Saving the Written Word
If you’re not familiar with 30 Days of Giving and how to win you can read about it HERE.Good morning friends! I wanted to share one of my favorites quotes about legacy, it give me goosebumps. As cardmakers, scrapbookers, photographers, crafters this is what we do. I hope you’re proud :-) I did want to mention that technology is not bad but it does give us a security that’s kinda scary. I embrace technology but take pause when we put it in charge of our memories, pictures and sentimental treasures. Hopefully it will coexist rather than replace the things we need to help in keeping like traditions, bookmarking the celebrations in our lives and our legacy.
To win the card shown above you must leave a comment on this post. For today’s comment – what in your opinion is an item (sent) that must be hand written?
The card that’s being given away today is shown above. Just a note – this is a card that has been shown before and there is a possibility that some of the supplies that were used are currently discontinued, no doubt there will be something you can substitute – have a look through my galleries for alternative ideas. Many things can still be found on the open market, just google and you’ll find that many retailers are still selling.
Stamps: JustRite Papercrafts – True Friends Vintage Labels Four
Paper: Neenah Classic Crest -Solar White – 80lb Smooth, Prima Tea-Thyme
Ink: Versafine Onyx Black
Accessories: Spellbinders Classic Ovals SM, Spellbinders Gilded Gate Two, Spellbinders Grand Labels Twenty Three, May Arts Silk Ribbon, Recollections Pearls,
Hey friends, if you are looking for the giveaway winners page, simply look at the top menu under features and it will be the last on the list. Hugs to you, thanks for stopping by!
I think I understand your question. I always included a handwritten note in all cards that I make and send, even if I have verse stamped on the inside. It may be just a few words, but I always like to add the personal touch.
while there are many things I feel are better received in hand writing such as a sympathy, congratulations and thank you, a sincere apology in my opinion is best if hand written. I am known to type it and reread something till happy with the wording and structure than hand write it. Thank you for the wonderful cards, ideas and the chance to win one. Take care.
Another beautiful card! Thank you! In my opinion a sympathy card must always be mailed and include a hand written note.
I think love letters and thank you notes. One can write them inside a card, but I feel it should be personalized and all hand written on the inside.
Hi Becca, This card is as lovely second time around. Thanks for using past dies to remind me of the goodies I already have in my stash–rediscovering that new is not always better than the past successes in card design. Handmade cards demonstrate care and thoughtfulness toward the receiver and both sender and recipient gain. A lovely way to begin my Sunday morning. Barbara
Stunning colors! I love the shape of the card! Have a fabulous Sunday!
I believe a thank you card should be written with mention of what you’re thanking them for so you know it’s not a generic thank you card.
Without even having to think about the question – it is a Sympathy condolence.
Carol b
A thank you, a Valentine, a sympathy, an anniversary, a birthday or a get well card. There are too many to pick just one.
Beautiful card. Love the quote. I really like that you add so many pearls on your creations. It adds something to an already beautiful card.
I feel most Thank You cards need a hand written note to give the receiver the true impact of their thoughtfulness toward you.
No question~~~thank you notes!
I do not want an email thanking me for something I either gave or did that required my time, patience, or $$. I’ve received “thank you’s” by text message!!!
I think you should always include a handwritten note on Thank You cards. Thanks for sharing your beautiful cards!
When you sign your name, it should be handwritten. It looks nicer if you write it than have it typed. Thanks for a chance at another of your beautiful cards.
For my feeling, condolences must always be personalized.
I gave my husband a surprise birthday party. I made the invitations with a computer generated inside giving all the information. I also made his thank you cards and made him sit down and hand write a thank you to all his guests. We still get compliments on the party, invites and thank you notes. I think it’s important to take a little effort to show your appreciation. In my opinion it beat an email every time.
I think a hand written message compliments the hand made card. Christine (Canada)
I hand write the inside of all my cards, most of the time I don’t use a certain saying on cards, that way I can pretty much use for anytime..thanks again for sharing, I just drool over your cards…
Hi Becca, Todays card are just amazing and I already fell in love with it, when I saw it the first time. It´s really beautiful and amazing in every detail.
In my world, anything I would send as a personal card should always be written by hand. I wouldn´t do it, i it´s a job application, but any kind of card or personal note simply should be to have the personal touch. And I can also say, that all the cards I´ve ever recieved written by hand is stil here and I love to takae them out and read them over and over again.
Another gorgeous card. I love the dies used. In my opinion a thank you note MUST be hand written. Also a sympathy card.
A hand written note in a thank you card, sympathy, anniversary, even Mother’s Day as well a nice note in a Father’s Day card along with a special note in Get Well cards also.
Actually I think a hand written note in any card that is sent would be a nice thought, of which I do by the way. A hand written message is always nice to have that personal touch.
Another beautiful card.
Thanks Becca
Beautiful card!! I th
ink a thank you card should be hand written!
Another stunning card Becca! I think thank you notes should always be handwritten. A stamped or diecut thank you is fine, but a personal handwritten note must be added inside.
This gate die is a new one to me. I must have it!!
Another absolutely beautiful card!!! I definitely prefer a handwritten thank you note! Have a beautiful day Becca!!!
Becca I love your cards. I feel all gifts deserve a handwritten note of gratitude. Thank you for your beautiful cards for inspiration.
Of course cards and letters but I also think journals should be handwritten. What is the sense of writing something so personal and private if you can go back and easily erase parts at any given moment. You are not being true to yourself if you edit your thoughts.
I think that love letters should be handwritten.
Sympathy cards, in my opinion, deserve a handwritten note.
All your cards are beautiful and inspiring. I make about 150 Christmas cards every year. Even tho I include a family “newsletter”, I jot a personal note. I have never sent a card with our name preprinted. A confession: I do print up address & return labels for the envelopes!
I love this sentiment! And the font is beautiful too. Thanks, now I’m off to see if I’m a winner.
Beautiful card Becca, and LOVE the background paper. I think that a Thank You card always needs to be handwritten.
Immediately my mind springs to sympathy. I always send a card but include a handwritten note too. And in all my cards, for whatever occasion, even if I have included a verse/sentiment, I hand write the greeting. I really, really don’t like it when people send commercially bought personalised Christmas cards and don’t add anything of themselves to it. Ugh!!!!
I love the quote you have used it at the top of the post Becca. I always try to find a quote to fit the occasion and can spend hours on the internet searching for them!
Hugs Christine xxx
I just love this card! I remember it because of the so pretty patterned paper! One thing that must be handwritten when sent is a thank you note! I raised our girls to always send a written thank you after birthdays and Christmas. Even today, at ages 25 & 27, they will write their own notes. They’ve even sent them to us, her parents! Amazing! Makes my heart smile! :)
All my cards are handwritten. And so are all I recieve. Long may it continue! Love the card and verse.
Another gorgeous card with a fabulous quote. As to what I think must always be sent handwritten – any and all cards should have a handwritten note in them – whether it be a birthday greeting OR a sympathy card. I actually send out an annual Xmas letter that is typed, but every single one is added to a card that has a hand written personal note from that is more personal.
Hi Becca. I love what you do with the gate dies. They make beautiful backgrounds.
I personally prefer to write my ‘from….’ on my handmade cards. A final special personalised touch though I know many who think that to print out their names using a PC or laptop adds to the ‘professional look’. I also hand write my name on the ‘made by…’ at the back of my cards.
Another gorgeous card! I like receiving both handwritten cards, especially letters, but sadly that trend is is dying.
Becca, your card this morning is lovely. I am so enjoying this series you’re sharing on ‘Saving the Written Word’. I think it is very sad that our society has come to a place that no longer acknowledges Rules of Etiquette, or seemingly even proper manners. But, to answer your question, in my opinion, there is no plausible excuse for not sending handwritten Thank You notes. If someone takes the time to purchase, wrap, and send or deliver a gift to you, the very least they deserve in return, is a handwritten, heartfelt, note of thanks. Best wishes to you for an enjoyable day!
Good afternoon Becca,
i think you should always handwrite a thank you card or letter to letter the person know that you do really appreciate what they gave or did. A quick text or a phone call just doesn’t do it for me i’m afraid. The other one is a congratulations on your wedding or engagement or another important event like that, but the last one for me is to tell someone you’re sorry whether it be for grief or that you have done something that has deeply upset someone when you didn’t intend it to. My writing gets so many comments just because of the size of it and it is fun when someone asks for you to write something down for them. I think that is what i will most be remembered for is just how small my writing is.
I hope that you had such a good day yesterday on your wonderful unified day that the whole of America takes part in,
with love and crafty hugs
Norah (Glenochil Village, Scotland)
We always make sure that thank you notes and expressions of sympathy are handwritten notes. These stem from our belief that when a person shares of themselves with you, whether with a gift or a glimpse of their life, you should take the time to share a thoughtful (handwritten) bit of yourself with them.
Another lovely card – and I love the way you think outside of the box when you use dies!
Call me old-fashioned, but I handwrite virtually everything I send, unless it’s a business letter! It may be time consuming, but whilst I’m able to, I hope to continue to do so. I may print or stamp a greeting inside a card, but add a handwritten note. I think it means so much more to have a personal greeting.
Anne (UK) x
Any card that I send usually includes a little handwritten note. If I care enough to make and send a special card, I care enough to add a little handwritten note.
All cards and personal letters should be handwritten, I think. Beautiful card!
Every card sent should have a few handwritten words added! :) Beautiful card as always and especially love the ribbon/bow.
I believe that notes of comfort – e.g. sympathy, get well – should be handwritten.
As always your cards amaze me with their beauty! Thank you for sharing them with us.
I never send a card without a handwritten sentiment. It’s now almost too easy to find a card at the store with ‘just the right thought’ but when it’s handwritten, it shows that someone took the time to really care about you.
Another stunning card Becca. Condolence cards, get well cards and thank you cards should always have a handwritten note. x
I think at least part of the inside of a card for sympathy and thank you cards should be hand written as well as your signature for any card.
I think thank you cards should be hand written if it’s for an event like a wedding. an e-mail is fine for a party if especially if it’s from an e-vitiation.
Sympathy notes and a note of encouragement must be handwritten. Just Must. Be. Done. By. Hand. Oh – Thank yous, too.
Personally, I think all correspondance should be handwritten. But especially thank-yous and sympathy. I still have some letters written by my grandmother over a half century ago, and cherish them every time I read them. Nothing earth shattering, but it is the personal aspect of it. Now today’s children are not even taught cursive writing which I think points to the fall of society. They will be going back to the time of making an “X” instead of signing their names. I can’t tell you how devastated I was to receive a “text to landline” message on my home answering machine telling me my favorite uncle had died. The message was “uncle just died”. That was it. How personal is that?
Technology is fine, but some things still need to have the personal touch.
Such a beautiful goal! You are succeeding…one card at a time, and one card crafter at a time. Together we create many ripples of caring…
Lovely card! I would love to add it to my “Wall of Fame” where I keep cards from designers that are particular favorites. You are #1. I can’t imagine getting a Thank You that didn’t mention why it was being sent… I’ve never received one that was just signed. As an aside, I once received a Thank You for the Thank You card I had sent! I wasn’t quite sure where to go from there… I always decorate the inside of my cards but frequently only add a sentiment to the front. I like to make the inside of the card a handwritten note. I treasure cards like that myself, even handwritten recipe cards from friends and family, so I want to give that little bit of myself to whomever I am sending a card. Who knows… they may be as sentimental about such things as I am.
I always think and handcrafted cards should be written. Christmas cards, imo, should always be handwritten in as well – even if you purchase them to send.
I my opinion, the most important piece that should be handwritten is wedding thank you notes, It is so important to hand write these.
Another one would be the sympathy card. Who wants to read something that has been computerized? Handwritten is just so much more personal.
Becca, your cards are inspirational but your words are also so inspiring. Thank you for taking the time to share with us the beauty of your cards and words.
Gorgeous card today. Just love that bow. I think all cards sent should include a personal message. I especially hate receiving Christmas cards where the names of the people sending the cards are commercially printed with no personal note.
Sympathy card.
Your card is lovely, Becca. I think a Thank you not should include some have written part. It is more personal that way
Thank you cards and sympathy cards must be handwritten!. This card is just lovely.
Beautiful creation again today! Love your masterpieces! I always include a handwritten note with everything I send!
This is beautiful, as always. Plus I like that it is a bit simpler leaving the sentiment and pretty paper to take front stage. I always try to write something in each card, but I feel that sympathy and thank you cards absolutely must have something extra written “from the heart”. It is those words that the receiver will treasure.
Your cards are always stunning, I don’t think I could ever pick a favorite. I believe every card no matter the occasion should have at least a few words of your own. It shows the person you took the time and that you care. That way if their a keeper of cards like myself, they can go back and read your kind words and you can see their hand writing. Like I’ve said if your love ones are gone it’s nice to see a little familiarity and bring back wonderful memories. Thanks for always inspiring!
A note of thanks should be hand written!
Another beautiful card today. Of course you have never made one that isn’t gorgeous.
I think any card that you send to someone, should have a handwritten personal note, even if only a line.
Thank You cards must be handwritten in my opinion. I like to write in all my cards, as it makes them more personal.
Hi Becca, This card is stunning, you always seem to know what goes together beautifully and the colours to use. I love it.
I always send handwritten notes in Sympathy cards, and also in Thank You cards, and in all my family’s Birthday and Christmas cards I handwrite loving wordings for them (I ‘hope’ they keep them haha).
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Certainly a sympathy card, but much more important, the sympathy thank-you card acknowledging the memorial/flowers/gift of food the person provided for the family.
I think that sympathy cards need to be/have a hand written sentiment. They are probably the hardest thing to write, but can have so much meaning for the sender.
The one thing that I believe should be sent hand written, is a “Thank You” note! I have taught our children this & over-see that they do this….hopefully, when they are out on their own, they will continue to do this! I don’t know how many times I have sent things to people & have never received any acknowledgement that they even received it! In sending a “Thank You” note, it is acknowledging that they value you as much as you value them. That they appreciate your taking the time to make them something or send something. That they value your time. It is always nice to know that others appreciate you in return & are willing to take just a little bit of their time to put their appreciation into words.
Sympathy should definitely be handwritten. But, affirmations of friendship and love also are on my list of handwritten communications. Apologies should always be in person or handwritten.
Another beautiful card! I think a sympathy or thank you card has to be handwritten, although I always write in all my cards.
Awesome saying; thanks for sharing it. It is the perfect sentiment for what your Days of Giving represent.
In my opinion, a thank you note should be hand written. I may make a card for a thank you, but I also include a hand written note of some sort. To me, that makes it personal & shows that I care about the person who gave me the gift.
This card is just beautiful, Becca.
A sympathy card is something that should contain a hand-written note. It is a difficult note to write, but so important.
Becca, this Thirty Days of Giving was a wonderful idea. Thank you so much. Today’s note is beautiful as are all of your creations. I think that all cards should include a handwritten element. I love your Edelman quote. I’m afraid that some of these things are being lost with today’s use of technology.
I think all cards, handmade or store bought should have at least a short handwritten note (even if just to say – I’m thinking of you). To get specific on type of card, I’d say sympathy notes should always be handwritten.
I think that any thank you note should be hand written. It needs to come from the heart, and to me, have written shows its from your heart! Love your card today! Gorgeous!!!!!!!!
Another beautiful card. Thank you notes and sympathy are the cards I feel should be handwritten. Nothing is more beautiful and receiving these with a beautiful message inside.
A sympathy card gets my vote for being handwritten. Surprised by the number of votes for Thank you. I’d just be happy to receive a thank you! Beautiful card, Becca.
This card is so so beautiful. I always feel a perfect sentiment or quote completes a project. But a small handwritten note makes it more personal and adds that extra warmth.
I always hand write a sympathy card I make (try not to buy any) and also hand write any card I make with a note and usually a longer letter with anniversary and birthday cards to the people out of town that we don’t get to visit with.
On hand written is always enjoyable to receive. It is very warm, do not forget this card I want to keep forever.
I believe Thank you cards always need to be hand written.
I have a friend who makes her cards. She will even mail me a hand written thank you, if we scrap at my house. I need to send her one, when I scrap at her house, also.
Thanks for the chance to win one of your Amazing cards.
Hi Becca super card ,l think if you are sending a card or letter it should always be hand writen to show you care
You do the most amazing things with those gate dies! I love how you have layered it here in this card.
As for something that should always be hand written, number one in my book is love letters. This is followed closely by thank you notes. It is so meaningful to write your thanks to someone in expression of your appreciation.
Going back to love letters, in this day of instant communication, youngsters now days will never know the anticipation and excitement of waiting for a loved one’s letter. It would hold lovely sentences of devotion and admiration and sweetness that you could read over and over and over.
Notes of thanks and of sympathy should ALWAYS be handwritten.
I love that quote! And how very true it is!
As for my opinion for the comment today, I would have to say that if you are going to send someone a personal letter, it MUST be handwritten. So many people will use a computer to compose their letters, and that’s so impersonal. I really believe that if you are taking the time to write someone, why not show you care enough to take the time to write it out in your own hand! It means so much more!
Beautiful card Becca!
Every card I send is handwritten on the inside. A lot of thought and effort go into a handmade card, so I believe a handwritten message beyond the traditional “Happy Birthday” or “Thank You” goes a long way in letting the recipient know how much you care.
In my opinion I think that letters-poems-feelings whether hard felt or happy moments should be handwritten. I have a letter from a niece she must have been about 10 years old and her words are so touching. No matter what amount of money I was offered I would never depart with them “they are priceless.” Have a blessed Sunday Becca.
Invitations should be done by hand and sent in the mail! It shows the recipient that you value their presence at the event.
Hi Becca, Great card.Wish I had your talent.
Hi Becca,
I always send a personal written message in all my get well, thank you and sympathy cards. These are definitely ones which you must show the receipent of the card your inner feelings.
I don’t remember seeing this card before but it is sure a beauty! Love it. Hope you had a wonderful 4th and were showered with family and friends, food and patriotism. God Bless you and God Bless the U.S.A.
Ann Robbins
Letters of course have to be handwritten and I don’t like the idea of printed inserts in greetings cards, which I have often received! If you are going to the trouble (not in a bad sense!) of making a handmade card, it deserves a further personal touch of a handwritten message inside.
Doreen from Bournemouth UK
I think that sympathy cards should definitely be handwritten. I guess that one should at least include a handwritten note in any kind of a card. Something personal. I don’t put “quotes” in my cards. I use a blank sheet of paper most of the time so that the person purchasing the card can write what they want.
Oh my, I think an item (sent) that must be hand written would be a sympathy card. I hate to have to send them, but I am glad I can fit the card to the person that passed, or the person that will receive the card. Unfortunately I had to make one this week. One of my best friends husbands fell getting ready for church last Sunday and that was it! To quote another friend, we should always be packed up, prayed up, & ready to go! Thank you so much Becca for giving all of us a chance to win one of your beautiful cards. I must also tell you what a gift it is to have won the 3rd card of your 30 days of giving! Blessings, Lisa
Hi Becca,
Gorgeous card as always. For me something that must be handwritten would be a love letter or even something simple as a Birthday card, or any greeting card really i.e. thank you card. Something that needs to show thought has gone into it.
Love & hugs
Jacquie J xxx
I just LOVE this Saving the Written Word series…so glad you thought of it Becca.
I think any card sent should have a handwritten note inside, even if there is a stamped sentiment. ESPECIALLY those that are “thinking of you” type cards, as well as those for thank yous and sympathy.
I feel that any kind of card that is sent to someone must be hand written. If you are taking the time to send it then the recipient deserves a hand written note with it.
Your card is gorgeous!
Thanks for another beautiful card, Becca.
I always include a handwritten note in my homemade cards, I think that makes the message more personal than written on the computer.
I think all cards and letters should have a handwritten note inside. I’m new to your site. Your cards are beautiful.
I would also like to thank my friend, Lisa for telling me about your site.
I’ve always believed that the one handwritten acknowledgement that is a must is a Thank You note. Whatever generous or gracious act was extended to you should definitely be acknowledged by at least a simple thank you note letting the giver know you appreciated the gift, thought, time and energy spent getting it and just remembering you. Receiving a thank you note always leaves a warm spot in my heart knowing that the thought was well received.
Another beautiful card. Hope to win one it would be a treasure.
A sympathy card absolutely must be handwritten
I just love this card Becca, it is beautiful!
I think if you send any card there should be a hand written message.
Anything else just doesn’t feel right to me .
Whoever opens that card needs to feel special and a handmade card and a personal message can make that happen!
Any card of condolence, well wishes, or holiday greetings should be hand-addressed and also signed by hand.
Love letters need to be hand-written. I’m all for loving emails and texts. I have a text I treasure sent by our son a couple days before his wedding – I wrote it out on paper to keep in my wallet. However, electronics have a way of losing the very things I want to keep. Computer printouts just don’t convey the closeness of emotion that pen-to-paper does.So, for these reasons, love letters, and heart-felt letters to your children/parents, need to be hand-written.
Dear Becca,
I believe it is best(for me) to hand write a note of sympathy. When people are at their lowest ebb, it’s still giving a part of myself to them when perhaps they feel quite alone. It also offers them the opportunity to reread a sentiment and perhaps it functions as a lasting encouragement when no one is around or available. That’s my hope, anyhow. I know I’ve reread cards many times from family and friends. It’s a precious thing to see their heartfelt words… even years after it was given!
I head a hard time narrowing it down to one. I think there are many, but the Top 3, for me: Sympathy, Apology, Thank You. I’m glad you are going back to your oldies (but Goodies!) Cards.
there is something about handwritten notes inside a card, that expresses the personal touch. The front image and sentiment brings them inside. but the handwritten note is the personal touch; given just for you.
Personally I feel that anything that you take the time to invest in with your love,heart and soul whether it be a handmade card of any kind or season, Handmade gift of any kind,a Christmas newsletter, Photos you’ve taken to share, Love Letters, Family History and stories to pass on to the next generation that they all be handwritten.
For me this is very difficult to do due to the cramping of my hands, wrists and elbows,but I still do it {only it just takes me much longer} as I was never given these gifts of Love myself as I came from a very dysfunctional family which to this day still tears at my heart.
Becca – Another lovely card today. Thank you for your generosity! I think a letter should be handwritten.
Morning Becca, the card you are giving away today is just gorgeous, love that gate die you have used. the thing that I think has to be handwritten is a Thank you on a card.
Hugs Trish.
I think a thank you should be written but so many more. A pretty card with a hand written anything makes a great card.
I think that a handwritten note inside a handmade card is a necessity! It adds the additional personal touch and let’s the recipient know how much you value them.
I believe a love note or a sympathy sentiment should be hand written, or at least include it as a separate note inside your card. LOVE your card!
Hi Becca, another stunning card for your wonderful giveaway. So very pretty and the sentiment is beautiful. I think all cards should be handwritten but definitely a Thank you or Sympathy card, so that you can express yours thoughts a little more. Linda.
I’m so glad to see the cards that you showed in the past. They really put the bug in me to pull out my dies. I like to see all cards, no matter what the occasion, be hand written.
Hi Becca. Wow such a beautiful card again :-) In my opinion any card sent should be handwritten, making it so more personal! Hugs xxx
HI Becca!
I think that it would be a nice touch to add a hand-written message in any hand-made card. Thank you for the chance to win!
I hope I have never sent any card without enclosing a note OR at the very least on the card. The only acceptable exception(s) that come to mind are wedding or other invitations.
Yet another very pretty card Becca. I love how you worked in the gate die – you really know how to get the most from your dies. My brain must be the size of a pea I think! lol
I just love this card. If I sent an Item to someone I would sure send a special note to the person just so they know I care. thanks for sharing
This is the best card so far! They just keep getting more and more beautiful.
Personally, I can’t think of any card that should be sent withoug a handwritten note. Seems too I personal.
I think a thank you note should be hand written. I know my son’s generation is use to FB and other social media sites and often says thanks that way, however I prefer a hand written note. I just feel it conveys a more heart felt thank you message. There are times where an email or type note is okay. If I stay at someone’s home or they give me something special then I hand write a note.
Beautiful card! I think that a note of sympathy should always be hand written.It’s a very personal thing.
For me, there are two MUSTS: Thank You’s and Sympathy cards. In my opinion a handwritten note denotes caring, respect and love for the receiver. I am sure I came to this truth through my mother and her instance that every gift required a thank you note and not just a Thanks on the phone. The handwritten word carries much more feeling.
I think sympathy cards need a personal hand written note.
I believe that sympathy sentiments should be sent in writing. Also, I have one friend that has always written the most beautiful letters to me. For many years I would receive uplifting, Christ-centered letters on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. She is truly an encourager. I still prefer to hand write letters to her over e-mail or facebook.
I think sympathy cards must be handwritten, even if it’s just to add on something like “I’m sorry”. or “don’t hesitate to call”
Thank you notes should have that personal touch. A handwritten note can convey so much more than just thanks.
I always write in all my cards , but Sympathy, Thank You, are especially best to send a handwritten message in.
Only takes a few minutes but much more personal to the one receiving the card.
Your cards just keep on inspiring me to try my dies etc in new ways. Thanks again for sharing witgh us all.
This is just beautiful Becca!!
I love that quote Becky! One type of card I think should be handwritten is a sympathy card. I know it can be hard to find the words sometimes but I think it is worth the time to do.
Beautiful card Becca. Would love to own it. I think one thing that should always be hand written is a thank you note. I don’t think just a card that is stamped “thank you” suffices for a deed done.
I think that thank you note must always be handwritten. Something about making the effort makes the gratitude seem more genuine.
I could use this card for a friend’s upcoming birthday. Will be packing up my craft room and supplies shortly for a move so am having a hard time focusing on my cardmaking when there’s so much to do in preparing for the change of location of my home of 28 years.
I usually prepare an inside sentiment, but always add a personal note in cursive before signing the card. Love the sentiment on this card!
Hi Becca,
this card, too, is lovely. And I love the sentiment.
The quote on legacy is also beautiful and we should remember and value it. We all know the joy that comes from looking at a photo album or scrapbook TOGETHER, it is such a different feeling of togetherness and beats having loads of photos on the computer looked at alone by every single person.
In my opinion, all the greetings part of a card (not the sentiment embellishment) must be written by hand.
Your cards are always so beautiful, I’d be running out of ideas.
Hugs from a slightly cooler Chester, UK
In my opinion letters to family, friends and relatives should always be handwritten. The computer email has basically become the communication of today and to me this is cold. I believe the written word shows the heart, soul and feelings of the person writing and is a genuine indicator that you care enough to use the written word to communicate.
Hi Becca, gosh I think lots of things should be hand-written! We’re all losing that sense of ‘personal’ these days with the advent of technology as it’s quicker and easier but there’s nothing more special than the hand-written word, whether that be on a card for birthdays, weddings, sympathy, thanks etc. It somehow makes it more special!!
I love receiving a handwritten note. It is appropriate for any and all occasions especially for a sympathy card. Thanks for letting us all participate in your “giveaway.”
Thank you cards for sure need a note. A card with a note is just so much more personal. Thanks again for your generous of a personal card.
Good evening Becca,
I think a letter to family or friend should be hand written.
Have a great morning, Bonnie
This is gorgeous!
I like to handwrite thank yous… I think that if they deserve thanks, they deserve something more than a text or email, which are too quick and impersonal.
I think thank you cards need to be handwritten. I don’t enjoy getting a thank you note by email, but I have to say at least the gift was acknowledged.
Beautiful card! I think all thank you notes should be hand written.when someone does something for you or spends money to give you a gift the very least to be done is to write a personal note!
Definitely a sympathy card
I think a Thank You note should always be handwritten. As children we were taught from the very beginning to send notes to people who spent their time and effort and LOVE to send us things and we acknowledged that by hand written notes.
Birthday love and wishes. Sincerely shoeing you care.
Very pretty card, as always. You are very talented lady. I think a hand written “Thank You” should be written for any gift. I taught my sons, a “Thank You” note had to be written before the gift could be used or money spent. Thank you notes are common courtesy to the giver of the gift. They spent their time and money for the gift, and one should write a note acknowledging the gift within one week of receiving the gift. I gave a wedding gift to my bosses daughter 8 years ago and still haven’t received a thank you either verbally or written. Even if you don’t like the gift, a simple thank you note should be written and sent.
A birthday! Beautiful card Becca!!!!! Of course any congrats, sympathy, thinking of you, and the list goes on….but a birthday would be very important to have a hand written note on!
Paper Hugs,
I feel expressing your appreciation for a gift or act of kindness should be written. A written thank you is more personal, especially when paired with a handmade card.
Beautiful card and lovely quote, Becca,
I believe that when we hand write our thoughts it conveys a message from our heart in a very personal way. “Love and friendship, family and devotion and hope and consolation” should all be expressed in writing to fully convey their full depth.
Love and blessings,
This card is so elegant & pretty! I think most cards should be hand written as it makes it that bit more personal. Also another thing I have noticed lately is my childrens high school school reports. It seems that all their teachers write an identical comment. Not sure if they have them pre typed in a program (to save time) & teachers just choose most appropriate comment with the press of a button. It just makes it feel like they have not taken the time to know my child personally as an individual rather than just another student passing through!
I would love for every contact be handwritten on a handcrafted card, but I feel that a sympathy card should ALWAYS have a handwritten note. If you knew the individual who passed, try to tell at least one memory of the person, so that those who are left will have a memory to cherish.
Hi Becca. You may have shown these cards before but it doesn’t stop me from having that WOW feeling on seeing them again!
I think a thank you note is a must to be handwritten.
Sympathy and thank you cards should never be sent without a hand written note. Hand written notes are always more meaningful than those that are typed or stamped.
Hi Becca a sympathy card for sure must be handwritten
a thank you as well. Very pretty card .
Hi Becca The one thing I always write in is a card – for any occasion, but especially for a sympathy card!
Lovely card today me all personal letters are to be hand written ,I write all my Christmas letters by hand .Take care Jane B.
Good morning Becca, Every card you send should be hand written
Have a good one
Loopy Lynda xxx
NEVER send condolences by email, text and the like. Only a beautiful card with hand written sentiment will surfice.
I always send a handmade and handwritten sympathy card. It’s such a hard time for anyone to go through that a handmade card is the only way I can express how much sorrow I feel with them.
Personally, I believe all notes, letters, cards should be hand written. I don’t like the form letter type I get at Christmas.
If you care about people or want to share, then hand written is best….regardless of how busy we are. Businesses are a different thing
I have been blessed to move back to the neighborhood where the ladies hold luncheons to celebrate each other’s birthdays and cards are given. One of my friends makes exquisite cards which are keepsakes and I am hoping to discover a beautiful way to display these treasures I have received during the last six years. My latest card I received at a Welcome Back Luncheon given for me in April. This tradition began 40 years ago and some have come and gone and there are usually twelve or less present at luncheons. Thank you, Becca, for bringing grace and loveliness to our days. Blessings, Pat
Lovely sentiment & card
To live in the hearts of those we leave behind is not to die.
Yet another gorgeous card. I love your quote at the beginning of the post. While we commit so much to technology, our really important stuff remains closer to us, often handwritten or hand made.
I think thank you and condolence notes must be handwritten. I often make cards for these situations, and always include a handwritten note.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful cards with us.
I appreciate all correspondence but there is a special place in my heart for the person that takes the time to get paper and pen and hand writes their message….
I just received a handwritten card last week! I look forward each day to see what lovely card you have posted.
Definitely a sympathy card should be hand written.
I have never heard of this concept, or if I have I have interpreted differently. Hopefully I can jump on the bandwagon and do some giving as well. Your card would certainly be an inspiration to me, if I should be so lucky as to receive it. Blessings to you.
I too agree that letter writing is becoming a lost art. I wrote a dear friend a 4 page letter and she was so suprised she framed it. I have not received a plain letter but I have received one of my own cards with a handwritten note. I make many cards for occaisions of encouraging, sickness, congratulations, babies etc. But I give them away to other friends for their own use of encouragement. So to receive one of those cards is always a suprise. Your blog often directs me to beautiful things to add toa card and I thank you!
I personally believe if you are sending cards, handmade or bought, you should always include a handwritten note. If you don’t want to write in the card, you can use a separate sheet of paper. This makes it much more personal.
Even the second time around, this card is still a hit.
I believe that ALL Thank You notes should be hand written, especially those from a wedding. It is always very nice to receive a hand-written note from the married couple about your gift, it adds that personal touch.
Thank you notes.
All my cards are handmade with love. One is going out today for my daughter-in-law’s birthday.
I always write the verse I my cards, or if I use a state p I write a short note. Sympathy cards deserve a personal note about the person’s loss.
Hello Becca,
The last time I sent a card was last week, to a friend whose little daughter has alopecia. It was just a reminder that I was praying for her and her whole family. Thanks for the opportunity to win one of your amazing cards!
I always try to leave room inside my thank you cards for a personal hand-written acknowledgement of my gratitude for whatever reason I am sending the card.