Category Archives: -3D Projects

Elegant Gifted Ornament

Good morning crafters!  I wanted to pop in today with one of the two last  gifts made for my recent guest.  Since we are slowly but surely

Elegant Favor Basket for Turndown

Okay, it took me an entire day to recuperate my weekend of a coffee drinking, girl chatting, makeover preening, new clothes strutting, pee

News to Share and Turndown Service

News to Share Hey there, it’s me.  I have a couple of things to cover.  First of all, I’m still without internet service

Swirl Bliss Calendar

You’ll want to have a try at this flip calendar than can be updated year after year. The base is an acryilc photo frame.

My New Digs and Journal Trio Instructions

Good Morning sweet friends!  Whew, it’s been busy behind the scenes and you’ll notice I have a new look!  So today I’m

In Less Than An Hour

Good morning sweet friends!  I’m popping in to share a quick personal project I made . . .  because sometimes we turn our crafty

Vintage Silver Tray Book

Hi there friends! I think I mentioned that two weeks ago I went to the west coast to attend the Craft and Hobby Association (CHA) show in

One Box, Three Occasions – Day 3

Good morning sweet friends! Today is the final day of the series One Box, Three Occasions; the occasion I chose to highlight today is a

One Box, Three Occasions – Day 2

Good morning sweet friends! Today is day two of the series One Box, Three Occasions; the occasion I chose to use is Valentines Day.  How

One Box, Three Occasions – Day 1

Good morning sweet friends!  Feeling better and will make it back to 100% soon but in the meantime, it sure felt good to finish up some

Spellbinders Winter CHA 2015 – Another Sneak Peek and Giveaway

Oh boy, today is the day!  I have some very exciting news to share!  I’m celebrating in two places, so the second you’re done

About those bracelets . . .

Well, okay then.  So many of you were curious about the bracelets I made that I thought I would change up and include a post here about my