Category Archives: Card Occasion Themes

Seasons Greetings

Hi there blog friends!  Are we snug and cozy, warm and toasty during this chill spell?  I think it’s cold almost everywhere, I even

Time to Make Merry

Dear Blog Friends, I hope you are ready for Christmas!!  Me?  Sadly no, lots left to do and quite a few deadlines looming but I thought I

Crime Averted (snicker, snicker)

Hello sweet blog friends!  Have you ever made a card and decided something just wasn’t right.  It nags you the whole time, but you

Christmas Waves a Magic Wand

Sweet blog friends, I hope you are embarking on a fabulous Monday!!   Me? There are lots of little projects on my desk and I’m

The Winter Night

Hi there blog friends!  Popping in to show a tiny shaped card that was a cinch to put together.  I resort to something like this when I

Love Warms

Hugs to you blog friends!!!  I hope you are having a crafty holiday weekend.  As promised, I’m back with a card.  Of course this

Peace and Joy

Greetings Blog Friends! You mean so much to me, so I hope you’ll tolerate another scheduled post.  I’m probably lounging

Blessed is the Season

Dear Blog Friends, I have a quick card to share and  I hope you’ll excuse (or enjoy ha-ha) a brief post.  I’m bend on adding

Authentic Genuine Friend

Hi there blog friends!  Happy Monday – I hope you had a wonderful holiday!!   I have a quick card to share that I think is a

Shine Your Light

Good morning Blog Friends!  I broke out my copics and had a delightful time coloring.  You know that doesn’t happen very often, but

A Joyous Christmas

Sweet blog friends, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Mine was so untraditionally laid back.  In years past, every detail was

Love Was Born at Christmas

Sweet blog friends, I hope you are primed to have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  It is hard to keep thoughts from settling on all the things