No rest for the weary, we worked all the way up to each deadline!
I’m back, I’m back, I’m back! So, so grateful to be home and have slept in my own bed, lol!! Oh my goodness I’ve been missing you!! For some odd reason I was unable to post while I was away but I’m sitting here happily in my window seat with a cup of coffee chatting with old friends . . . you. I’ve been under heavy deadlines since October and CHA was the culmination of lots of hard work. The picture above is my hotel room as we completed the kits for a round robin class taught at CHA. When I say ‘we’ . . . my sister accompanied me to help with the mountain of work we still had to do once we got to Anaheim. I was thrilled, honored, awed and grateful to have met some of you at CHA.
If you are a winner and are waiting for a confirmation email from me, it is coming. I’m a little behind on sending out prizes but they will go out. There is still one winner to be posted for the ‘I commented all eight days’ goodie bag – it’s coming! Bear with me – I’m a one woman show and wear all the hats, so I thank you so much for your patience.
I haven’t done a survey in quite a while and want to get some feedback from you personally. Please do not put your answers in a public comment, instead, share this with me through the form reached by clicking the CONTACT tab in the upper right hand corner of my blog. Simply type the answers to the question which appear in the left hand column into the contact form and hit submit. (Edited to add: Survey done, questions removed on 1/21/16, thanks for answering)!!
This is information for my use only and is not shared. As I put together plans for 2016, I aim to serve my readers! This is the reason why I blog and I want to get an idea of what you would like to see. For your time — for all those who send a message to me answering my survey questions, I’ll randomly pick a name from all emails and send them one of my recently released die templates. I normally reply to each comment sent through my Contact tab but won’t send a reply on the survey – my contact page will revert to its original form on 1/21/16 and replies will resume.
The last thing I ask is please be kind. Edited paragraph: Because I don’t want this to be about me but about the survey :-) I wear my heart on my sleeve and have lots of well intending friends who critique my my appearance/delivery/etc., instead, I’m interested in knowing what I can do to keep the written word and the kindness behind our giving alive. It’s easy to become stagnant and don’t want to bore you by doing the same things year after year. It’s scary, but I’m putting myself out there and I want to know what I can do to help you flourish and grow :-)
Okay sweet little birds, look up at the upper right hand corner (if you are on a computer), click CONTACT and voila, you’ll see the questions.
Remember, click on the word CONTACT in the upper right hand corner of the blog to get to the survey questions.
Seriously…people are THAT rude? My word! I know there are a lot of mean people out there, but people I’ve seen in this hobby have given me back the idea that there are also NICE ones…so thats kinda sad to hear, that there are still bad ones who are paper crafters too. uggg…so SORRY to hear you have got those kind of comments. *cry*
Too bad that people who are miserable with their own lives or cannot generate any positive thoughts have to bring their misery to others. Becca, you are beautiful (inside and out) just the way you are – anyone would be tremendously lucky to have the attributes you have and the generous, unselfish, and wonderful inspiration you bring to others in your creative work. Don’t change anything!
I am so glad God created you as you. You are uniquely gifted by Him. I know also that words can wound, but often those with hurtful words have also been wounded and are blind to words they say, hopefully regret after. Thanks for gracefully responding back in spite of hurtfull words. It is hard to do so.
So glad you’re back, CHA looked amazing this year, I’ve been watching some videos of it…how awesome your sister got to go and help you!
Please know that there are those of us out here who appreciate and value all your hard work and the inspiration you give us….I cannot fathom people so heartless and rude who would criticize
like that…I say PRAY for them because there is something lacking in their lives, also because somewhere along the way they missed out on the POLITENESS gene…
Anyway, thank you for ALL you do and your work is fabulous, and you’re PERFECT just the way you are!!
Unfortunately when I click on the Comment button, nothing happens.
Hey Joanne, sorry for your troubles – I’d love to hear from you! Be sure to click the work ‘Contact’ in the upper right hand corner of the blog. Message me if that doesn’t work for you :-)
So sorry to hear that people have been rude to you Becca. You are lovely just the way God intended you to be. Keep listening to all the nice positive comments that people make to you and delete the nasty ones. I for one think you are an amazing and very talented lady.
Wonderful to have you back, looking forward to seeing your new dies and your fab creations xx
I’ve missed you. :) Glad you’re back and I think you’re perfect, I wouldn’t change anything. I will still do the survey, just for you.
Becca stay sweet you have a wonderful heart. Focus on us who love your work. And who appreciate you. Be bless.
Welcome home! Bet CHA was wonderful. My dad used to say Nil Desperandum Carborundum. You just can’t believe some folks! Off to do the survey. Happy weekend.
I tried to go to contact to answer your survey and thought I did everything I needed to do but I keep getting “an error occurred try again” I tried several times without success. any suggestions? Thank you!
Peggy, check your email – we’ll fix this!
Hi Peggy that’s happened to me before I had not put my e mail address
In full and it would not accept till I corrected it hope this helps PAM x
Hello Becca ,
Please don’t make excuses for these so called well meaning friends
they are not worthy of your kindness .
It takes all Sorts of people to make a World we need more like you .
The people who are regular on this blog know just how much you wear your heart on your sleeve and how you give and share your talents and your life with us.
It must have been fantastic to have your sister with you .
But I can imagine how good it must be to be home no place like it
Take care, stay safe PAM X
Have completed your little survey. Glad to have you back too. Looking forward to everything you have to show us. Hugs Christine xx
I am floored that you have received such comments! I absolutely love your blogs, your heartfelt emotion and beautiful projects! In fact, I so love your work I tend to follow the fancy cards theme, though rarely bows. I have never gotten the hang of them even with your bow maker! I am known where I teach for my fancier, more involved cards rather than CAS. And, all because of you! Stay yourself!
Same comment as previous one. Can’t send the comments.It says error in submitting forms. I have tried about a dozen times , different configs. No luck
Elaine, check your email, we’ll fix this!!
Becca I’m happy you are back and that you h ad an Amazing time I’m sure it’s been lots of work but the benefits are the best now u can relax a little thanks and I made my comment like you said. Keeping my fingers crossed. Hugs and hope your new year will be Amazing.
So sad that some must take out their unhappiness on others. We must all realize how our words do affect others. Thank YOU for helping us share the POSITIVE! I just recently made a card for a friend celebrating her 90th birthday, using one of your posts as my guide. Yes, I enjoyed making it, but it is the smile that lit her face when she opened it,that will stay with me always. Your elegant style is not my normal style–I guess I just don’t naturally think that pretty! However, so many occasions call for that elegance, and I love looking to your site for inspiration.
I soooo agree with everyone….how rude of people…it just makes me shake my head reading your post that as caring and wonderful as you are that anyone feels the need to critique you…I have nothing but a HUGE amount of respect for you and your beautiful paper creations!
the PaperTemptress
Hi Becca and welcome home. I had no problem getting the survey and have completed it. You deserve a rest now so please do that and be careful that you don’t overdo it – it’s easily done when a person is as conscientious as you are. While we all love to see your creations, we must not be selfish and expect too much of you. Very best wishes for your continued success. Doreen R from Bournemouth UK
Completed your survey. Glad you had a great time at CHA. Kinda envy you, but traveling for me is out of the question. Oh, poor me! Anyway, I really enjoy your site…your upbeat attitude is so appreciated, your talent is exceptional, your willingness to share by teaching stands out, and I have learned so much about creating. I think you would be a joy to have as a personal friend as I enjoy the fellowship you offer. Sluff off those “others”—their problems are theirs, not yours.
OH MY!!! WHAT ALOT of work you had! PROBABLY LATE NIGHTS I’m guessing too! I’m SO GLAD you are home safely Becca & RELAXING!! ;) YOU DESERVE IT DEAR LADY!!! ;)I’ve enjoyed seeing you here & there on the web at CHA! ;)
Hi Becca, good to see you back. I had completed the survey but it kept saying there was an error. Sorry. Thanks for a great blog. Aiveen.
Ps is it that I’m in Ireland?
I’ve answered all the questions but I don’t think my answers will be of much use LOL! Just carry on being you and generously sharing your amazing crafting skills. Thank you.
The reason I come to your blog is to feel contact with someone who is so generous and kind. You are the kind of person I have prayed to have in my life. Those who are so negative are the kind of people who used to be in my life. I finally found the courage to say no. You have shown me there is hope that unconditional kindness does exist in this world. Please don’t change a thing!! I was so happy you’re back, but that said, please, please take care of yourself.
Don’t the great survey. So great to have you back, love everything about your creativity, passion and the gift you’ve been given. It has been very hectic for you and you deserve a rest. You have surely been missed and thanks for all you do in sharing with us, your one amazing, inspiring woman xx
woops I mean Done the survey x
Saw you at CHA, wonderful person. Misery loves rudeness pray for them and dismiss their ignorance, for your passion in crafting displays you and what you are. Be you and God will carry you through. Your works of art always show love and passion. Glad to be a part of the crafting family.
I was so pleased to see the notice in my email box that you were back. Your blogs always brighten my day. I just love the creativity you have. I pray that you will somehow be shielded from critical, negative words. Blessings to you.
Hi Becca,
So glad you made it home safely. It must have been fun to have your sister there to help you. I know it was a busy time, but I hope you had many enjoyable moments that the two of you could share. The items pictured on this post look tantalizing. Could you teach us the details of that class?? ;)As you have time, of course.
Oh Becca – hugs, and I pray you don’t get the ‘nasties’ being nasty. I know how that can affect you (from personal experience)forgiveness is sometimes hard in those circumstances, but it does win out.
I have been and replied to your survey.
Thanks for leading us to the survey. I’ve completed mine. I would love to be your helper at a CHA.
Hi Becca,
I am so happy that your back! I loved seeing you at the CHA (via web), wish I was able to be there! I loved your bridal display, it was gorgeous!
I just finished your survey, not sure if it helps as I am in Australia. But happy to try my best & help out!
Oh how I wish people kept their nasty comments to themselves! They say words will never hurtt you, but to good people with a good heart they do! You are such a beautiful lady, they are the ones with a problem not you! I think some people get a little jelous at times & must have a boring life, so they will say anything to put you down no matter how much you have achieved. Very sad that these people are never happy! I agree with all the comments, that we must pray for them. Be yourself do not change for anyone! Your are perfect, beautiful & amzingly talented! Keep up the great work!
Now make yourself a cup of tea & enjoy some time to relax! I love seeing all your work in your blogs, but you must look after yourself so that you do not burn out!
I thank God that he has blessed you with your many talents & thank you for sharing them with us! You are an inspiration! Lol my 8 yr old even know your name by now!
Happy New Year Becca! Hears to an exciting 2016 with you!
Wishing all the success & happines that life could bring for the new year xox
Hello Becca,
Welcome back, and if you get the chance take some time to rest and relax.
Now as to nasty or rude comments, well these people really need to get a life of their own. There must be something sadly lacking if they need to get their enjoyment this way. I have had comments made, and I don’t even have a blog. So I say to you, ignore them and think of all of us who LOVE your work and your blog.
Maureen xx
I’m glad you had a good time at the convention, and I look forward to seeing all of the cool things you dream up as a result of attending!
Welcome back, Becca! And my goodness! What a lot of kits. Hope you managed to complete everything – and it must have ben lovely to have your sister with you.
I hope people are being kind! You so deserve kindness :o)
Anne (UK) x
Good evening Becca(as it is now 23:20 at night and love seeing your new pieces of projects, card making or making your dies do different things that hasn’t been explored before. Did you have a great time at the CHA as I do hope so? I bought your beautiful cascading grace set ant in all honesty it is rapidly becoming a firm favourite. I love your designs as they are always full of elegance and charm. Thank you Becca from bringing us such beauty and I am so looking forward to what you have planned for this year.
Love and crafty hugs
Norah (Glenochil Village, Scotland )
Good morning Becca, glad you had a good time!!! Some people can be really nasty!
Why? I don’t know! They must lead very pathetic lives it’s best to ignore them!!!
You are a very special lady and don’t let anyone make you think otherwise!!!
Bless you! You sweet angel!!!
I’m going to try and do the survey! Wish me luck : )
Have a good one!!!
Loopy Lynda xxx
What a great survey, loved the questions.
Completed & submitted :-)
Hi Becca,
I completed the survey, Good questions. I don’t understand nasty people, you are so sweet. Well it is 8pm here & I still have some things to do, Love our new house. We have a bay window that I can set at & watch the birds & animals. If you are ever near St Louis, you can stay with us.
Glad you are back!! CHA sounds like an awesome experience!! I saw Spellbinders media and love it all! You were fantastic and love the white tunic top you had on! Your display was so beautiful!!
Meant to also say that I completed your survey. No problem! :)
I am trying to submit but receive an error message.
Hey Cindy, I sent you an email so we can get over this hurdle!
I’m trying to find the survey because I’m honored to take part. You give so much to us, this is a small thing to do in return. I cannot seem to find it. Is the problem that I’m on my phone? Getting to my computer continues to be a challenge with my injuries from my accident last year but I WILL make the effort to answer the survey because it is important to me.
It hurts my heart that you receive any negative comments from anyone, Becca. You are caring and giving, willing to share your talents with us without asking for anything in return. Anyone who has something unkind to say should withhold their comments until they can say something supportive. I know you welcome any and all questions but words meant to tear down or hurt are just wrong. I will keep you in my prayers that God will block your heart from words spoken without love.
You are my very favorite designer, Becca! You have a style I adore, have incredible ideas that I’m seeing repeated by other bloggers. Your innovated ideas about using our dies with our Minc machines was brilliant! Just yesterday I saw a post giving you credit for your Minc ideas. You are a true inspiration and I know I have learned so much from you! Thank you and God Bless you.
Sandra Smith
Off to try to figure out the survey…is there a way to access it on a smart phone?
Sending you an email to help you out Sandra :-)
Hi Becca. Sounds like you had a great time at CHA – love the look of the kits you made up, they look stunning even before being assembled! Love and appreciate everything you do and looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful creations over the next year. Off now to fill out your survey :-) Hugs xxx
Hi Becca, have been trying to find your survey but not had much luck!!!
I’m going to try on my daughter’s IPad, fingers crossed I hope it works : )
I have a kindle and have tried but to no avail : (
Loopy Lynda xxx
Hi Becca,
Glad to have you back, my all those dies they look stunning, you really know how to put on a display, they look stunning. I hope it all went well for you, I was hoping to see you on our screens over here but that did not happen, as far as I am aware anyway lol! Would have loved to see you on the TV demonstrating.
I have commented to your questions, whatever you decide in 2016 I shall be there along side you excitingly waiting to see your next stunning creation.
Love & hugs
Jacquie J xxx
Hi Becca. Me again. Just been on computer and done your survey. I can’t see it on my tablet for some reason but I can on my PC?! I completed it and pressed submit but I didn’t get any confirmation message that it had gone OK so hoping this is so. If you have got it, could you email me and I’ll redo. Thanks.
Hi Becca, Lovely to see you back !! The piccie of your goodies for the CHA looks amazing, you are one busy, busy, girlie, they all look stunning.
I’m off to click on the Contact button now.
Take care.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Good Morning Becca,
Filled out the FORM and cannot wait to see if my name is drawn.
Your desire to please your fans is beyond my comprehension. For most artists the desire to create is so strong that this is what drives one. I try not to copy your work exactly, but endeavor to take inspiration from your work. I love what you do and how you do it and I will CLICK IN whenever I see your name in my emails. Thank you and Happy New year!
Hi Becca,
Glad you are back and you had a great time at CHA. I answered your survey. Hugs Yvonne
Hi Becca, I’ve been on my daughter’s gizmo, filled in the survey : )
It said error : ( Will give it another go : )
Loopy Lyndaxxx
Survey done! Glad you are home and had a good time at CHA! There will always be those who have to be negative! I just ignore them and continue on in my world because the negative Nellie’s can’t bring me down!!
You asked in your survey to tell of a die we wanted you to design, I couldn’t think of anything until I closed the survey. Now I can tell you… (Got it BJ – moved your request to my list! – Becca)
Hi Becca
It’s good to have you back, I have missed you.
Your blog is the most inspirational I have ever seen, and your dies are to die for (no pun intended)
Pat x
Hey Becca, I’ve actually managed to submit your survey ?
Thankyou for all your inspiration. Keep on crafting.!!!
Have a good one!!!
Loopy Lyndaxxx
Hi Becca,
I echo the sentiment of the first lady that wrote, You are a CLASS ACT and people who are that rude are transferring their inadequacies unto you, so don’t pay attention and keep giving us SUBLIME INSPIRATION!!!
My Father, God rest his soul, had a saying that goes ” a un bagazo poco caso”, bagazo is the word in Spanish that means for example when you suck on a sugar cane and take away the last drop of sweetness, what is left is what you discard as garbage,nothing worth paying attention to. GET IT?
María Alba
So glad to have you back. Tired to answer the survey questions but keep getting an error message.
Becca, I have been away from card making and crafting for quite awhile. I have been working a lot, and I am now signed up to take classes after work to help with my job. I have to admit I was feeling lost. I needed some beautiful artistry to speak to my soul, and I found your blog. ABSOLUTELY what my soul and heart needed. You inspire, teach, create and put so much of yourself into each of your cards. I have gone thru your last year of cards and I have to say you take my breath away! I don’t think you should change a thing with your blog. I am now itching to create, too. Thank you for speaking to my heart. It needed you, someone blessed not only with incredible creativity but someone who shares that creativity with countless others. THANK YOU! Please keep up your incredible blog!
Hi Becca have completed your survey and am really looking forward to seeing your next post as your cards are always so beautiful and a real inspiration.
Please just ignore those sad people who post negative comments about you it say more about them than you.
Thanks for the survey. Don’t know what evil doers would not be on the helping side, but ignore them. You know well there are so many out in cyberspace that are coo-coo for cocoa pops.
So, remember two things: 1.That cup in your hand that says “courage”. 2. You are God’s gift to us. He’s got your back! And, so do your true fans who love you!!
Thank you for the opportunity to add my thoughts, i’m a new follower and am totally blown away by your talent and kindness.
I am unable to send my survey comments. Keep getting a message saying error submitting form, plaese try again. I have tried. Help, please
Hi Becca,
I just read your last blog post. I am sorry to hear that there are people out there, who take the time to visit your blog, and leave disparaging comments. You know that they must be hurting inside and want you to feel their hurt, too. I have a shop on Etsy and people are able to contact me, freely. Sometimes, I receive negative comments about my praise-art. It hurts, but I know they are desperately crying-out. So, I ask the Lord to help them and to give me a heart of forgiveness. Your blog is beautiful and I can see and feel that you have a good heart, too. Please, continue to provide us with inspiration. We love you! Cynthia
Enjoy the event! Wow, you have put in a lot of time and effort! Will you show us what is inside the packages after you return? I am so curious!!
Beautiful card once again. Your creative designs keep me inspired and encouraged to keep trying to make beautiful elegant cards. Thanks for the inspiration.
Love you cards