Category Archives: Spellbinders Die Templates

Day 25 – 30 Days of Giving

Today is Day 25 of the 30 Days of Giving.  Earlier this month we began the conversation talking about handwritten; preserving the written

Day 24 – 30 Days of Giving

Top of the morning to you!   I have a new card to share this morning – Day 24 of the 30 Days of Giving.   I was playing around with

Day 23 – 30 Days of Giving

Good morning sweet friends, I have a new card to share this morning – Day 23 of the 30 Days of Giving.  A little bit of a different

Day 19 – 30 Days of Giving

Good Sunday Morning to you!   Today’s card for 30 Days of Giving is my favorite cream and gold.   Another new card and I must say

Day 18 – 30 Days of Giving

Hiya sweeties!  What a week of blessings, it’s just the little things.  Another new card for you – remember I mentioned that I

Day 17 – 30 Days of Giving

Good morning sweet friends. I have another new card to share today, I hope you don’t mind – it’s the card being given

Day 16 – 30 Days of Giving

Good morning sweet friends. I have a new card to share this morning with a saying that warms the heart. No matter what road I travel,

Day 14 – 30 Days of Giving and a New Card

Hi there friends, so I wanted to change up things just a teensy tiny bit and offer a new card  and oh, a crafting tip!  Also, this is the

Day 7 – 30 Days of Giving

Saving the Written Word If you’re not familiar with 30 Days of Giving and how you can receive this card,  read about it HERE.  You

Invisible Tears

Good morning!  I’m up and at ’em early this morning and thought I’d share a card I had scheduled to post earlier this

How to Make An Encased Border

Hi there friends, I have a card to share to day and it uses a technique that earlier I had promised I would share; I’m sharing the

Sing As If No One Is Listening

Good morning friends.  You know that I’m mainly a sentiment stamper.  Yes, I have my times when I love to color but for the most