner – You want the the most opaque toner coverage possible so I recommend testing with plain papers that do not have coatings. A good printer will fuse the toner with the paper. If you are getting spotty coverage, it is likely that the toner has not made a stable bond with the paper.\
- Temperature – The Minc machine has several heat settings. Turn the machine on and although you are ready to minc within a couple of minutes, I find better results if I’ve left the machine on for about 5 minutes before minc’ing. I find that setting #3 works for most of my applications. I have corrected previously bad applications by raising my heat setting by 1.
- Thickness – The paper that will completely clear your printer is the best thickness and is likely to be up to 65 lbs. I’ve had great success using Neenah Classic Crest Smooth 80 lb paper in my printer. I unfortunately have not been able to use 110 lb paper – although I can get it through the printer, the toner does not effectively fuse to the paper so the result is a spotty application.
- Texture – Smooth papers with no coatings work best. I tempted fate by trying a linen textured paper that yielded spotty results. Upping the temperature by 1 made for a better application but not perfect.
- Trial – Test first! Test on plain paper before mincing on your final project especially if you are trying something different :-)
Foil covers anything that has toner on it before running it through the minc machine otherwise the toner will come off on your carrier sheet.
There are no wrinkles in your foil and your pieces are not overlapped, these tiny things keep the foil from transferring.
I’ve had a great deal of success using a Canon Laser Printer that is very old, purchased back in 2008 for which I only purchase Canon toner. Most laser manufacturers carry cartridges for only about 7 years so I wouldn’t want you to purchase what I’m using. But, if you are having problems and think it’s your printer toner or want something to compare it to – drop me a line from the contact tab at the top of my blog and I’ll send you a copy made from my printer for you to test against yours.

If you are using a minc machine and you have a solid printer or printer/scanner combination that gives you pristine results – send me a note through my contact tab. I’ll be trying to compile a list of great printer/toner combinations.

My best case scenario – I spend it with family. Worse case – I spend it alone. This Christmas there may be only a few of us together as finances are a bit strained this year. On the up side, though, I PLAN TO MAKE THE BEST OUT OF WHATEVER SITUATION INTO WHICH I AM PLACED :) Hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas! This card is beautiful as always. Love the navy a white.
P.S. What dies did you use here?
Hi Earlene, I hope you get your ‘best case scenario’. I know how you feel, we are having money problems at the moment too. My love and prayers to you, from Patricia xx
Thanks for the love Patricia. My prayers to you and yours, also!
Hi Becca, Another beautiful card. Looking forward to see all you been working on.We spend a very quite Christmas as all my family live far away, we will be getting together this Saturday for our Christmas.Merry Christmas to you and your family hope you have a great one. Hugs Yvonne
This is such a beautiful card Becca! Can’t wait to see all that you’re working on!! We like to spend Christmas day in a very quiet relaxed way with just our family.
Absolutely beautiful card. Christmas day is mostly spent eating. Family is coming for lunch and then I assume football! Just fun being together! Merry Christmas to you!
Having my Sis in law over this Christmas to stay, as she has never ever been invited out for Christmas , she has always had folk to hers, she lives quite a few miles away from us ,so my Hubby will meet her off the train.A beautiful card Becca , i so love your work.
God Bless
Elaine H X
Love the the pin and pearls and flower accents on the die cuts of your card. Not sure how the days, hours pass by so fast. I see started projects but not completed. No wonder my husband thinks I do nothing. Hoping to get my preliminaries to my accountant so I can wrap up house cleaning, and start on a menu. At least the tree is up and decorated and the cat has claimed his place below. :) remembering why there is Christmas.
We are always looking for the blue skies. Lovely card.
Oooh, really??? Days and days of posts?? Best. Christmas. Present. Ever!
Love the card above..so pretty…that pale yellow is the perfect color accent to the deep blue, imo. Sentiment is lovely…mmm
We will take family Christmas down to our DD daughter’s group home Christmas morning to open stockings and presents and have breakfast then return home. At some point, there will be an extended family get-together…she doesn’t do well in that kind of setting.
It will be wonderful….and I pray that however your family gathers this first Christmas without Ben, the days will be full of grace, shared laughter among the grief, sweet memories among the pain of loss. Blessings,
Hello Becca,
What a lovely card and I love dark blue and cream or white.
Christmas Day here is spent with the family. I cook but we all go to Church first for the Christmas morning Service. Nice to remember the true meaning of Christmas amidst everything else! May I wish you and your family a very Happy Christmas and many thanks for your inspiration throughout 2015.
Love Myra xxx
we go to the grands a few days early and open presents and have lunch then head the 2+ hrs down the road so we can get our fur baby from boarding. we also go to Christmas Eve mass.
Beautiful card, Becca. Thanks for showing these “old-timers” to remind us to continue using our older dies in creative ways. You ROCK!
How I spend Christmas Day is sharing gifts and eating special food with family. There is usually some football in there along the way….
Christmas Eve is for church, celebrating with other believers the miracle of God coming to earth for our salvation through the person of Jesus Christ.
This year is going to be different. We have two children who are both married. One lives across the country. We will be having brunch at my son’s house on Christmas day with his mother in law. My daughter is arriving the 26th so we will do Christmas then.
Beautiful card, so elegant. We go to my daughters house and all the family gathers and some friends. This year we are also having the new Anglican priest and family that just moved from Pittsburgh and an elderly person from a mission project the church supports. So it will be chaotic but fun.
Beautiful card creation Becca. Love navy and ivory together. Christmas Day we grandparents spend the day at daughters house eating and chatting the whole day from 10:00 to however long we can make it. When there’s snow we take the babies out for a snow stroll. (Babies are now 16 -21!) then we quietly return home and breathe. Wonderful wonderful times.
We are always with family — try to remember the real reason for the season.
Beautiful card, Becca! My family will be coming here Christmas day as well as a few friends, so it should be good. We will play some games, open gifts and enjoy a nice dinner. My best wishes to you and your family.
I spend it with a friend who is more like a sister. We exchange gifts, eat, listen to Christmas music, and then eat some more. LOL!! My family does not get together until sometime after the actual Christmas day — sometimes as late as mid-January. It just makes the holidays last that much longer!
After several cards using your new dies, I see you have posted a card featuring an older die. I know because I have this die. It’s beautiful done in blue & white. (Maybe it’s cream like the bow. Pictures may not reveal all.)
Not that we are retired & live in a state separate from most of my family, we have made some new traditions. Most of our friends go home to be with grandchildren. Since we have none, we stay here. Our one son comes to see us & we have taken to going to a movie after dinner. We don’t really do presents anymore.
This year our son is going traveling to New Zealand, so we have different plans. We have some newer friends who also remain. We are going to get together for dinner, chatting, and then will play some cards. It will be a great time just to be together!
Merry Christmas, Becca!
Hi Becca. Fab card as always. This Christmas day will be spent at the in lnlaws who live next door! So no travel worries. It’s really warm here (UK) at the moment for December so no snow they say over christmas. Some parts even have daffodils in flower already! What ever your plans, and in case this is your last post before the big day, I wish you a very merry Christmas Becca and I am looking forward to your 2016 dielights. Thanks for all your 2015 posts. Most informative and inspiring as ever. Thank you.
Gorgeous card Becca!
I spend Christmas with family, neighbors and friends.
Beautiful card! Plan on having parents, my children and their families here for Christmas dinner and great time. Christmas is a gift from God giving us Jesus to show us the way to heaven. Will be in prayer that our main focus can still be Jesus. When it gets to hectic close your eyes and take a deep breath and visualize Jesus wrapping his arms around you giving you a hug. He is with you always. Have a blessed Christmas.
Thank you Peggy for that beautiful timely reminder. The vision of Christ wrapping his arms around me has brought tears to my eyes.
God bless you Peggy, God has used you mightily today. Be encouraged!
jenny x
Thanks for that thought. It surely is a day brightener. I’ll be thinking of it at more often than Christmas day.
I am new and have never heard of this. It’s wonderful. This year has been a year of many trials for my family….also some wonderful blessings. Christmas will be spent with them and remembering how blessed we are. I have two beautiful granddaughters ages 3 and 2 (in 3 weeks), finances are tight but we will have a wonderful day for them.
Can you please tell me the die you used and is it considered intricate? I hope that is not a silly question. It’s beautiful and I would love to get one if it is available when finances permit.
Wishing everyone a very blessed Christmas!
This will be a very unusual Christmas Day for us. It will be the first one in a very long time that my husband and I will not have any kids or grandkids with us on Christmas Day.
I hope to spend the day resting and reflecting on what God gave by sending His Son to be our Redeemer…making phone calls to others who are alone on Christmas Day…spreading some cheer where I can.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
What a beautiful card. I love the navy and cream.
On Christmas I spend the day with my husband, children and grandchildren and we just enjoy the companionship of each other.
Another lovely Becca card! We always spend Christmas with our family. Sometimes the gathering is smaller, depending on plans our married children have, but is always centered with family and food. I always make a cranberry jello salad in loving memory of my husband’s Gramere’ (it’s made with ruby Port, a recipe she always made for us). She was such a joy to us and we still miss her so much, even after 20 some years.
What a beautiful card, Becca. I’m so happy we’re going to see more of your lovely creations because every single one is exceptional!
We spend Christmas with my son and family. This includes my two grandchildren, Noah and Emma. My daughter will sometimes fly in for Christmas from Minnesota but she came for Thanksgiving this year so we won’t get to be with her. This year, our Christmas will be blessed with my 84 year old Mother being with us. She arrives on Monday and I’m so excited to see her. I haven’t seen her since my accident in January. We had planned to have a big Christmas celebration but our plans changed dramatically just before Thanksgiving when my previously healthy husband developed heart problems. He has been diagnosed with severe complications of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. We are currently at Mayo Hospital for more testing as he is being evaluated for a heart transplant! We are still in shock but are thankful for God’s hand upon him because we have been told by multiple doctors that he is lucky to be alive. Since I am still in a wheelchair and my husband is severely limited for any activity, we decided to forgo decorating and all the holiday prep. Instead, we will enjoy Christmas in its true spirit with our family. While this has been a life changing 3 weeks and many challenges are ahead, we have much to be thankful for.
Merry Christmas, Becca!
Praying for you and yours, Sandra.
Another beauty Becca, but what else would we expect? Christmas Day will be spent very quietly with just my husband and myself, then early next morning, Boxing Day, we will be driving 225 miles to stay with my sister and her husband where we will then have a family affair with her son and his children. With love from Christine xx
Love the new card. Am new to your site and love your work. This Christmas my sweetie and I will be alone. I will spend the day talking to my family on the phone.
Beautiful card Becca! How are you spending Christmas Day is my question to you. We (myself and my kids) will be getting up fairly early, opening the stockings and gifts from Santa, then going to gramma and grampa’s. We will wait until my brother arrives and then open more presents and snack, then prep for supper. Hope you have as many blessings as we do! Merry Christmas!
We are so fortunate to spend Christmas Day with family – Grandparents through to Grandchildren. After all…isn’t this love what Christmas is meant to be?
With Gratitude,
Can’t wait for all the new goodies, very pretty card today too…Christmas day spend with my mother and my one sister, as she lost her husband 3 yrs ago to a stroke…and mother is a single lady again at age 70, crazy they got a divorce then…opps sorry to raddle on…have a blessed holiday season…
Hi Becca what a wonderful card. So very pretty! I spend the day with my wonderful family in Newfoundland, Canada. I live in Nova Scotia so pretty will every Christmas I travel home to spend Christmas with my family. We usually have Christmas dinner at my oldest sister’s house and supper at my youngest sister’s house. It is very busy and lots of food, but I love it! There really is no place like home! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
What a beautiful card! Christmas start out quiet and relaxing; later a lovely dinner with family with lots of fun, laughter and games.
Once again, Becca, a winner…it’s gorgeous! I spend Christmas Day with my family, and this is the first year in a long time that we won’t be hosting…the kids are taking over…lol! So hubby and I get to relax and enjoy!
I spend Christmas Day in quiet reflection. It is comforting to have wonderful memories of Christmas past!
My Comment is for a repeat December 18, 2015 and Day of Giving Friday. This is a beautiful and classic card. One I can see myself giving over and over. It crosses all genders and occasions. My Christmas this year will be spent driving to Texas to be with siblings, children and grandchildren with a cross-country trip to see my 104 year old Mother. She is amazing! I hope I inherited her DNA. You seemed to happy to spend time with your Mother and I know exactly what that means to every woman. Merry Christmas…we’re on our way tomorrow AM.
HOW BEAUTIFUL, Becca!!!!! LOVE the striking blue! We usually spend the day at home, with me usually in the kitchen. But THIS YEAR, we’re going to do the Christmas Dinner on Christmas Eve, so I can RELAX some! LOL And enjoy everything!!! ;) MERRY CHRISTMAS DEAR LADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
BEAUTIFUL card Becca..as usual.Oh if I could have your creativity just for a day!!
Christmas day is always spent with family.One of the few times a.year we all get to see each other!!
We don’t celebrate Christmas…so it’s pretty much like any other day. May get to sleep in easier, since its more unlikely any of our neighbors will show up that day…so thats kinda nice. :-)) I love our neighbors mind you…but hate being caught sleeping in, so we don’t get to all that much, just in case one of them comes wanting to use our phone or something. LOL (They are Amish…which is why we see more of them, but they are the BEST neighbor’s we’ve ever had, so I’m ok with that! )
A lovely and dramatic card today. Thank you for sharing your creation. My Christmases have changed beginning in the year 2014, a year after my husband died. I thought this year would be another alone Christmas without family around, but one of my sons will be coming to share the holiday with me. I am so blessed.
Another beauty, Becca. Many thanks for all of the inspiration this year. Can’t wait to see what you have been working on. This year my hubby and I will be spending Christmas Day quietly at home. God bless!
Beautiful card. Spending the day with my son and grandsons. I will travel to their home, about three hours away. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!!
Hi Becca. I’m back home following my holiday and now have decent wifi! Stunning card, as always. We alternate home and away for Christmas. This year we are spending with our family, who are coming to us, so a busy time for me. I had no time before I left to make favours, etc. for the table so a very busy lead up too!
Best wishes. Doreen R from Bournemouth UK
Hi Becca, I’m on the Internet again as we are staying with our children in London .
We pla to spend Christmas together,boxing day we are out for lunch.
New Year’s Day we are going out for a brunch in a castle near my daughters home .we were there last year and the decorations are out of this world,so is the buffet.
Now your card is stunning,love the colour and the flowers are gorgeous!
Looked back at your last few cards also very beautiful,so glad to be able to look at all the blogposts again.
Take care Becca, big hug from Jane B.from Spain.
The card is gorgeous, love all the details you have added like the pins. Christmas will a day spent with family enjoying each other’s company and eating way too much wonderful food.
What a gorgeous card and thank you for the chance to win it.
This year we are travelling from the UK to Canada to spend Christmas with our son and family. My young granddaughters don’t know we are coming so it will be an amazing surprise. We will be driven from the airport by our grandson who ha not long passed his driving test. We can remember helping him ride his bike not that long ago.
Have a joyous Christmas with your family.
Another beautiful card! On Christmas Day my husbands extended family all come to our house for the day. We will have about 50 members of all ages. Always a fun day! Merry Christmas!
Another gorgeous card here Becca. Sooo beautiful and elegant, and can work with just anything,
Here we always spend christmasday really nice and quiert with our family. As you probably know, we´re celebrating christmas on the evenings on the 24th, so Christmasday is always very relaxed here, so the kids can have time to enjoy their gifts and we always get leftovers from the night before, so nobody has to spend a lot of time in the kitchen either, so we just all stay relaxed and just enjoy each others compagny that day, and it´s always a day we all really enjoy, from kids to oldies.
A very Merry Christmas to you and yours too, I hope, it´ll be a wonderful time for you all in each others good compagny.
We usually spend Christmas day with family, opening gifts, enjoying Christmas dinner and then maybe watching some tv later in the evening. Have a wonderful holiday season with your family and friends.
Once again a wonderful card, Becca!
Love the way you have used the dies :))
Christmas Day we meet with the whole family and have a Christmas dinner together. We always have a good time together.
But we have a daughter who lives in the States who is not able to join us this year, and thinking of that makes me feel a little sad :(
A Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Your card is so very beautiful. Thank you. Some years we are alone for Christmas Day and then we enjoy a nice Chinese dinner at a local restaurant. Other times we are with our children or other family for controlled chaos which we also love.
A blessed Christmas to you and your family.
Beautiful card Becca. Holidays are such a busy time and I absolutely love them. Christmas is always at our house, so everyone spends Christmas Eve night here so when all the little ones wake up to find Santa has made his usually deliveries right here. We wake up Christmas morning to excited little ones anxious to open there gifts and check their stockings and make sure Santa has had his milk and cookies. After we have all opened up the gifts, we sit down to a mid morning breakfast. Then it is off to church. When we return the kitchen starts humming as we begin to start preparations for our Christmas Dinner. Everyone sits around snacks and plays with all the wonderful new toys that Santa has brought. It is always a wonderful time spent with family and close friends and surrounded with all the grandchildren, nieces and nephews and their excitement. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas Becca.
We will be traveling to Argentina to spend it with family. My boys haven’t seen the grandparents in two years, so it is time. Have a wonderful Merry Christmas and a New Year fill with health, love, laughter and health!
GORGEOUS card Becca!!!! You are so sweet to give it away…would love to display it on my shelf!!!
Paper Hugs,
We used to have Two family Christmases-One with the Local Family who were still in town and then at a later time we would have another one with those who were out of town for Christmas visiting the rest of the family.
Then last October we lost my Dear Father-in-law so one niece took over Thanksgiving and the other niece is starting a new Christmas Tradition this years Celebrating their Italian roots.
We most likely will still get together as a Big Family for a later Christmas but it will never be the same without Pa Bear. Since I have been ill most of the year this year I have not had a chance to even get started on Gifts yet so we may even end up with a Third Christmas this year :o)
This card is gorgeous! This would be lovely to give to my Mother-in-law who has moved out of town. She and my father-in-law had been married for 60 years. Yesterday was her birthday she just turned 87.
Christmas Day is usually quiet for us. We have very limited family now, and closest relatives are always with their children. Our very devoted and loving nephew and his family (twin boys 10 and a princess who is 14) will be coming the day after Christmas. So we feel blessed to have them visit. They always make the 7 hour drive each year to be with us. But I get up early on Christmas Morning, and make homemade cinnamon rolls (tradition for years now). We sit around the tree, and I read St. Luke’s version of the birth. It’s nice to reflect on what Christmas really is, and then we exchange a few gifts, then relax before dinner with our neighbor who is widowed. It is a beautiful day, always, even when it’s cold and gray. We love the Christmas season.
Your card is amazingly beautiful. I want to try to make one, perhaps tomorrow. Thanks for sharing it with us. You really do such beautiful work. And Happy Christmas!
Great card. You always know exactly how much embellishment to add to your cards to make them just perfect! I so enjoy seeing each and everyone you make. Thanks for the inspiration!
Beautiful card Becca. It will be on my to do list today. What an easy question today. Not much has changed since my grown children were born 43 years ago. Instead of them coming down the steps they come over in the cars. They still come over early morning to a room full of gifts. We snack on sweets, listen to the beautiful Christmas music, take a few cat naps eat somemore and just sit around enjoying family time.
Hi Becca super card as always ,l spend christmas day with my daughter and her family as they live near us it,s just a nice family christmas, hope you have a good time and a great new year hugs linda
Beautiful card! Will spend Christmas with family and friends.
This year we will be spending early morning with our son and his family for Christmas breakfast and in the afternoon we will be going to a friend’s house for dinner. Our children and grandchildren come to our house on Christmas Eve afternoon for presents and dinner then we all attend Christmas Eve service at our church.
Merry Christmas to you, Becca, and may God bless you in the year ahead.
This Christmas my sister may be coming from Pennsylvania and we will spend the day together talking and enjoying each other.
Up until 1993, I spent every Christmas with my parents. No matter where I was working, I’d be home for Christmas. When they died, I started spending Christmas Eve going to midnight services with dear friends and spending Christmas dinner with them. Most of the time we have quite a combination of family and friends getting together; sometimes it is a small crowd. It is always “family,” though.
We don’t exchange gifts. We read the story of Jesus birth. We eat, we play games, we watch football and we eat again. Maybe play more games. Love being together with the family.
Oh Becca what a work of art this card is – Love it!
We will be spending Christmas day with family, starting when we all attend church, and this year followed by a BBQ dinner which my daughter is hosting. There will be 11 of us in all :-) and we pool taking the food so there is no great burden on any one person.
Morning Becca and merry Christmas to you and your family. How do I spend Christmas, Well I am blessed to have my granddaughter here so get to see the delight when she see’s her Santa things. then for the first time I also have my other grandchildren living close by so will go and see them open their Santa things and then at night I will have all my family come to me and we will enjoy our Christmas Dinner together.
Hugs Trish.
Not having any little ones in the family – it’s going to be a quiet christmas Day. I will go out for supper with my daughter and her husband that day. We are having our family Christmas tomorrow because the granddaugher will be spending the Christmas weekend at her in-laws. things get so mixed up around the holidays – I would like to just forget the whole thing.
Merry Christmas
Christmas morning we open gifts then it’s our tradition to make brunch. We gather around the table and thank Jesus for All he has done though out the year. Then later in the early evening our God daughters and their mom come over for snacks and dessert. The fun starts all over again!
Hello Becca,
Another truly gorgeous card from you today. Thank you.
My husband and I spend Christmas and Boxing Day with our daughter, husband and two young granddaughters, and I love it. Boxing Day evening we usually go to my Brother’s but he died in July so his wife is hosting the evening on the 28th Dec instead. Then, all his family and my small one get together and enjoy ourselves.
I hope you get to spend time with your family, as there will be one missing from yours as well this year.
love Maureen
Good morning Becca, Oodahlally I can’t wait!! Gorgeous card!!!
Christmas Day will be spent with my mum, both my daughter’s Emma and Michelle their partners Mike and Paul both my Grand children Evie Grace and George also Paul’s dad Bob but we call him Bobrico and I can’t wait!!! I hope yours is good too!!!
Have a good one Becca!!!
Loopy Lynda xxx
This is turning out to be an abnormal Holiday but one I will truly remember. My darling In Laws decided to come out for the holidays and let us know only two weeks ago BUT asked us not to tell anyone else in the family so they can surprise everyone. They live 1500 miles away so it will be a wonderful surprise for all. We are having the Annual Family Get together tomorrow and I imagine there will be a couple of dropped jaws. We were told to bring joke gifts and we are bringing them as ours. (we actually got extra goodies for that part but gotta have fun….) Cannot wait!
Spend Christmas Day with family. Another beautiful card hope you and your family have a great day.
beautiful card!!! lol, eating too much at my daughter’s house and spending time with family.
With family, unwrapping gifts and eating some good food. We love playing games, listening to music and drinking hot chocolate and wassil
Hi, Becca,
Beautiful card and I can’t wait to see everything you have been busy creating!
Christmas Day is spent with family and friends. I have a big family and am fortunate to have a niece and her husband who love to cook and host our dinner. It’s a house full – filled with delicious food, gifts and lot of love.
Love and blessings to you and yours,
Getting ready for the family dinner on “Boxing Day”. We usually spend the Saturday after Christmas with everyone so they can do their own family stuff and visit the other Grandparents. I love this card and the beautiful blue paper. Merry Christmas to you and your family and I wish you all the best in the New Year!
Elegant!! Spending my favorite time of the year with my wonderful family!!
Beautiful card. we spend the day together. Its been a little different since my Dad passed away We will have Christmas at our house and then my Mom and Sister and her son will come over for Lunch and Dinner. this will be the first time since our kids we have it at our home. thanks and Have a Beautiful and Happy Christmas.
We have the kids and grandkids come Christmas morning to open presents and I make Cinnamon Rolls with Chocolate Milk and Orange Juice. Then we go to my sisters house (this year in our PJs) for dinner and more fun with all the grandkids!
Wow! what a wonderful card. I am sure that any recipient would consider it as gift to save and treasure.
My Christmas?…..well, I lost my beloved husband just a week ago after a short illness. Everyone is so kind and there have been many, many invitations to spend Christmas with family and friends but I have decided (100%) to stay home and ponder on our happy life together. To talk and sing out loud and laugh and cry out loud and pray and be grateful that my husband had an easy passing to his eternal reward. He knew he was dying and was absolutely at peace – such an amazing man. I cannot rebel at his passing, I am thankful for his short illness because he was able to say and do what he needed to and then quietly slip away to the arms of Jesus. Inevitably life will be much more difficult for me now – but I will NOT be alone.
Becca, best wishes to you and your family for a sweet, memorable Christmas.
With love, Mary Mac
Beautiful card. I spend Christmas celebrating with family…we usually keep things very quiet.
Becca, what a beautiful card! We spend Christmas Eve with our daughter and boyfriend. We make lots of snacks and spend a relaxing evening at home. Christmas Day , it’s Mass and home to more food!
This year we are spending Christmas day with both kids and families at my sons house. It will be so fun with 2 crawling grandbabies and a 2 year old! I can’t wait to see what you have been working on! Merry Christmas Becca!
Beautiful card. I love the elegant, elaborate style, yet it’s not over the top like some I see. It still speaks of simplicity in it’s core elements. The color combination is one of my favorites. Yellow roses are my favorite any day!
Sorry I forgot to answer the question. I usually spend it crafting with my friends and family since we don’t celebrate Christmas. We have a great time having a day just to do what we want and not doing housework or errands (especially since most places are closed).
Lovely card, as usual Becca. What I wouldn’t give to have your talent. We spend Christmas Day with our sons and daughters in law. Our daughter lives in Arkansas and doesn’t make the trip. Dinner, dessert and gifts are all done here. One of these years these old bones won’t be able to do it and will have to decide what happens then. Have a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year.
Your work fits so well with your blog name because it is always amazing to me. I love your work and would be tickled pink should I win any of your fabulous cards. I try all your tutorials and on occasion I will try to mimic your work. Keep up the good work and stay strong in your faith for it encourages others to do the same.
Oh I forgot to answer the question. This year I will be spending Christmas with friends and sharing with others the gift of giving through the teaching of Christ’s word.
I love the card! I spend Christmas day working at the hospital so my co-workers who have small children, or grandchildren can be off with them. Blessings, Lisa
How fortunate am I. Spending Christmas with my family who live just across the driveway from me. So it’ll take a LOT of snow for us not to be together. The best is watching granddaughters open their presents, and then help Mom and Grandma (me) get dinner ready. We pray for those less fortunate.
Another beautiful card. We are off to spend Christmas with our son, daughter-in-law and 3 grandchildren who live a 5 hour flight away. Haven’t seen them since last Christmas, just can’t wait. Christmas day will be spent very casually relaxing by their pool and just catching up with lots of hugs. Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas. x
Beautiful card. Saw a preview of your new dies on the Spellbinder site and can’t wait until I can get them. Many, many years ago, as my sisters and I got married, we started having a Christmas breakfast with our parents. This way lunch could be spent with the in-laws. Now my sisters and I have children, grandchildren and our parents are gone, we still carry on the tradition of our Christmas breakfast. Our in-laws are deceased, so lunch is now with our children and grandchildren. Our 3 yr old grandson can’t wait to sing Happy Birthday to baby Jesus!
I usually spend several hours preparing a special Christmas meal with posole, tamales, turkey n fixing, ham, pies, etc. I love cooking for the family. And a long day of rest on the 26th!
Good evening Becca,
Busy week, lots going on and trying to finish the “special” cards for my son and 2 grandchildren who both will be home this year. Having everyone for dinner (lasagna) on Christmas day and a bunch of friends of Christmas morning breakfast. Christmas eve morning has a new (3 year old) tradition co-chairing a “Stress Buster 5K Fun Run” for our historical playground fundraiser. Looks to be a 3rd. year winner and that makes me so happy!
Love this beautiful blue and cream card today; would love to put it in my collection. Merry Christmas to you and your family and hope you get to spend it with your kids, Becca! Family is everything! Of course, you are like family to all of us!!
Ann Robbins
What a beautiful card! Blue and cream look so pretty together. We spend our Christmas Day by opening presents in the morning with our (yes, in their 20’s daughters). I so enjoy this with them as I know as they marry and have children this will change. Then we have breakfast with homemade bread (yes, I make it :) then it’s time for preparing a late afternoon Christmas dinner for my family including sisters, nieces and nephews, brother-in-laws. What a fun day being with each other and being thankful for our God sending his son for us. Merry merry Christmas to you Becca!!!
We have two of our granddaughters living with us this year so Christmas will again include Santa. We will open presents with the girls then spend time with two of our children and their families.
Lovely card, Becca, you are so talented! Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.
I spend Christmas Day with loved ones just hanging out together,and reliving memories of those whom have passed:)
Christmas is time to have a birthday party. We celebrate with those who can join us..and give thanks for Christ’s birth.
Merry Christmas
Oh Becca what a stunning card! I so can’t wait to see what is on your work table, it surely will be exquisite and I’ll go broke wanting to purchase your newest items!
Hi Becca. Beautiful card – stunning with those dies. I can’t believe how quickly Christmas is coming round this year, where does the time go? This year we are spending the day here at home with my parents and also a tea time visit from my older brother and his family :-) It will be a busy day but am so looking forward to it. Hugs xxx
Hi Becca, this is a beautiful card, we are going to one of my daughters for Christmas this year so we leave and do the rounds go to one daughter first then another then my son and then across the bridge to our destination so we have four Christmas’s f it our turn they all come to us and we have a great day with all the children together now all the rush is over we can all sit back and relax and enjoy it.
Nancyd xx
Hi Becca this year we will be having Christmas day in the bush at my Son and Daughter in laws shack in the high country .
Looking forward to spending time with family all about the real meaning of
Christmas take care Pam xxx love the card hope I am lucky enough to win it !!!
Joyous Greetings to You. Christmas day is always a family affair with our children’s families, neighbors and friends sharing a meal and fellowship. We also invite several Marines from the nearby base who don’t have family here to spend the day with us. It’s always an interesting fun day sharing our cultures and stories. It’s also a learning experience for each generation to share the day with others.
Okay Becca, another “wow” card. So elegant and those mulberry flowers are the perfect candy for your card title. Love, love, love it. Thanks for sharing.
On Christmas day we have a hurry up get together of socks and gift exxhanges with our #1son and daughter (granddaughter) and #2 son who lives wirh us (He is a quadriplegic). Then we head off to my mom’s house where we will be joined with my siblings and their spouses and family. Mom will be 91 next month and has breathing problems. We all bring a potluck dish and someone volunteers to cook up either a turkey or a ham for all of us .Then grandkids do dish duty. All mom has to do is sit back, relax and enjoy the love her family brings to her.
Now you know how I spend Christmas day, how do you spend yours?
Wishing you and yours a very blessed Christmas. Hugs,
We spend our Christmas at my place with kids, grandparents, aunts & uncles. Crazy but fun!!!
But first I will celebrate my birthday…….whats on my wishlist? Money so I can purchase some of your new fabulous dies & upgrade to the Spellbinders Platinum machine :D
Awesome card, I can’t wait to see what else you have to show us x
Hi Becca, Another beautiful card !! I am looking forward to your upcoming showcases, you are such a tease !!! haha.
Christmas Eve will be spent cleaning our Church, then Christmas Day for me, is spent at Church in the morning, then in the afternoon my hubby’s Brother comes to our house for his Christmas meal and a chat etc. Then at 3pm I always watch The Queen’s Speech (UK), I usually eat more than on a normal day, but I seem to have been doing that already hahaha.
God Bless You and your Family.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
As a Lutheran, we have spent many Christmas mornings worshiping at our church.
What better place to say Happy Birthday, Jesus, since He is the Reason for the Season.
As I’ve gotten older, the first half of the day has become very peaceful and quiet which my husband and I find very enjoyable. A special breakfast; nothing too elaborate… My children have developed traditions of their own with their children and grandchildren for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. My fun is in the time before when I go shopping with my granddaughters, do crafts for the holiday (many with them), and enlist family
help in putting up my decorations inside and out. Then, on Christmas Day evening we get together with my youngest daughter & her husband who invite family, extended family and friends for a bring-a-dish supper and gift exchange, usually about 50 people. My daughter and son-in-law do it so seemingly effortlessly that it is a real pleasure. BTW, I have the die used here and think this card would be a great project to start off my paper crafting class at the Senior Center in January. Wouldn’t it be great to have your card as an example to show them?! I hope for all the season’s best for you and yours, Becca. You have been a wonderful inspiration to me over the years and you just keep getting better. Blessings & Hugs.
Good afternoon Becca,
Oh how i do love this card with the navy, white and with the pale lemon ribbon and flowers which just finish it off to perfection. It reminds me off a Jacques Vert suit that i have which is navy with lemon embroidered flowers at the waist of the pencil skirt and at the lapels of the jacket, it is so striking and this beauty reminds me so much of it. Thank you Becca for your year of beautiful creations and i am sending gentle hugs to you and your family and thoughts and prayers for your missing loved ones.
Love and crafty hugs
Norah (Glenochil Village, Scotland)
Beautiful as ever, can’t wait to see what you’ll create next!
Gorgeous! It’s a day of rest for me.
I leave the Christmas Tree on all night Christmas Eve (I sleep by the tree. I love to wake up to the glowing lights). I say Happy Birthday Jesus! I usually hang-out with my sister and her family, until they make me tired; then I go home, watch football, and continue to eat til’ I feel ill.
Beautiful creation as always…
I used to celebrate Christmas with a family reunion. But since coming to a country where Christmas isn’t celebrated, I just cook for me and my hubby. Sometimes there are friends who come to our flat to celebrate but it’s very rare.
Hi Becca, thanks for showing us a lovely card yet again. You give us such inspiration. I usually have my parents over at Christmas but this year Dad is housebound so they can’t get over. We are on a farm here in the UK so we have to tend to the animals. It will be quite a sad Christmas for us but I guess you will know what that feeling is like. Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas. We can only trust in the Lord.
Love Julie x
Beautiful Card!! I know this is late, I was shoping Friday. This year I am going to spend Christmas with our dear friend Deb!! K will be in your neck of the woods
Pretty card Becca, I am anxious to try this one. Our Christmas Day is spent early morning at my daughters house to open presents and enjoy hot chocolate and eat monkey bread. Then we head home, only 3 blocks away and I start setting the dinner table and start to prepare dinner. We all enjoy a good dinner and dessert then all collapse on the sofas for a rest time. Merry Christmas to you, Becca, and all the peeps on the blog. GOD BLESS US EVERYONE!
Every year we have invited friends from work and church- some believers in Jesus as their Savior and others not. Its always been a delightful time in shariing the true meaning for Christmas for us. Its interesting that some of the non believers return every year as though they are members of our family and are welcomed as such. This year we are up to 25!!!
Love this different, beautiful look! Very classic colourway.
We start the day at Midnight Communion, remembering our Saviour’s birth, as the reason for Christmas is so often squeezed out of Christmas Day with all the present opening and feasting. in the morning, we light the Christingle oranges, play Christmas carols and open presents.
We spend Christmas Day with family and in the evening have the annual Christmas quiz – quite a fixture!
In whichever way you spend your Christmas, I hope you have a blessed time.
Anne (UK) x