Saving the Written Word
Welcome to my 30 Days of Giving – every day during the month of July I’m giving away a handmade card – you can read all the specifics HERE. You can check to see if you’ve won a card by looking under the Features menu item and selecting Giveaway Winners.
Happy Sunday dear friends! Not a peep out of me today, just a new card to give away :-) Lots of gotta-do’s today and hopefully later on I’ll get to sit down and play around with new dies. I hope you’re having a glorious weekend!
For today’s comment – Why do you craft?
The card that’s being given away today is shown above. Just a note – this is a card that has been shown before and there is a possibility that some of the supplies that were used are currently discontinued, no doubt there will be something you can substitute – have a look through my galleries for alternative ideas. Many things can still be found on the open market, just google and you’ll find that many retailers are still selling.
Rubber Stamps: Quietfire Design – God Grant Me the Serenity
Craft Paper: Neenah Classic Crest – Natural White 80lb, Pink Paislee (London Market)
Ink: Versafine Onyx Black
Accessories: Spellbinders™ Radiant Rectangles, A2 Scalloped Borders One, Spellbinders 5 x 7 Matting Basics B, Spellbinders™ 5 x 7 Matting Basics A, Mulberry Flowers, Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist – Tattered Rose, May Arts Silk Ribbon, Recollection PearlsThanks for stopping by :-) I’ll be back tomorrow with another card!
I craft because it lets me be creative in this automated world in s
Which we live. I also use crafting as a stress reliever.
I craft because I love being creative. I love making things unique. It is what I do that is calming and fun. Thanks for sharing your beautiful cards with us.
Another stunner here today Becca. Soooo beautiful and well made in such an amazing and beautiful color too.
Why do I craft? Because I can´t help it. It keeps me insane after I was forced on health retirement some years ago, and makes me relax, when my back is bothering me too much and I can´t get out of the house for long periods of time, and because I love the experecion, when I give some of my work to someone, and can see their face light up and the smile get wider, then I feel really good, and as I often get asked for special makings from people I think, they may like, what I do too.
I make handmade cards. I sew and crochet. My grandchildren and I made pinatas. We keep paper towel rolls, jars, cans and whatever we can think up we create.
Hi…i love your work. I have now sizzix big shot machine. I get lots of inspiration from you. You are really amazing.
For me…crafting is a stress release, and I like to make people smile…from recieving a hand crafted card
My excuse is my father was in the Air Force and in 1960 I was to go to kindergarten ..we moved to Madrid , Spain that yr and my mother had me already to kindergarten ……but when we got there, they didn’t have k in the American school… I say I’m playing with crafts because I didn’t get to do it in kindergarten ……long excuse, but the best I’ve got…lovely card again, thanks for your giving heart!!!
I craft because I enjoy it, it is relaxing I enjoy the creativey. Another beautiful card. Christine Springman
I knit, crochet and make cards. I get so excited to create for a prayer shawl ministry and to make cards for special people in my life. I know that my creativity is not from me but from the one who created me. Thank you for blessing me with your talents
Because I feel happy creating and give to friends something that is handmade.
I have this prayer cross stitched and hanging in my living room – love it! I craft for relaxation, getting my brain into creative mode which I need, and in order to bless others with something I’ve lovingly created for them. It’s like therapy!
I have always crafted. I’ve always got a mess going on some where in my house! It’s relaxing to me. Friends ask me if its my form of therapy,they obviously have know idea how much supplies cost! Lol. Lovely card today! That is one of my favorites! Have a wonderful Sunday!
Becca, this quote is one of my favorites, I have a little frame in my kitchen with it, these are words to live by.
There are many reasons why I craft, I love cross stitching, crocheting and knitting, love baking for my grandchildren and reading, all of this I do because I just love it, when I’m here in my craft room making cards or sitting with my hubby knitting or in my kitchen baking for the kids, I feel rejuvenated, I feel at peace and I know I’m creating something beautiful that the recipient will love and treasure and appreciate.
Thank you for the chance to win your amazing cards.
Beautiful card today, too, Becca!
I just love your cards :)
I craft because I like to be creative, it makes me relax, and I find pleasure in giving away something handmade – and hope the recipients enjoy it too ;)
Apart from playing with papers I also knit, crochet and make som jewelry, but paper crafting is my favourite for the time being.
Why do I craft? I’ve never thought about the why, but there are a lot of reasons. I love learning new techniques. There’s a sense of happiness when I’ve made a card that I know someone will love when they receive it. I love it when a scrapbook layout comes together and I think about the memories I’ve captured. Crafting is like playing with toys when you’re a kid! Plus, being an empty-nester, gotta have something to do and keeps the brain sharp too I think! It’s just fun!! Beautiful card today–in my mind I call them “beautiful Becca” cards! :)
Another beautiful card today! I craft to relax. I love seeing the smiles when one of my cards is opened. They don’t compare to yours, but friends enjoy and save them.
I craft because it relaxes me. I like to feel the sense of accomplishment when I’ve finally gotten something I’ve visualized come together.
Hi Becca. Gorgeous card again today – love the sentiment. Yesterday’s card was beautiful too – sorry I didn’t get chance to comment but had a busy day celebrating a family Birthday :-) In answer to today’s question, it is simply because I love to craft, and it brings such joy when I give someone a handmade creation :-) Hugs xxx
First, the card is beautiful. I love the way you layer dies and stamps. I craft because I love to make things for others. Thank you so much for sharing your love of crafting with us. I really appreciate it.
God bless,
Beautiful card…thank you for sharing. Why do I craft…because I can’t help myself! I love encouraging other girls to do the same in the card class I run every is so important for us to explore our God given creativity. Xx
I craft because it takes my mind off of the everyday problems we all have. Since my cancer I cannot work anymore and crafting makes me feel like I am accomplishing something . I love giving something I made to someone that isn’t as crafty to see there face lite up. I will be going in hospital in a few days for surgery so I only have a few more days to comment so I want to take the opportunity to wish all you folks out there best of luck on winning one of the beautiful cards to come.
Diana – So sorry to hear of your cancer and your need for surgery. I will pray that our Heavenly Father is with you in your time of need.
Hugs from afar!
Diana I too am sorry to hear about your cancer and surgery ! I am sure we all will be thinking of you . Hope all goes well and you are able to be back soon with us on line. lots of crafty HUGS XXX
I am disabled,and can’t walk well or far. So I sit…a lot. I have always enjoyed doing something with my hands. Mother was an excellent seamstress, crocheter and knitter. She taught me all of them. So I’ve always bee a crafter, my favorite being cross stitch. Until arthritis, slowed me, with shaky hands. Now I do paper crafting. Scrapbooking and card making mostly. I’ve also started a faith journal. Using Bible journaling. It’s quite rewarding! Thanks again, Jess
Why do I craft.Well crafting of some form or other has been all my life from as young as I remember,knitting,etc,from the age of 12 years old making clothes for myself and school friends,then the worst day of my life my lovely mother passed away I was 12yearz old,so I continued crafting to help me cope with my sad heart.Then moving along years had major surgery,and found paper crafting ,making handmade cards,wedding invites and still it goes on,I had to finish work due to health issues,and now craft whenever I can.It saved my life,and makes me dissapeR to somewher eeand not feel all the pain I suffer from.I feel happy creating.Big Hugs Heather
Lovely card today! This is the stuff that makes us card crafters great! I craft to relax me. When I am creating a card, I think of the enjoyment the recipient will have when they open the envelope.
Beautiful card Becca, as usual. Love the dies that you used and the sentiment is really touching. I craft because I love being creative, plus it’s very relaxing and rewarding.
Crafting is another way to express oneself. It is always a way to be generous and giving.
I craft because I enjoy making things and trying to use some of the supplies I have stockpiled.
I love this card and the message. There have been many days I have asked God for patience and then I discovered crafting. I craft because I think of nothing but what I am working on and I find it very relaxing. When I was working full time I looked forward to spending some crafty time in the evenings. Now I am retired and get to spend all the time I want in my craft room. Granted it’s not as much time as I would like but I do love when I am in my craft room creating.
Again thank you for the chance to win one of your lovely cards.
Dear Becca,
I love this card, the prayer is one of my alltime favorites. It was used recently at a funeral I attended for a 30 year young man who took his own life. The mother, who had lost another son in a motor cycle accident is a recovering alcoholic and it was very fitting that she used this on the back of the obit. card.
I craft because I know how forward some people (family and friends) look forward to getting one of my homemade cards. Also I think I make more sympathy cards (next to birthday) and when a grieving person receives a homemade card they know you were truly thinking of them when you made it. I get great pleasure out of them knowing how much I think of them.
Thank you Becca for this 30 Days of Giving.
Ann Robbins
Lovely card today. My craft is making cards and a few other paper crafts. Have a terrific day!!
Good morning Becca! Simply stunning! Your creativity knows no bounds! I craft to settle myself. It is so calming taking pieces of paper and making something beautiful I used to paint and sew too. Always have to keep my hands busy to calm my heart!
Beautiful card again. I craft because I love it and everyone expects a handmade card from me. I send well over 50 greetings cards a year (not Christmas) and I make “birthday books” for ‘big’ birthdays for family. I also have to create new projects to make during my craft cruises and do a lot of preparation for those. The day it becomes a chore (unlikely!) I will give it up!
Doreen R from Bournemouth UK
Another beautiful card. I craft because it gives me inner peace and great satisfaction. Xx
I have crafted since I was little girl when my mum taught me to knit and embroider. I then learned to crochet and dress make. I didn’t get into papercrafting until about 13 years or so ago. I love learning new techniques and making different things. It is a very relaxing hobby! Beautiful card Becca. Hugs Christine xx
Crafting is a creative outlet and a stree reliever for me! Beautiful creation!
Becca this is beautiful. My favorite prayer. Have a blessed day !
I craft because it shows my love to the receiver of my cards. I get so much joy from putting my feelings in my cards. This is my favorite prayer. I have to repeat it to myself often to get me through some days
I craft because I love it. I love to send cards to people. It makes people happy to receive something in the mail. I make a lot of cards for our church secretary to give away to shut-ins and people that just need a word of encouragement or they’re in need of a smile.
I craft because it makes me HAPPY! Its relaxing and I feel really good while crafting. No matter how stressful any day is, crafting makes me feel better!
My favourite saying and to be placed on such a beautiful card makes it even better. I craft because it allows me to create works of art that I giveaway to special people. Nothing like sitting down to create a project to have the day seem not quite so bad as I thought it had been. Crafting is an escape from the real world for a bit.
Why do I craft? All my life I have been crafty, but for thirteen years shy of two months, my creativeness was silent. I became invisible to the world except to my husband who had become a parapalegic and needed complete care 24/7. There was no time, nor energy, for me, much less time to be crafty. After he died, I was lost for I no longer knew what to do with my time or myself. After two years of being in a dark, lonely place, I gained some sense of wanting to do something “just for me”. I had always liked myself best when I was being creative, so I decided to start making cards. Making cards was something I had wanted to do before my husband and my life changed direction in life. One of the first things I did to get started on my new craft of cardmaking, was to go to my local Michaels to buy some supplies. Oh, there was so many items to shop for and my knowledge of what was needed to get started was almost overwhelming to me. There in the store shopping in the same area, was a sweet lady shopping for cardmaking supplies. I asked her if she would recommend some items that I would need. This angel, who I just know God placed there in that spot that day for me, embraced me and helped me, a complete stranger. My tiny world changed that day. Besides helping me that day, she invited me to a cardmaking workshop the next weekend. I have been making cards since that time, enjoying my dear angel friend, and making more friends along the way. Crafting makes me feel good about myself. It gives me confidence in my ability to again join society. And it makes me feel good to know those who receive my cards are blessed to know someone was thinking of them and the situation they may be going through. Life is good!
What a sweet card. I have been crafting since I was very young and I love it. I have never had a bored moment, I am very relaxed when I work on my things and just go into my crafting zone. I love making things for my friends. I now have two craft rooms. My older friends don’t know what to do with themselves since they no longer work. Not me!
I craft because it is soothing and it gives me pleasure to create beautiful, not as beautiful as yours, things for enjoyment and for memories.
I craft because after I work a full time job and take care of a house and family, I need just a little “me” time to relax.
I really have loved that card for a long time and even had the audacity to attempt a few very similar ones! My version has the bow suspended from the top.(I thought your ribbon was also at the top – my memory!!) You know they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, just hope you agree dear Becca.
I have always been interested in making things that don’t involve a sewing machine e.g. embroidery, knitting, crochet, basketry etc. Due to my arthritis I no longer do any of the above but card making came on my radar. I enjoy having a pretty item at the end of my labours and have no problem accepting compliments. Other people’s joy when given or sent a card makes me happy too. So the short answer is, the pleasure I get from producing something nice and the even greater pleasure of seeing others cheer up on receiving it.
…to keep my right brain active. Lol
Love to see people’s face when I give them a homemade card.
Love to see beautiful things made from paper.
Love to just be creative once in a while.
Well, crafting is just part of my life! I make cards, I tangle, and as of late, started to draw pretty faces. So I need some thing creative to do thru out the day!
I craft because I must! There is a drive to touch color, media, textures, and see what happens when my hands move and shape the mixture. It is as if my mind is directly working with the items in a flowing sea of color and texture. My mind adds another layer of meaning whether it is in the words or the pieces. The meaning is the theme or why that card came to life. The inspiration comes from my heart and ends up being a reflection of a family member or friend, or a wish or prayer. Crafting is my bridge to the world.
I craft because I really enjoy working with paper and creating beautiful and fun cards. I craft because my cards give others happiness which makes me happy. One of my greatest joys was the day I was told, “I keep all your cards in a box. When I am having a bad day I take them out and look at them. Then I feel good.” That made my day.
gorgeous card. I craft for socializing and to keep busy.
I craft because I love to. It gives me great satisfaction to create something and share with others.
Hi Becca! I craft for so many reasons. I sew because I love to make beautiful clothes for my daughters and sweet little baby items. I scrapbook to preserve memories and make them tactile. I make cards because I love giving away cards that people appreciate and makes them ooh and ahh. And , like I said yesterday, from October to April there’s no yard work to do or sitting outside cause its winter.
I craft because I LOVE IT! Imlive watching little pieces turn into something creative and beautiful. Sometimes, it’s like putting a puzzle together……great enjoyment watching what turns out in the end!
Your card is Gorgeous today! Love your creations, Becca!
I craft because I LOVE IT! It’s like putting a puzzle together……watching
little things turn into something creative, and, hopefully, beautiful. I love to knit, crochet, and make cards, and have done these for years.
Becca, your card is Gorgeous today! Your talent and creativity are amazing!
Thx for sharing with us!
Hugs, Pat
I mostly make cards. That’s what I enjoy most. I also crochet with advanced patterns. Lastly, it’s not really a craft, but close… I learned to can a couple of years ago and love it. Have a garden going again this year with lots of tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, green beans, and cucumbers for pickles.
Outstanding card Becca… all your cards are outstanding!
Love the simplicity of this framed sentiment and touch of pearls~ so elegant!
I craft because it allows me to escape whatever stresses have clogged my day. I put on my favorite music and just “zone” out. I look out my window at the trees and nature and try to calm myself and let the stress flow out. I have a scientific background and this lets that side of my brain rest and gets the other side creating.
I have been crafting with various things ever since I can remember. The mediums may have changed over the years, but now more than ever, I find it to be very therapeutic, to the point that I sometimes feel driven to make something. I like making cards because the recipients enjoy receiving them and frequently saving them. They are a tiny gift of love from me. I used to make bigger things, floral wreaths, etc, that took up a lot more space for me and for anybody that I gave my projects to as a gift. Now, if someone wants to save my card(s), they can easily be tucked away without taking up a whole closet!
Since I was a little girl I’ve always loved crafting. I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t coloring, making things out of paper (May baskets) or sewing….love it all! It makes me feel happy and complete.
You are so creative and inspiring. This card is just one more example.
I’ve been crafting since I made houses out of popsicle sticks and purses using a loom and loops of stretchy fabric. I’ve done a lot of sewing, made holiday decorations, made porcelain dolls from scratch, crocheted and finally fell in love with scrapbooking when my first grandchild was born. I want to leave behind my view of their lives so they will know how much I loved them and the joy they brought me. That’s why I don’t just create layouts, I also include journaling written to them. My scrapbooking led to card making and now I do both. I love creating albums full of pages that will tell my Grandchildren how I feel about them and giving cards to family and friends to let them know how much I care.
I craft because I need a creative outlet.
Why do I craft? Hmmmm. Extremely thought provoking, at least for me.
It began quite a few years ago as a way to make a special gift. I’ve already shared that story. Then, when I retired, I needed something to prevent boredom. I can only do so much exercise in a day! Lol. Plus, I wanted to make friends.
Since we moved to an adult community, it was a way to connect with others in the same position. Back home, all of my friends & family were still working. It is hard to do fun things during the week with working people. Plus, I am not good with sports. I can exercise, but that physical eye-hand coordination thing, not so good. I am very good with details, so this became my thing.
I find it relaxing at times, but stressful when I have a deadline. Plus, I have a nice space to work, but not much work space. That is frustrating for me. And my hubby does not understand at all. But, I manage to create now & then & then I am happy!
Another gorgeous card, Becca. The simplest and most basic reason that I craft is that I like doing things for others. Have a blessed Sunday!
Because I love it
I believe in using the talents I am blessed with. Crafting is my talent, it makes me happy & de-stresses me. It also lets me donate to a leprosy center for the free treatment of lepers. The link is on my blog.
I craft because it I love making things for family and friends. I have been crafting since i was a kid. Crafting gives me lots of joy and and when i’m stressed it helps with that. I love the cards they are Beautiful.
The reason I craft, especially cardmaking and scrapbooking, is because it gives me pleasure to create.
I craft because I love to create. I find it is a great stress reliever. I just love making cards & scrapping.
I find crafting relaxing & at times challenging but either way it’s my time for me. I enjoy creating something that’s one of a kind. I think recipients appreciate something hand made and that gives me pleasure. I want to keep my mind active and crafting is one outlet.
I enjoy the creativity, it’s both stimulating & relaxing. I make primarily cards & small gifts & gift boxes. It’s very rewarding that people really enjoy them & appreciate them.
Dear Becca, I am so grateful for the examples of beauty and talent you share. Crafting has given me peace through two cancers and taught me that I, too, can make something that my friends love and appreciate. Your tutorials are exceptional. Hugs, Shirley
I am submitting the first authentic answer that literlly popped into my head “I craft to stay sane”.
Crafting is both challenging and relaxing. It offers an opportunity to slow down and often to pray for recipients of cards, scrapbooks or needlework.
i craft to be creative and make others smile. It is also a place to go and relieve stress! It’s my happy place and I love scrap booking life events for people close to me.
Another beautiful card Becca.
Why do i craft. First i’m a child of God and we are made in His image and He is a creator God. I am in pain 24/7 which is a really ugly fact but when i go into my craft room it not only masks that pain but turns that ugliness into something beautiful.
It frees me up and gives me wings to fly!
Beautiful card! I craft for relaxation and the feeling of accomplishment from making something for someone with your own hands.
Hi Becca yet another beautiful creation, i like to craft because it gives me so much pleasure and my family appreciate a home made card from me .
Elaine H X
I craft because I MUST! It is the most calming, stress-relieving, pride-enducing, enjoyable addiction I know of!
What a beautiful prayer and the card is just as gorgeous. I enjoy crafting so much. Its not only wonderful to create and get that brain working but I love making something for that special person. It also gives me peace of mind. I forget what ugly things are happening in this great and wonderful country of the USA-I put on some nice music and my mind wonders and I began to see a blank paper become a piece of art. Wonderful therapy without the cost!!!! Have a wonderful week.
Another lovely card. I craft because I love the creativeness of it but many times when I am stressed – it is a comfort.
I craft because I enjoy it and it relaxes me. I am retired and it keeps me busy, also. Hubby is, too, and has his own craft of woodcrafts. My crafts consist of card making and dollhouse miniatures. Your card is so pretty with a great sentiment!
Interesting question today, Becca!
I craft…
…because it is there….
…because something inside me drives me inside to elxpress something unnamed and intangible in visual and physical form…
…because it gives me joy…
…because I am pulled toward it….
Because I hope my art will bring joy or comfort or challenge or inspiration to another,,,
….because ultimately I believe God has placed this in me to share and I am not true to who I am unless I do so…
I craft because I feel an overwhelming need to create. It just so happens that paper-crafting is the media I’m most attracted to right now. I also paint, and do pen and ink drawings. But almost any kind of craft will draw me in!
Wow what a lovely card with a sweet sweet verse. I know that verse. Makes me emotional right now…. Why i do crafting? I thunk the same reason like yours. Make people happy and showing the love of God! I can make a card like i want to. Different themes and different dies and stamps. You put something of you in the card. Let the person know that you care. Thats it. Bye bye blessings
This is an interesting layout on your card today, with the lacy border attached below the ribbon. So creative!! And what a great way to showcase the sentiment.
Why do I craft. I love the creative process. I love making beautiful things. I’m not in it to save money (sadly, as I spend gobs on my crafting), but rather to create something beautiful. It is the process of creating beauty that I really enjoy, the way my mind is involved in my choices. And there is a visual payoff in the end when I look at a finished item and enjoy the pleasure of having created it.
I craft because it is relaxing and I love the finished product!
Hello Becca,
You have shown us a beautiful card today, with a perfect sentiment.
I craft for three reasons:-
1) It reminds me of my mother who always had embroidery or knitting by the side of her chair to “pick up” when she had a spare minute.
2) It gives me immense pleasure and helps me to relax.
3) To give enjoyment to the people who receive anything I make.
Maureen xx
I craft because it is a very relaxing hobby. I love being creative and also seeing others creativity. Love spending hours in the craft store looking and seeing what I can create with that product. I also love when you send a card and know that the person receiving it will have a smile on their face.
Hi Becca great card l love this die set .As to why l craft to give me somthing to do and l love the feeling of taking a sheet of card and some dies and turning it into a card or box hugs linda
Hi Becca, what a gorgeous card and a beautiful sentiment/ prayer.
I love to craft because I have to be creative,no matter what,I always find time to do something.can’t sit still.Take care Jane B.
Love the card and the sentiment.I craft because it gives me and hopefully the recipients of my efforts pleasure. That’s a win win in my book.
I simply enjoy making something that is pretty and when given away, makes people smile and happy.
Enjoying all the comments and the contest. Thanks.
I think crafting is in my blood! Between the ages of 4 and 5, my grandmother taught me how to crochet and to embroider. Nearly 50(sigh) years later, I still love needlework. I find it relaxing. I can get into my “happy place” and lose the world around me. It is also rewarding to give someone a handcrafted item, made with love and that particular person in mind. It just makes me feel good to see that person wearing or displaying whatever it was that was made from my heart.
Hi Becca
Lovely card with a beautiful saying! I have been crafting since I was very young. It gives me peace and pleasure. I watched my Mother craft since I was young and learned a lot from her. I treasure the quilts she has given me , pictures of my wedding cake she made and best of all I still have her to share my card crafts with her.
I got into scrapbooking when I quit working. My parents had a small box of even smaller b&w photos of my dad growing up with my grandparents and great-grandparents. So I continued with the family genealogy tracing it back to the Boston area in 1628. With the scrapping I felt like I was preserving the family history for my children. Then I went to stamping and coloring which I found was not only fun but very relaxing. Your card today has my favorite prayer. I carried it around in my wallet for years.
For me, Crafting is my Therapy that helps me to take the “ashes” of this life I have been given and to turn them into “beautiful” things that I can share with those I love.
I craft because I can. I am in my 7th decade, have more time and a small amount of crafting money, so I am blessed.
Why do I craft, purely for my sanity!!! I love to craft, love how I feel mentally and physically while crafting. I get such joy out of crafting and sharing my wares with friends. I very seldom keep anything I make, it’s such a joy to give something handmade as a gift and watch the thrill from the recipient. I’ve been crafting (crocheting, sewing) since I was in the 5th grade, first project was a dress I sewed for a Girl Scout badge, from there it just has evolved into so much now. I even have my own craft room.
You have such thought provoking questions, I am so enjoying them and having deep in thoughts to share.
What a beautiful card, I love ALL the wee pearls you use for embellishments!
I craft because since I was a child I have always felt the desire to create something (especially pretty things). I have done painting, sewing, knitting, crocheting, tatting, embroidery, and most recently card making to name a few. It is also relaxing and gives me a sense of accomplishment when the project is completed. It is also probably in my genes as I come from several generations of crafters. I can’t think of a time when I didn’t have some kind of project in progress. Being creative makes me HAPPY!
As usual, another beautiful card Becca. I guess I craft because I enjoy it and love working with my hands. Keeps the old mind a bit more alert too. When we go to our camper I always take something to work on as I can’t just sit there and do nothing even though it is very relaxing there. I’m retired and making things from paper helps to pass the time.
Hi Becca, I love this card, I love the papers, I love the die-cuts etc, and most of all I love this sentiment.
Why do I craft ??? I love the feeling I get inside when I look at something that started off as nothing and ended up really beautiful for someone else to share.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
I find making cards gives me an place to be creative as well as relaxing.
I love this one, the sentiment is one of my favorites and love these dies. I craft because I love making something and giving to someone. I also use it as a way to relax and disappear when I am having a bad day. Everyone I make something for are always so pleased to have home made too.
So beautiful. I craft/create because I have to!
I love this card! Becca, I craft because it is so relaxing. I try and challenge myself in making my cards more elaborate than my earlier cards. This is of the many reasons that I love your cards so much as the detail is amazing! Thank you for being my inspiration!
Hi Becca,
Another one of your word of wisdom cards that can so ease a bad time for the right person. I craft because i always have done since i was first able to sit upright, mum would do things with us of a crafty nature. Before i turned 3 years old i could read, write and had knitted my first jumper. We lived out in the countryside so with no one around us except the farmers livestock, mum was a stay at home mum and taught us all sorts of things to the point i can turn my hand to most things. But mum did this out of neccessity as her and daddy didn’t have a lot of money and having twins just double the cost of everything so she made do with the church jumble sales that came along making new clothes out of old and making toys with fur coats mostly teddy bears that she made her own joints for so that their arms, legs and head moved and put a growler in their tummies to make them talk. That was when life was a lot more innocent, you could leave your doors unlocked and open. Now i craft to keep my sanity as i was made to take ill health retiral from my job and if it wasn’t for my crafting i don’t know where i would be. Some days i just can’t even lift myself up never mind craft but i could be worse and i’m not and i thank him up there for that.
Thank you Becca for bringing us such inspiring works of art and keeping people like myself that aren’t as able as they used to be wanting to be able to acheive what you have done.
Love and crafty hugs
Norah McPhee (glenochil village, Scotland)
Beautiful card Becca! I love creating beautiful things from paper and making people happy with the cards I make.
Lovely card today. I craft because I love making things. Card making,sewing, knitting, pottery and glass fusing are some of the things I do.
Crafting makes me happy. It’s that simple. I’ve done many different styles of crafts my whole life. Cards are what I like doing now.
Absolutely beautiful and the saying is so true and defintely can relate to every part of it, its lovely. I love crafting mainly due to having a heart attack a couple of years ago at the age of 50, it gave me a positive better outlook on life in general. I find it’s my own little world of doing something I truely love and share the creativity I was given. Thanks for your generosity too, have a lovely day xx
Another wonderful card up for grabs today. Thank you again for your generosity! I craft because I love giving friends and relatives something that I have made myself. These days people usually buy what they want from the store, but something you make yourself they can only get from you. Crafting has a calming effect on me – it’s cheaper than therapy!
Becca your card this morning is just wonderful and so true. I am at present having to remind myself of this so much.
Hugs Trish.
Becca I forgot to say that I craft for pleasure and for making friends, which I have been so lucky to do.
Hugs Trish.
Love the card. The sentiment fits my life at present.
If I was lucky enough. It would get framed and be pride of place on mu craft wall above my computer. I could look at while I craft.
What ever craft I am doing at the time.
Why craft? You may well ask. Why garden?
I craft, as I have always, from the age of a toddler kept my hands busy. Building cardboard houses for my dolls at 6, then needle work at 9, painting and drawing just lead off there. Then I just did what ever came to my eye and tried it. At present it keeps my body, mind and soul occupied. I make gifts for the special people in my life. Cards to send communications to family and friends on there special days. Lap quilts just fun.
I have done a few different things, but there are still lots more craft out there for me to try when I wish too. But paper is a long held love.
Annamieke from the land down under
Another lovely creation. I love crafting because I find it relaxing. I enjoy the challenge of using my mind to think of the creations I am going to make. It’s my time out from everything. People sometimes say to me, “isn’t it quicker to just buy the card?”. I guess their the ones that don’t get it. It always makes it worthwhile when somebody comments & tells me that out of all the cards they got they remember mine & how it was made with love.
I also love to scrapbook & experimenting with new crafty projects x
You know that word serenity you used on that pretty card? That’s why! Alone time, and I am doing for others. Thanks again for sharing.Blessings, LIsa
I craft because, as someone has said: “Art washes away the dust of everyday life”. :)
I craft because it calms my busy brain, lowers my blood pressure, gives me pleasure while I am doing it, makes me happy, creates a sense of accomplishment and last but certainly not least, it makes the recipient of my project happy as well–what’s not to love? PS your card message today was right on target for me– I needed that little reminder– God is so wonderful and he works through you all the time!!! Blessings Becca!
I craft because I enjoy making cards for others. I enjoy thinking about the person and our relationship as I put the pieces together that form the card.It is my creative outlet. And learning new techniques help keep the brain agile :)
I craft because God blessed me with the desire, and when I make something to give to someone else, I know His hand is at work. Sometimes a card is delayed – I just don’t get it in the mail in time – but I know His hand is guiding it to arrive when it is supposed to even if I think it’s late.
We are to use the gifts and talents we are blessed with!
I love the way you have showcased this wonderful prayer. It is such a beautiful card.
And in answer to your question…. I craft because I can’t NOT create! We have a creator God and I believe we were intended to create :o)
I’ve always crafted in one form or another and hope that I always will.
Anne (UK) x
Another amazing card. I believe I saw this card when you first made it because I immediately ordered that saying. I craft because I can. I do not feel creativity until I sit down and complete a card for someone. I retired at an early age, due to my better half being 8 years older than myself, I feel blessed that I am able to craft and know that most of those people who receive the cards I make keep them and enjoy them year after year.
Hi Becca This verse is one of my favourite ones ! Such a lovely
Card. I craft for therapy and also love giving handmade cards and gifts.
I did not do toooooo well at school in sewing ! bottom of the class was always breaking the machine needles and could never pick up a dropped stitch in knitting.
I came top of the class in cooking even though the same teacher took us she
got so frustrated as my mum was good at sewing .
One of the reasons might have been that I had a pony and could not wait to get home and go for a ride XXX
I started crafting when I started a Red Hat group and thought I would make a scrapbook of our outings. It was ok but I quickly switched to cardmaking and that is where I found what I really enjoyed doing. As I get older and can’t walk so well and activities that I once enjoyed aren’t so easy to do anymore, I can sit and do crafts. I make cards, and love to search tutorials and crafting blogs on the net and learn about new ways of doing things and new tools to play with.
Becca you make the most gorgeous cards I have seen anywhere.
Fantastic card!. I craft because it’s relaxing after working long hours during the week and it puts smiles on all that receives them.
Lovely card and sentiment…sooo appropriate for today!
I craft to fulfil an inner need to express myself and hopefully to bring joy to others! I love to share how I make something and see the lightbulb go off when they get it…also the pleasure to explore something new and exciting in card making…all of it brings a lot of satisfaction and a way of sharing my faith.
Paper Hugs,
I craft for enjoyment and to make items that my kids will have for years to come. Not sure that I have ever stopped to really think why i create.
Good morning Becca, what a beautiful card!!! Why do I craft? Let’s see…….
It makes me feel good, I loose all sense of time, I forget all my worries, I stop thinking,
it gives me a sense of peace and I love giving the end product to family and friends!!!
Good luck everyone!!!
Have a good one!!!
Loopy Lynda xxx
I craft because I enjoy making special things for others and it is relaxing. I like to see how a card comes together that you have thought of in your mind. Even if I case a card for a family member I think it would be perfect for, it amazes me when I can duplicate it.
Hi Becca,
Another lovely card. I craft because I like making things that are different to give as gifts or to package items in for gift giving. I do all kind of crafts for it keeps my hands working for I have bad Arthritis, I think by now my hands would be so stiff that it would be hard to use them.I will keep on card making till I can’t .
I craft because it brings joy to me. I primarily make cards and gift items because these things also bring joy and happiness to others.
This card today is one of my favorites, beautiful as always!!!
I think I was born with a prominent craft gene! I grew up loving to do do anything that was crafty. Even the word “craft” makes me feel good. I just love to craft, especially now that I’m older, because is calms and relaxes me.
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend as well Becca. Lovely card and looking forward to seeing what you are playing with today, if you get around to it, that is. LOL Enjoy
Asking “Why do you craft?” Is like asking “Why do you breathe?” :-) it keeps me “alive.” I love to make gifts that bring joy to others.
Thank you for the chance to receive one of your gorgeous creations!
Hi Becca,love the card,beautiful with a great prayer.
I craft as a stress release and to put a smile on peoples faces.
God Bless you.
God started my crafting on sewing about 55 years ago. Making things is all I have ever know. I love the feeling of accomplishment as well as often giving the things away.
Today’s card is yet AMAZING! I stamp with a passion to create cards that will encourage & uplift the spirits of others.
Hi Becca,
I craft for a lot of reasons. It is a creative outlet, is relaxing, and I grew up seeing both grandmothers and mom braiding rugs, knitting, and sewing, so it was a given that I would be a crafter too.
Firstly thank you as always for sharing your magnificent God given talent – and for inspiring us that have to try so hard to make something half as good as yours. Secondly thank you for giving away some of your glorious creations (this one was one of my all time favourites). I craft because I love to share – and so to create something gives me a peace to unwind sit and relax and an enjoyment when I create something and then it gives me pleasure to give it away to someone for them to enjoy (even if only for a few days). xx
I make cards and do some crocheting. It’s a stress reliever and the results of my handiwork is rewarding. Appreciate your giving us an opportunity to win one of your beautiful cards .
Another gorgeous card, Becca! I craft because it allows me to escape from life and to play with all my crafting goodies.
I love the softness of the pink and green on this gorgeous card, Becca. For many years I did not have much time to craft. I have always liked looking for and purchasing cards and cardmaking was just the right ‘fit’ for me. I do like the feeling of accomplishment and how it gives me a creative interest. It is so pleasing that other people value my creations. I can’t imagine not carrying on making cards for several more years to come. It’s an outlet for a creativity that I did not know I possessed.
Why do I craft? My dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s March 1998, and the doctors told me and my sisters we needed to use both sides of our brains (all the time) to keep Alzheimer’s at bay. My job as a Bank Branch Managers was analytical and VERY stressful, as I managed 3 different locations! I started crafting as a means to use the creative side of my brain to keep the Alzheimer’s away. My mother was having a terrible time accepting my dad’s situation, and the stress and the job, crafting was an escape for me to avoid all those issues. My dad passed away 4 years later, then mother passed away 4 years later. Stress with the job continued to increase and so did the time I “needed” to craft. I haven’t purchased a greeting card since March of 1998. I make every card regardless of the occasion. Now that I have “retired”, I have more time to play. I have a 3 yr old grandson and a granddaughter arriving in Dec., so I quilt and make cards…I have to stop to clean house, do laundry and my husband thinks he has to eat 3 meals a day so I cook. LOL I truly enjoy crafting and first love is paper crafting.
It makes me feel good to have made something myself and having the freedom to make it the way I choose. In most cases now I think handmade is much better than store bought. I used to think I wouldn’t give a wedding or sympathy card that was homemade, but I have.
I craft as one of my stress relievers. I also like to get together with friends to make cards.
I absolutely love this card, Becca! Why do I craft? Because my friends do and we have so much fun together making cards every Thursday night!
it relaxes me.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful cards and giving us a chance to win one of them.
Beautiful card! I craft to relax! Over the years I have done many crafts but stamping, card making and scrapbooking have occupied my mind and time the longest.
I love crafting and creating something special for my friends and family.
one word simply AMAZING
I love the Serenity Prayer and find the beautiful verse fits almost any occasion.
Crafting makes me feel like I have accomplished something, made something totally unique to me. Using my imagination, my hands and a few tools, I can let my hair down and create just for me, and when it turns out the way I hope, a gift for a loved one too.
Hi Becca,
I craft to relieve stress, pray for others, and enjoy the creative process.
This is so fun!
I craft because it’s just something I love to do and I love to try new things and see how they turn out. It’s also therapeutic. My family like to receive the handmade things I make.
I find great joy and peacefulness when I work on any of my craft projects. I surrender my mind to just create something that will surely end up as a gift for a friend. All family members and dogs know that this time is for me.
I craft for the satisfaction I feel while crafting and the looks and expressions of appreciation and gratitude I receive from my efforts. Your Serenity Prayer is beautiful.
Once again, a beautiful card. Why do I craft? There is no one answer to that question. Originally it was to save money on buying cards. Especially Christmas cards. Little did I know. Now it is a way for me to stay busy, as I don’t get out much. I enjoy making cards and the sense of accomplishment I feel after. Giving a card and bringing joy to someone is why I craft.
Partially I wanted to do this as a mission. I wanted to be specific and intentional about the cards I was going to do. 95% serious, and intentional. I love colors being put together. Winters can be very long. When you are task oriented, it is either painting, (my daughter thinks I change paint colors in the bathroom every year.) or being Creative. Time passes so fast that I want to not waste my days on earth doing worthless things.
I craft because I enjoy it, and it helps with the stresses of life. Thank you for the chance to win!
Another gorgeous card with a beautiful verse. Why do I craft? For me, it fills my soul. I’ve been involved with crafting since I was a little kid. I was 8 when I started sewing and learning to crotchet and embroider and I still do all of that in some form or another as well as papercrafting. Without crafting, I think I would be a very boring and uninspiring person.
Crafting brings a purpose to my life and fulfilment when I have made something new
Hi Becca, purely and simply I craft for sanity. DH is chronically unwell, and my craft gives me a diversion and therapy – as you can identify.
I craft because I enjoy it. Crafting is my creative outlet. When I craft, I am always solving problems in order to accomplish my goal, a finished card that I am proud to present to someone. Completing a card feels like I have solved a puzzle, which I love to do. And, it feels so good to see the recipient’s reaction to the card.
Wow, wow, wow !
Stunning card Becca!
I craft because I can be creative, lose myself in the process and making cards enables me to send those I care about something very personal .
I craft because I can’t stop!!
I am disabled and on oxygen full time. I cannot tolerate any physical exertion (it makes me loose my breath). I make cards because I still have a brain and I cannot sit and do nothing all day. So I learned to make cards and I donate them to charity.
Just wish there was a way to repay you for all the kindness you show. Treasures in heaven will have to do. Thanks for your continued inspiration.
I craft to free my mind of clutter and to clutter my craft room!
This prayer is so very precious to me and I love the name of your website -Amazing Grace. And I love your cards, your dies, your stamps and verses. Thank you for bringing grace into my life and others. This card is very symbolic for me. Thank you Becca
dear Becca ,You have been such an Inspiration to me, when I want to relax and want to see something buitiful I turn to your website ,The Lord uses you to be a blessing to many people.
I craft because It’s relaxing and giving a card is giving a blessing to others as you have been to me, Thank you Becca
It is so weird that I viewed your card giveaway today and it said “Thinking of You”. What is on my mind today is that our air conditioner went out and the company cannot get back to us till after 3 pm. It is pretty warm in the house with 95 degrees outside with heat index of 107. I have spent most of the day in my scrapbooking room which is on a lower level to stay cool. Hey I am getting a lot of Christmas cards done YEAH. I cannot imagine people without AC so I am getting a good dose of that today. So if God hands you lemons but sure to make some lemonade. HUGS
I love the saying on this card. I also have a stamp with that saying.
I craft because it gives pleasure to the people that I send cards too. Most of the missionaries that I send cards to do not receive
anything from anyone else. They really appreciate the homemade card.
Also it is a time when I am at peace & excited that the person that receives my card hopefully it will brighten their day.
Beautiful card that has an extra special poem for that extra special person in my life.
When I see the smile on someone’s face when I give them one of my handmade items (quilt, card, scrapbook, counted cross stitch sampler, etc)that is the reason I craft. I’m one of those people who would rather give a gift than receive one.
This is one of my favorite sayings…love it!
WOW!!!… need I say more?!
I just want to thank Becca for creating this lovely card and for being blessed to win it. It is coming during a time in my life when the blessings I am receiving from this beautiful cards are so great. Thank you so much Becca. I’ve sent you my address and I am genuinely looking forward to receiving it.
I craft to relax. I also craft because it makes me feel good to see something that I imagined in my head become a reality.
Hi Becca,
I am running a bit behind so apologies. Have not had time to comment much of late lol! Why do I craft? Because I love it, love being creative, love seeing what I can achieve even though at times its not good.
Love & Hugs
Jacquie J xxx