Category Archives: Spellbinders Die Templates

Gorgeous Lilacs and a Winner

Sweet friends, lots to cover today and let me just mention you’ll find the winner of the Journal Trio at the bottom of my post.  Now

In Four Easy Steps

Good morning sweet friends!  One more day to leave a comment on the post at this link ——->HERE<——- to win

Show Your Dinner Table Some Love

Good morning friends!  Who knew this weekend would be so busy!  Here’s what’s going on:  If you stopped by yesterday, you

Journal Trio Giveaway

Good morning friends!   Today I have a giveaway going on.  I’m showing you a sneak peek of the Journal Trio that is being featured

Vintage Birthday with Grand Handwritten Sentiments

Good morning friends!  So happy to have had some crafty time, I have a card to share and a cool sale to talk about.  About the card . . .

Birthday Greetings

Good morning!  I hope you have a wonderful weekend planned.  If you’re lucky enough to have marvelous spring weather where you are

Beautiful Inside and Out

Have you ever used the phrase Beautiful Inside and Out to describe a sweet friend?  Sure you have!   You know them, that’s one of

Rogers Gardens Swirl Bliss Page

Hi there friends.  As promised I’m back with a project that uses my new Swirl Bliss Pocket die from the Amazing Paper Grace

Your Kindness and Caring

Hi there sweet friends!  Thank you so, so much for your encouragement!  Just so you know, I’m good as new – what was

Thanks for Listening

Hi there sweet friends!  I’ve been out of town for a bit so I have a some catching up to do!  First a card to share – this was

Our Faithful Furry Friends

What’s this stuff about the humans getting all the cards?  Exactly!  I was tickled beyond belief when this month JustRite Papercraft

Grand Handwritten Birthday Wishes

Well hey, posts two days in a row!  I’m excited today to share new stamp sets from JustRite Papercraft and you’re gonna love