Category Archives: Card Color Themes

Dominant Color

Card Making Ideas by Becca Feeken using JustRite Home Bakery Labels and Vintage Tags

JustRite Papercrafts February 2014 Releases Day 5

Hi there friends, I’m back for Day 5 of the JustRite Papercraft February releases and today my project centers around a very, very

JustRite Papercrafts February 2014 Releases Day 3

Hi there friends.  Today is Day 3 of JustRite Papercraft February 2014 releases.  The set we’re showing today is Rose Postcard Cling

JustRite Papercrafts February 2014 Releases Day 2

Hi friends, I’m back for Day 2 of JustRite Papercrafts February Release.  I was in the mood for a card more shabby that I normally

JustRite Papercrafts February 2014 Releases Day 1

Hi there friends!  Today I’m sharing two different cards. I’m participating in a hop to showcase new releases for JustRite

Card Making Ideas by Becca Feeken using Quietfire Design -

This Heart Longing

Hi there blog friends!  Today I have a romantic card – the sentiment really speaks to me; it’s simply how I feel.  Chalk it up

Tying the Knot

Hi there sweet friends!  Thanks so much for letting me share about Bailey.  It makes my heart just melt to know how many animal lovers are

Valiant Honor Monogrammed Card Set

Hi there blog friends.  I’m so excited to be the Guest Blogger over on the Spellbinders Blog today, I was tickled that they did a

Altered Item Ideas by Becca Feeken using 2014 Spellbinders Typewriter

Typewriter Calendar Holder

Okay, so by now you know I am absolutely obsessed with this little typewriter, right?  I have something coming up later on this week that

Card Making Ideas by Becca Feeken using 2014 Spellbinders Vintage Brocade

Your Wishes

Good morning friends . . . just popping in quickly to  share a card that has been languishing on my desk for several weeks.  Thinking

Altered Item Making Ideas by Becca Feeken using 2014 Spellbinders Petite Monarch

Regal Wrappings

Good morning sweet friends…if you know me, you know I love, love, love, gift wrappings and boxes.  Today I want to share with you a

Card Making Ideas by Becca Feeken using Spellbinders Silhouette and Spellbinders 5x7 Heirloom Legacy

She is Clothed with Strength and Dignity

Oh my, today is a total girly card, sweet friends.  I love cameos and silhouettes so I couldn’t wait to use Spellbinders Silhouette

Card Making Ideas by Becca Feeken using Calligraphic Love Bits and 2014 Spellbinders Labels Thirty Seven

Valentines Card and Blog Candy Winner

Hi there friends, I have a card to share today and also as promised, a winner for the blog candy.  As I looked back though some of my old