It was heartwarming to read all the responses to my Lost Art of the Written Word post and it seems we’re all of the same mind.  We’re card makers, memory makers, legacy keepers who uphold the love of the written word one card or scrapbook page at a time. Carry on sweet souls, carry on!  If no one else to carry the torch and bring the tradition into the future, then we must :-)   I have to acknowledge that we are blessed too by technology.  I’m so lucky to have a chat group with my kids and it puts me in touch with them much more that I ever was with my parents – we chat every day.   I’ve realized that everything can exist with balance and only hope that on our watch many of our traditions are sustained.   Well, that’s why we do what we do!

In the meantime I dug back into the archives for one of my older cards that some of my newer readers have not seen – the recipe of items used can be found HERE.

I promised you a winner and we have one!  I used Random.org to pick a number from the 217 comments and it picked number 114 that corresponds with this comment, belonging to Sandy Hoy. Sandy, please reach out to me through my contact page and lets figure out what card you want to receive :-).     


Thanks so much for stopping by.  I have more to share this week,  I’ll see you soon!!


  • MaryannJuly 8, 2014 - 4:15 am

    Such a beauty here can definitely be seen more than once, and it really is amazing and soo sooo beautiful. I absolutely love the romance and elegance in this card, and it´s sooo stylish too.
    Congrats to Sandy being the lucky one, you´ll get a really hard time chosing among soo many beautiful creations ha ha ha.
    Have a great week everyone and lots of fun and joy I hope, and enjoy your summer out there.ReplyCancel

  • ColleenB. ` TexasJuly 8, 2014 - 4:30 am

    That is such a beautiful card.
    Congratulations to Sandy Hoy on the winReplyCancel

  • ElaineJuly 8, 2014 - 4:39 am

    Huge Congratulations to Sandy,
    Thank you for sharing your lovely card Becca ,it is truly beautiful .
    God Bless
    Elaine H XReplyCancel

  • TammieJuly 8, 2014 - 4:42 am

    So delicate and sweet.ReplyCancel

  • Clare WJuly 8, 2014 - 5:12 am

    Congrats Sandy – love this card as always –ReplyCancel

  • Becky GreenJuly 8, 2014 - 5:46 am

    Congratulations Sandy!!!! :)
    Your card is GORGEOUS Becca!!! sigh! ALWAYS LOVE your work!!!:DReplyCancel

  • jacquie jacobsJuly 8, 2014 - 7:37 am

    Hi Becca,

    Stunning card, love the large lace panel down the center so so pretty.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  • Maureen KillenJuly 8, 2014 - 7:56 am

    Good afternoon Becca,
    What a beautiful, gorgeous card. It really is stupendous.
    Congratulations to Sandy, you lucky, lucky lady.

  • vivacehJuly 8, 2014 - 8:35 am

    Congrats Sandy! Becca, I love how you used the lace on your card. Beautiful!ReplyCancel

  • margaret driscoll UKJuly 8, 2014 - 8:38 am

    Lovely card Becca
    I have read Sandy’s comments and they are beautiful and warm!
    Love MargReplyCancel

  • Bernie KJuly 8, 2014 - 9:24 am

    You can dig into your archives any time. I should just make a “Becca” file on the computer. Such talent God has blessed you with. And Becca, I know you don’t often share what is going on in your life, but when you do, you are letting us share the happiness or grief. You keep it real and then I don’t think that you are some “Wonder Woman” and why can’t I be more like you.
    I cannot believe that it is already 3 1/2 yrs. since your husband’s passing. He is watching from above, proud as heck to how you have carried on and where you are now.

    A daily readerReplyCancel

  • Juanita BraunJuly 8, 2014 - 9:30 am

    After reading what your winner Sandy Hoy wrote I am so glad she was picked. Her comment was beautiful and so perfect.

    Juanita from RockvilleReplyCancel

  • Blue RoseJuly 8, 2014 - 9:40 am

    Gorgeous card, even if it was “dug up.” The lace makes it look so dainty and delicate, and the bow adds the perfect touch. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. Way to go Sandy.ReplyCancel

  • Marilyn ClarkJuly 8, 2014 - 10:20 am

    Congratulations to Sandy on being the winner.

    I like what you dug up. Have a good day.ReplyCancel

  • Judy McMullenJuly 8, 2014 - 10:28 am

    Loved reading Sandy’s comment. Wow! She is amazing!! So glad you picked her!ReplyCancel

  • Sandy HoyJuly 8, 2014 - 10:36 am

    Thank you for the congratulations, ladies! I don’t know what I would have done without the “gift” of working with my hands and heart to keep the long hours moving along while Ken was out to sea. We raised two beautiful children together – he was worth the wait!!!
    Many blessings to all of you!ReplyCancel

  • Dorina DJuly 8, 2014 - 11:29 am

    Congratulations, Sandy.ReplyCancel

  • CynthiaJuly 8, 2014 - 12:15 pm

    Oh, Becca, the card is so very beautiful! Always a blessing to check-in and view your wonderful cards. Yes, we are blessed by technology, as we are able to visit beautiful sites, like yours, and receive inspiration and joy. Have a wonderful day, Becca! Congrats to Sandy!ReplyCancel

  • Terri WJuly 8, 2014 - 5:46 pm

    This would make a lovely wedding card. Beautiful as always Becca.
    Congrats to the winner!ReplyCancel

  • Dorothy HarrsionJuly 8, 2014 - 6:45 pm

    Well Done! Thank you for sharing your incredible creations that, in turn, inspire us!ReplyCancel

  • Norah McPheeJuly 9, 2014 - 4:24 am

    Good morning Becca,
    Oh how i love this sweet little card with the lace and ribbon, the little flowers on the window sill, the little sprigs of pearls coming out to surprise us, it is just so pretty a wee card.
    Well done Sandy, i hope that you enjoy your win.
    Thank you Becca,
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil, Scotland)ReplyCancel

  • Mrs BJuly 9, 2014 - 4:27 am

    Hi Becca. Love the card, the window looks so good sat on the beautiful lace: ) It is so good to know taht others feel the same way about the written word, think it is safe for a while longer yet : ) Take careReplyCancel

  • Sonia StephensonJuly 9, 2014 - 2:44 pm

    Hi Becca. A day late from me (sorry), just catching up with blogs now. Lovely card as ever. Love the lace and flowers framing the beautiful window. So elegant. Well done to Sandy – beautiful words xxReplyCancel

  • Marilyn in E-TownJuly 9, 2014 - 8:49 pm

    Sandy you lucky lady! Becca what a gorgeous card!ReplyCancel

WR-AMPHi there friends, just a reminder that you have until sometime on Monday to leave a comment on this post ———> The Lost Art of the Written Word from July 3rd in order to pick a card from my stash.  In my post I have soft rant about how the written word is falling to the wayside and it’s my hope that you’ll have a card to send on to someone else or for your own memory box.

I’ve been tied up this week but I didn’t tell you what I was doing . . . I moved my youngest daughter 10 hours away to a big city.   Yikes!!  She was not home much because she worked and went to school but I know that it will be different being on my own – in my empty nest.  I feel like superwoman because I towed her car and belongings all the way and helped her get situated, plying her with non-stop motherly advice the entire week.

We are from a small town – I guess I didn’t realize how small.  There’s no interstate freeway where I live and you’re lucky if you can cruise 45 miles an hour on a drive anywhere.   I basically had to teach my sweet girl how to drive on the interstate and even she thought 70 miles an hour was fast.

Just the facts . . . it was sooooo hard! Tears, hard!  Clinched fists in the air, hard!  Physically and mentally, hard!  But I did it!!  These are the days that I know John would be smiling down but I have to admit that I got emotional because this is one of the things I dreamed of doing with him and I still can’t fathom that I managed to do it without him.  This is the point that some of my acquaintances would roll their eyes and not say a word because yes, it has been 3 and a half years (cringe – I’m sorry).  This is especially for those of you who email me and ask me to tell more about my life and journey through grief :-).   That’s what I love about you all!!   I hope you’ll indulge me just long enough to say that (oh, yes) I still acknowledge (sneaky) grief but I’m strong enough to tip my hat and continue on :-)

Blogging is like journalling – whew, a little bit of ‘that’ weight is gone.  After a week of being a natural worry wart I found this pin on Pinterest that cracked me up and just about sums up the past week.  I have to leave a small disclaimer because it may not be my language but it definitely reflects some of the zillion thoughts that have gone through my mind during this adventure.

Thanks so much for the lovely thoughts you’ve left with me this week.  Even though you didn’t know it, they’ve helped me get through it all!  Take care sweeties, I’ll be back soon!!



  • Norma KratzJuly 5, 2014 - 3:19 pm

    Becca, You have no idea how you have inspired me thru the years. I can’t believe it has been 4 1/2 years since you lost John. I lost my husband 17 years ago and still yearn for him, we never get over it but we get thru it and our spouse’s would like for us to go on. I did, re-married and married my school chum and that is what Jim wanted. My current husband knew him and loved him as I did and still do which does make it easier because he knows I still miss my late husband. I will keep you in my prayers and stay strong. God will help you and God Bless you.ReplyCancel

  • MaryannJuly 5, 2014 - 3:30 pm

    Oh boy, I know just how you feel, as I were there few years ago. There´s something final about it, when you send the last one of, isn´t it? But thanks god, then it almost always goes just fine, as I know, you´ll soon find out too, cause thanks god, they´ve actually learned sooo much more from us, than we ever believed, before they left, so even they a million times told us to stoip, they knew what they were doing, and we kept worrying, then they really do, when they have to, and if they finally run into something, they also know, who to call then, I can asure you. My babygirl moved and got married 10 years ago, and even today she still calls me at least twice a week to ask me something up to this day. They went to Germany for a vacation yesterday and drove all the way with their girls, and today when they arrived on the place, guess who she called on a cellphone as soon as they landed, so I can asure you, as soon as she gets seettled in, you´ll probably see and hear more from her, than you did, when she stayed home. Best of luck to you sweet lady with all the changes in your life, but don´t worry, new doors will open now, and you´ll soon know, I´m right. Have a wonderful week-end and take good care of you now.ReplyCancel

  • Pat JandacekJuly 5, 2014 - 3:36 pm

    I find it’s taking a long time to find ‘just me.’ It’s been 2 years of widowhood after 39 years of togetherness – habits and patterns and desires of oneself take a slow time to discover and accept. The happiness of knowing I was loved will never leave me, and I’ll be forever thankful.ReplyCancel

  • vivacehJuly 5, 2014 - 3:37 pm

    I love this Becca! My sentiments exactly.ReplyCancel

  • JoniJuly 5, 2014 - 3:52 pm

    I love this from Tina Fey…reported it on my FB page this year. The empty nest thing is hard. We have taken a different journey than most..our two adopted kiddos were finally diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder about five years ago, and our oldest just finished high school, with another 3 year transition program in front of him. Our daughter is 17 and hasn’t been able to safely live at home for about 20 months now, and we don’t know that she will ever be back home. I’ve begun converting her bedroom into the Mom Cave…full of my crafting business. It is good because I can create and feel close to her…and hard because of the grief. We do what we do…you have been a awesome mom and I’m sorry this week has been so full of the grief of her leaving AND having to do that without John. May your heart continue to find its way toward healing and peace. Thank you for sharing that part of your journey with us.ReplyCancel

  • RaquelJuly 5, 2014 - 3:58 pm

    My friend Becca–I hear your cry and feel your tears and fears… this is such a hard journey but remember all you have done and taught as a Mother. You are special and so is your daughter. Angels from the left, right and all sides will help and guide her. She will remember your words of wisdom that you have said so many times. That is a Mother. I lost my Mother in March she was 99 years old and till this day I do not forget all she taught me. May you find comfort and may your faith grow each day–and your daughter as well. I know what you are feeling as a Mother and Daughter. You and your daughter will be in my thoughts and prayers. God be with you and your precious jewel–your Daughter.ReplyCancel

  • Lynn HardyJuly 5, 2014 - 4:02 pm

    Although we’ve never met I feel such a bond with you! It’s amazing what we can achieve as mothers when we have too! Your daughter will appreciate you even more now that she has left home – and you will only ever be a short phone call away! My own daughter left to go to University this year and I missed her like mad, but we soon found that Skype was our new best friend and it’s lovely to be able to see her when we “phone” each other. She’s back home for the summer and we seem closer than ever :)

    Thank you for the poem – I shall share it with my daughter too. Much love to you Becca. xReplyCancel

  • Mary H.July 5, 2014 - 4:05 pm

    Becca, loved the Mother’s Prayer. So much truth, and done so amusingly too. Don’t apologize for your moments of recurring grief. That happens, and you get through it, stronger I’m sure. But it’s earned & you have that when you love. I can sympathesize with the empty nest. Oh is it so hard. But it’s what we raised them up to be able to do, hopefully remembering all the values they were taught in a loving home. You may be lonely for a bit, at times. You will find your way. You have so many interests to occupy you, and so many people in Blogland when you’re ready to share with us. I know you’re a strong lady, with large faith….You’ll never REALLY be alone, but sometimes it just feels lonely. Do what you have to do to ease your heart, and big hugs coming your way. Blessings.ReplyCancel

  • DebraJuly 5, 2014 - 4:08 pm

    So glad you posted the poem by Tina Fey. I found that on Pinterest awhile ago and I’m sure most moms can find familiarity in it. I feel so bad that you moved your daughter by yourself. That’s quite a feat and I’m not sure I could have done that. I think you will always feel some sense of grief and loss, particularly at key moments when you thought you and John would be doing things together. Keep in mind what you’ve accomplished already and proven yourself to be very strong when you have to be! Hugs!!ReplyCancel

  • MickieJuly 5, 2014 - 4:12 pm

    You are such a beautiful person! I lost Bruce almost three years ago and am going through a situation that I so wish he was here to help me with. So I know where you are coming from.ReplyCancel

  • SheriJuly 5, 2014 - 4:16 pm

    Good for you! I know how you are feeling and I wish I were that far down the road but sad that the pain continues. This is the worse pain I have ever felt. I lost the love of my life in April. He was a sick sick man and I would not wish him back like he was but oh to have him back healthy. I would give anything to have him back well.ReplyCancel

  • ChelseaJuly 5, 2014 - 4:18 pm

    Big hugs of love to you, Becca!! You are amazing, awesome, and a force of nature.ReplyCancel

  • GraciellieJuly 5, 2014 - 4:22 pm

    My goodness this is just hillarious, but oh so true!

    Grief is always there in the back or sometimes a little closer to the middle of your mind and heart. It’s only natural that you’ve had to deal with this feelings during this changing times for you and your daughter. For me it’s been almost 3 years since my father passed away and this feeling just doesn’t go away, and some may not understand. Still that inner strength makes us keep going together with the renewal of our Lord’s mercy every single morning…

    Big hug!ReplyCancel

  • Marjorie ShannenJuly 5, 2014 - 4:23 pm

    Blessings to you Becca for Today, Tomorrow and Always.ReplyCancel

  • Maureen KillenJuly 5, 2014 - 4:25 pm

    Dear Becca,
    I admire you so much. I have been married 48 years this year and do not know what I would do without my husband – get on with it I suppose.

    God blessed me with only one child and when she got married 21 years ago I was so lost and cried buckets because I was not “needed” any more. Although they lived only 5 minutes walk away I didn’t visit them because I didn’t want to intrude. We kept in touch by phone and then she rang and asked me to please go because she wasn’t well and wanted me there. Oh joy of joys – I was needed.

    Well, they gave me two beautiful granddaughters who are now 8 and 10 (my daughter had some problems, like me) and we see them every day. We get them to school and from school until their parents come home from work.

    My daughter is now 45 years old, and I remember when she was about 23 she said it was amazing how much I’d learnt since she was about 14!! Then she apologised for being such a brat during her teenage years!

    As I said at the beginning, I admire you immensely to do all that you do on your own – and 3 and a half years is not a long time.

    Much love and God Bless xxxReplyCancel

  • ElaineJuly 5, 2014 - 4:43 pm

    God bless you and your family Becca , today and always x

    Elaine H XReplyCancel

  • Marcie SmithJuly 5, 2014 - 4:44 pm

    Hugs, kisses and prayers to your strength Becca. I know how difficult it must have been for you. But, I also know that John is up there looking down and smiling. If it is any consolation, it is hard no matter what. There are some positives as well – you have no one to make decisions for and no one to answer to for all those day to day things. You will definitely enjoy visits more as you will do the enjoyable things together, rather then the need to get done before they go home type of things. And, now you can actually make that spare room into a guest room without feeling guilty. LOL Enjoy your new found freedom as you can be assured that they are only as far as a phone call away, and they are never really totally gone and will always return home even if it is only for a visit.

  • Anne (UK)July 5, 2014 - 4:50 pm

    What an amazing Mum you are! How brave of you to do all that you have these last 3 and a half years. I’m certain John would be so proud.
    What a heart wrench for you though. Skype or Face Time will be your friends. I pray that your daughter will soon settle and that your home will be filled with sweet memories.
    Anne (UK) xReplyCancel

  • pocasheJuly 5, 2014 - 5:06 pm

    I remember the day we dropped our son (the youngest child) at college. He vowed that he wouldn’t ever need to live at home again and told us to use his bedroom for something else. Our daughter had left for college two years earlier. We were now empty nesters and IT WAS HARD! I had a hard time remembering who I was, I had been mom for a long time. I worried that my spouse and I wouldn’t be able to relate because we hadn’t had too many private conversations in 18 years. I cried (with my daughter( for 4 1/2 hours on the trip home. Well, they’re both married now and have given us wonderful grandchildren. The phases all come and go. Just enjoy them while you can and look forward to the next one.ReplyCancel

  • EffieJuly 5, 2014 - 5:09 pm

    ok, my rant. My son and daughter moved to Texas from Michigan on July 13 and I MISS THEM SO MUCH I walked around the car as they prepared to leave praying, praying, praying! when the tears started I stepped aside and let them leave! I have done NO crafting since they left (gotta get back to that soon) so….I get it. they have never been this far from me. the last six years not more than a five minute car ride. one daughter left in Mich.who surprised me and said she wants to got to church tomorrow, so thats good (hasnt been in 3-4 years) I missed the last two sundays so this will get me back on track! double blessing. thanks for listening!

  • EffieJuly 5, 2014 - 5:19 pm

    sorry, thanks for the poem-love it!ReplyCancel

  • Judy BJuly 5, 2014 - 5:25 pm

    Grief knows no time limit Bekka and for me this is the 1st time I have seen your story. Never apologize for missing someone, for we’ll all have to go through it someday. I enjoyed Tina’s little “rant” as I always enjoy your cards and your thoughts. Thanks for sharing both.ReplyCancel

  • Kelly FlahertyJuly 5, 2014 - 5:29 pm

    Dearest Becca, No words from any friend or family member will ever make the loss of your husband less painful. Their words will not shorten the length of time for the hurt to diminish even slightly. Although their love, and hugs and tears and company will allow you moments of sweetness, your eyes still see John all around you, you hear his voice in the strangest of places, and you smell his scent when you least expect it.
    I did not lose my husband, but I did lose my father, the man I most looked up to, my hero and my friend. He died painfully in 1997 and each day I awake I thank my Lord for the forty years He shared my father with me. But, if I allow myself too much time reflecting on that time, it still becomes very painful. Yes, there are more times of good memories than bad, but when you are blessed to spend years with a person that changes the lives of everyone around them, it is hard to let go.
    I agree that John watches over you and the children and yes he smiles. I’m sure he brags to everyone that will listen that he is so proud of you and what you have accomplished since he was called to go home. I added your name to my list of prayers a while ago and I pray that contentment and peace will continue to surround you.
    Hugs, hugs, and love,
    Kelly FlahertyReplyCancel

  • DesireeJuly 5, 2014 - 5:32 pm

    I was going to say the same thing about grief as Judy! Lol. It has no boundaries and I believe no real end….I think you just get better at living beyond. My mom died 12 years ago and sometimes I still miss her and I cry. Not everyday, but sometimes. My own children (that she never got to see) will do something and I’ll think about calling her…or sharing it with her and she’s gone. The reflex to call her is still there. :-( So, 3 1/2 years is just a blink.

    And I am proud for you as well for helping your youngest move. What an accomplishment! I wish her and you well. May blessings be in her future!ReplyCancel

  • Stephanie WJuly 5, 2014 - 6:04 pm

    Letting your children leave the nest is HARD. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Yes, you’re happy they are happy and you want them to have a life of your own but it’s hard to wrap your head around the fact that a whole era of your life is over. Ugh! A thought on grief sneaking up on you at times….my mom passed away 16 years before my day. One of the worst things you could say to my dad until the day he died was, “oh, it’s been {X amount of time} so you’re over it now.” He would say, “I’ll NEVER be over it. Yes, I go on but I’ll never be over it.” For Dad, Mom had just gone ahead and was waiting on him to arrive in Heaven. Sorta like when she waited for him to come back from overseas during WWII. Thanks so much for your transparency as well as your creative inspiration. {{Hugs}} on making it through such a hard week.ReplyCancel

  • Lizzie from Titahi Bay, NZJuly 5, 2014 - 6:09 pm

    When my daughter, youngest of my two children, left home for the first time it was heartbreaking. I was so proud of her achievements, and with her degree safely behind her she embarked on post-graduate studies on the other side of the world. Europe is not only a very long way from New Zealand, but her day would be our night, emails would be so very important to keep in touch. She was going flatting in a strange country when she hadn’t done that here. Halfway through her year we visited her. She had blossomed into this beautiful, self-confident person who was making her own way in a very different world to what I had grown up in. Elizabeth returned to complete her Ph,D back home. She now lives in another country just a few hours flight away with her beautiful family, and a very successful career. Becca, I am thankful we are not able to see what is ahead of us, but it is OK to look ahead and give thanks for the opportunities our children are blessed with, and take comfort in that we have helped to make that possible for them. God bless.ReplyCancel

  • CandyJuly 5, 2014 - 6:11 pm

    I share tears and hugs with you!ReplyCancel

  • Diana GoemannJuly 5, 2014 - 6:14 pm

    You are strong, and you’ve made another milestone. Blessings to you.ReplyCancel

  • Dorothy HarrsionJuly 5, 2014 - 6:41 pm

    Grief is our way of remembering, and it should never be something we say “you should be over it”. The scars form and we learn to live without them. but every once in awhile the scar still hurts…. I am glad you were able to help your daughter, to be strong for her, to give her advise, to be there and love her. Girls need their mothers all their lives – and every day you teach her is a day she will be stronger, more resilient, and make better choices in her life. Good for you Becca! Now the hard part – learning to live on your own…. 8-)ReplyCancel

  • Lisa DugginJuly 5, 2014 - 6:59 pm

    Don’t tell your daughter but now you can have another craft room! Just kidding. She will do great things becuse you trained her up in the way she should go. It is all we parents can do. We must leave the rest to God. Hugs right back at you. Blessings, LisaReplyCancel

  • Clare CurcioJuly 5, 2014 - 7:18 pm

    I agree with what you said about everything. And I agree with Tina Fey about “No Tattoos”! My daughter is 33, and has three, and just today she got the big one on her back “fixed”. She didn’t tell me about it, but texted her brother while I was there visiting him. I wish she trusted me enough to tell me these things. I guess she’s afraid I’ll get mad, or it’s just none of my business, now that she’s 33. I don’t know if she’d even answer me if I asked her. She is moving to South Carolina with her new husband and two sons. I will miss them terribly.

    I’m so glad to have found your blog site! Your work is amazing!ReplyCancel

  • Carol H.July 5, 2014 - 7:48 pm

    Oh my I feel your pain. I cried for probably 12 hours after we dropped the oldest daughter at college–12 hours away in Georgia. Hmmm, 1 hour of crying for each hour it took to drive–hadn’t thought of that till now. 2nd daughter, 2 hours away–6 hours of crying.

    Don’t ever apologize for showing your grief–even 3-½ years later. Just shows what a strong bond and amazing love y’all must have had. My biggest loss has been my mother. Two years ago in September to West Nile Virus. 77 years old was too soon for us. Still have very strong moments where I feel the loss as if it was yesterday.

    Take heart about the empty nest. I always treasure having the girls home. They went to college in 2005 & 2008. I cry a few tears when they leave now, but then I can get back to being crafty! Haha! It does get better!

    Thank you for all you share with us!ReplyCancel

  • Maxine DJuly 5, 2014 - 8:32 pm

    Love love love that ‘prayer’ – as you say not your language(or mine) in parts , but the sentiments are there.
    Grief is a life long journey – you learn to live with it, not ‘get over’ it, so if you need to share, do so.
    Blessings for being able to let your youngest move on in life – you are one strong Mama.

  • Norma EikenberryJuly 5, 2014 - 8:37 pm

    I firmly believe in the written word. You can write what truly is in your heart and say things that you might not have the heart to say out loud. When my children were at home I used to write them notes and tell them how much I loved them, what I expected of them etc. Then I would say keep this note and reread it if you do not feel loved. Several of them did save their notes and did reread them. It is so hard when they move away from home some distance from you. Hang in there BeccaReplyCancel

  • Patsy EcclesJuly 5, 2014 - 8:41 pm

    I just returned from a trip taken for the purpose of researching my roots and unknown family. I was struck with the realization of how valuable and treasured the letters and signatures on documents are and how little of this is going to be available in the future. The sweet texts my daughter and I sent back and forth during this trip as I uncovered historic details are already gone. Sweet sentiments of how much we love each other and funny stories that we share will not be read by future generations. How will they ever know about how wonderful and close my daughter’s relationship with me is and how many of my traits she has? The written word and photo is a genealogist’s best tool. Keep those cards and letters going!ReplyCancel

  • LindaJuly 5, 2014 - 10:59 pm

    You are an amazing woman and you inspire so many of us!ReplyCancel

  • MildredJuly 5, 2014 - 11:40 pm

    Hang in there, Becca. Unlike grief, a child leaving home does get better because they phone, text (probably do not write!), email and best of all, visit. The visits are all too short but oh so wonderful.ReplyCancel

  • Janet CastleJuly 5, 2014 - 11:48 pm

    Prayers for comfort to adjust to your empty nest coming your way!

  • Marilyn in E-TownJuly 6, 2014 - 12:06 am

    First off sending hugs and prays for you, as you are always touching our lives with your beautiful cards, which I consider a piece of art work.
    I can’t even imagine losing my soul mate, I do know losing my parents has been the hardest thing to handle in my life, I cherish every memory I have.
    I to just love a good ole written note, I am sending a hand made card once a week with a note to a wonderful church family whose little 6 yr old was just diagnosed with Leukemia and is in Seattle’s Children Hospital.
    Nothing better than a hand written note to make you feel loved and cared for!!!!
    Oh how I would love to have pick of one of your cards, what a treasure that would be!!!
    May you continue to Blessed by Gods grace.ReplyCancel

  • Clare WJuly 6, 2014 - 12:24 am

    Amazing bows, amazing cards, and amazing Becca. You are truly an inspiration – if more folks were just a little bit like you, the world would be a much nicer place me thinks.ReplyCancel

  • LaceladyJuly 6, 2014 - 3:02 am

    Love the Mother’s Prayer, I found it extremely hard when my Daughter, her Husband and my only grandson moved from the UK to Ireland. It could have been Timbuktu as far as I was concerned – as we weren’t likely to be able to visit more than once a year.

    Now, I live just 15 mins from them and their two ‘made in Ireland’ daughters, as I’ve come to live in Ireland too. Just goes to show you never know what your future holds.ReplyCancel

  • June MetcalfejaymetJuly 6, 2014 - 4:04 am

    Becca, you are an inspiration to all. When I left an abusive relationship after many years, I took very little of material things, but I took your saying of ‘something good is just around the corner’. It’s been almost a year now, and those words are still with me, and have proved true so many times during that short time. JuneReplyCancel

  • margaret driscoll UKJuly 6, 2014 - 5:40 am

    Hello Dear Becca!
    I can feel how much you still miss John, and you always will !
    Mine preferred someone else, and wanted to leave me ……yours didn’t, the pain I felt was intense…… yours is more than that!
    Its so hard being mother, and father, to our children ….I hope you continue to be strong Becca !
    My daughter is in Australia I haven’t seen her for 6 years and I still miss her and my grand daughter whom I haven’t met.
    Thank goodness we have crafting to ease our minds for a while !
    Take care Becca
    Thinking of you
    Love MargReplyCancel

  • Maureen KillenJuly 6, 2014 - 6:14 am

    Good morning Becca,
    I just wanted to let you know that I’m thinking of you today. I only found your blog this year (my daughter and son in law got me my first laptop for last Christmas as I hadn’t used a computer before – don’t know if I’ve already told you this), so I didn’t realise the great loss you had endured until yesterday.
    May God keep you in his care, and I’m sure John is in the arms of the Angels awaiting the day when you will join him.
    Also, if you let your children fly, they will eventually fly back to you.
    God Bless, and love to you and your followers who have also felt a great loss xxReplyCancel

  • Karen A.July 6, 2014 - 6:21 am

    Thank you for sharing your most precious thoughts and feelings. I am amazed by your strength and courage. Blessings to you as you begin this empty nest journey.ReplyCancel

  • Cyndee ScholetJuly 6, 2014 - 8:08 am

    Hi Becca,
    Yes, it IS hard to let our daughters go. I bet if John was
    there he might tell you to chill out and not worry so much, like my husband does. Even though I’m not a worrier. In fact, I think I’m pretty brave. I didn’t have a meltdown when my daughter traveled in South America (after her semester and her summer studying in Peru, Argentina and Brazil and a volunteer program in Ecuador). Not even when she went to Colombia, Venezuela BY HERSELF! Mind you, this was just after the movie TAKEN, where Liam Neeson’s daughter gets kidnapped in the movie by a drug/sex ring. But, I think a mother is always thinking about and handling more details when it comes to life and to their kids than their husbands….in most cases…. Had to throw a disclaimer in there.

    Anyway…about the written word….. I ALWAYS made sure my kids hand wrote their thank you notes over the years and I’m proud about how cooperative they were about it. Although my son has slacked off a bit now that he is in the Air Force and living on his own. Mom’s not over his shoulder to make sure it gets done, so there is not much I can do.

    I went to a wedding two weeks ago and they passed out printed “Thank you for coming” cards and I have a feeling that that may be the only thank you I will receive. I think that is a terrible shame that it has become socially acceptable to be that lazy when acknowledging wedding gifts.ReplyCancel

  • Jan LtcJuly 6, 2014 - 8:55 am

    Hi Rebecca what a super post thanks for sharing and making me smile. I don’t have any daughters but we are blessed with 5 Granddaughter’s no 6 is due in October. Our eldest is 11 and off to comp in September she is the same height as me 5″ ! and takes a size 6 shoe so in a blink of an eye we will be in the same situation. Life flies by so quickly.
    I always think it’s a good job we don’t know what life has in store for us and we can only do our best and treat other’s as we would like to be treat.
    God Bless you in this new faze of your life and I hope you find contentment.
    Hugs JanReplyCancel

  • Tina CovingtonJuly 6, 2014 - 9:12 am

    Becca, I don’t have children except by marriage and being a godmother but I do have close friends who have gone through similar experiences. And so, I want to say to you … you did good! Oh, and one more thing … don’t ever let anyone roll their eyes at you for feeling grief or sadness. Everyone handles this differently. The truth is it is okay to feel it now or anytime in the future. The important part is that this has shown you that you can do the little things and the huge things and be okay! Prayers and hugs to you!ReplyCancel

  • Jacquie JacobsJuly 6, 2014 - 10:31 am

    Hi Becca,

    BIG cheers for you, I applaud you my friend, not many people could do what you have done for your sweet girl, I am sure she appreciates it. So young to have lost your husband, it brings to mind one of my favourite poems from the film Truly, Madly, Deeply. I loved the poem so much I made a cross stitch out of it, in fact I posted it on my blog only last Friday. It goes:

    Forgive me if you are not living,
    If you beloved, my love,
    If you have died,
    All the leaves will fall on my breasts
    It will rain on my soul all night, all day,
    My feet will want to march to where you are sleeping,
    But I shall go on living.

    I hope you don’t mind me sharing this with you and if people roll their eyes at you roll them back, they are not worth it.

    Love & prayers are with you.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  • RebekkaJuly 6, 2014 - 12:13 pm

    Great post Becca. I have children, they are all grown, and I still worry and pray for them daily,.ReplyCancel

  • Patricia HowarthJuly 6, 2014 - 1:07 pm

    Hi Becca, What a week it must have been for you, you must have been through every emotion going, I really ‘feel’ for you. You have brought up your youngest Daughter to the best of your ability, and have provided her with a solid platform from which to venture into the world on her own, she knows that you will always be there for her, no matter what !!
    I lost my eldest and youngest Sons many years ago, the eldest was 21 and the youngest 23, that was in 1987 and 1994 respectively, and it still hurts to this day, and I sometimes wonder what they would have been like and how they would have turned out.
    Take heart from the fact that you can still speak to your Daughter, and see her when you can, and offer Motherly advice when she wants it. She will be your Daughter for the rest of her life, and you will love her for the rest of yours.
    Take care.
    Lots of love from Patricia xxReplyCancel

  • Norah McPheeJuly 6, 2014 - 1:25 pm

    Dearest Becca,
    John is smiling down upon you, you just can’t see him anymore, but he is there at all the bits that you need him most to give you that strength and courage to carry on.
    Sorry flower, i just felt that you need to know that he will always be at your side, to walk with you. True love transends even death, my flower and i hope that one day you will find this out for yourself.
    Take care dear lady,
    sending big crafty hugs and love across the big pond
    Norah (Glenochil, Scotland)ReplyCancel

  • CaroleJuly 6, 2014 - 1:43 pm

    For me, it is more difficult adjusting to the fact that they are living their lives without me in them 24/7! OK, I raised them, I sent them off, I packed up their things, and watched them walk down the isle. Wow! Good for me.
    Whoa is me, they operate very well without me now. Sure they come home to visit, bring their babies over for us to take care of while they go about their business, but it’s hard not to want them asking me, bugging me, and demanding of me! As I age, they are taking over my job at care-giving (as I did it for my parents), and I need to age gracefully as they still have to learn from me in doing these things. Life and it cycles continue on under God’s directions.ReplyCancel

  • Anita BraddockJuly 6, 2014 - 2:30 pm

    I have had 2 kids move out and then One moved back in because she couldn’t do it plus being Pregnant. then after one year our son moved back in our last kid is also home. so our house is a full house and also with our almost 2yr. old Granddaughter and we are 53 years old and its tough
    . but we are doing it. because we love each one.ReplyCancel

  • Terri WJuly 6, 2014 - 2:50 pm

    Wow that took courage Becca! My son lives 5 miles away and I miss him every single day I don’t see him. And he is 31 lol.
    I am sure John was watching over you smiling at how brave you were being for your daughter.
    Now it is time for you to have some fun being an empty nester ;)ReplyCancel

  • Marlene IacuzziJuly 6, 2014 - 4:56 pm

    Thank you for sharing the Tina Fey prayer.And for your genuine-ness (Is that even a word?). You have enriched my life, Becca. I don’t think I could ever pull a car and I need the lessons on driving the highway, not my daughters.But YOU DID IT. How capable and strong you must feel. And what a lesson for your daughter.ReplyCancel

  • LenoriaJuly 6, 2014 - 7:33 pm

    Oh Becca, I am sending you a hug (a little tighter than you know) because I am with you and I know you will make it through this stronger than ever and also thank you for the poem, it made me laugh as I thought “been there, done that! Thank you for always seeming to be there when I need a lift and for sharing your gorgeous creations and also “just life tidbits” with us.ReplyCancel

  • Judy McMullenJuly 6, 2014 - 9:15 pm

    Thank you for sharing Tina Fey’s “A Mother’s Prayer” and what is happening in your life. Wishing you many blessings! HUGS!!ReplyCancel

  • Gayle in Ontario,July 6, 2014 - 9:45 pm

    Becca, you are so strong & I admire you so much – if it needs doing -You Do It! I can’t imagine losing my soul mate but I would grieve forever. You are so young..we are in our 70’s

    I love the written word & hate how the cost of stamps has risen. I feel it’s one of the ways I reach out to people is by sending them handmade cards. They are so happy to get something in the mail and a handmade card!!! with a letter..they are so thrilled. Most people tell me they keep them all..
    Love your cards and thanks for being such an inspiration

  • Ros HodgkinsJuly 7, 2014 - 4:10 am

    Becca, the words of this Poem will touch the heart of every mother, especially those who are like you doing it all by themselves. It is my belief that the third year of a bereavement is the worst as there are no memories of what we did last time/ year. It is just you on your own, with the help of Almighty God, who gives us the strength to do all we need to do. I send you love and prayers that this sadness will soon lift.
    X Ros Hodgkins, Cambridgeshire England.ReplyCancel

  • Janet FlemingJuly 7, 2014 - 5:45 am

    He Becca,
    What an inspiration you are. I live in a small town in Lancashire, England.
    I remember when my last child left home. Tears and more tears, I am fortunate to have my four children not far from home. I love your cards.
    I love your blog. bless you.
    Jan xxxReplyCancel

  • ConniecrafterJuly 7, 2014 - 7:21 am

    I don’t care how long John has been gone, anytime you go through a milestone that you dreamed of doing with him, it is going to be rough and I am so glad you got through it and now with God’s strength he will get you through. This is going to be a big change for you both and I wish you all of God’s blessings as you travel this new road for the both of you.ReplyCancel

  • Karen WeddingJuly 7, 2014 - 8:49 am

    We have been empty nesters for a couple of years now, but every Sunday, we spend with our youngest son after church. He meets us at church and then rides with us as we do our running around, etc. He is closest to my husband, but my oldest is closest to me. My oldest moved 1 1/2 away from us, so we don’t get to see him and his wife very often. Never often enough for me, at least. I pray that your daughter will make the time to visit as often as she can. You will miss the times you had together talking and doing little things together. All I can say is time doesn’t always make it easier. Good luck and enjoy your time to yourself.ReplyCancel

  • Marilyn ClarkJuly 7, 2014 - 10:19 am

    Thanks for sharing your heart with us. God bless.ReplyCancel

  • Melissa HoffmannJuly 7, 2014 - 11:45 am

    I am also a widow of nine years and sometimes it is still hard to move on. We are strong and we do get through these types of things. I miss him every day especially when dealing with things he would have been a part of. Good luck on the next step, empty nest syndrome. I would love to get one of your cards.ReplyCancel

  • Linda RoyaltyJuly 7, 2014 - 11:47 am

    I love this post and the prayer So cute. I think grief comes in many descriptions. There is fresh grief, numbing grief, stoic grief, seasoned grief, and sometimes heart stabbing grief that catches you by surprise. I am sure there are others I can’t remember at the moment. But once you have lost a loved one, you eventually get to know most of them and a form of grief is part of your heart. But if we have joy and hope in the Lord ,we can experience them through His love. God bless. LindaReplyCancel

  • RitaJuly 7, 2014 - 1:31 pm

    Hi Becca, your blog has been on my favorite list for quite some time. Your inspiration and creations are awesome. I too am a widow of 3 years in August. Being a couple for 38 years, it’s a rough ongoing journey. A new chapter begins when my kids find an apartment and I begin yet another life adjustment. Card making for 20 years continues to be my ‘therapy’ Ü

  • Becky GreenJuly 7, 2014 - 3:11 pm

    I’m proud of you Becca! :) It IS HARD in any case to let loose & let your children fly from the nest! And it is understandable to have wanted to do this with John! You never know, sometimes they come flying back, for all sorts of reasons! LOL Know you are loved & stand in that! (((HUGS Dear Lady!!!)))ReplyCancel

  • VioletJuly 7, 2014 - 6:47 pm

    I have no doubt your beloved John is indeed watching and smiling and proud of you and your family and how you handle every hard situation with grace and determination. Blessings to you and your family.ReplyCancel

  • CraftysusanJuly 8, 2014 - 3:04 am

    It must be so hard for you losing your beloved husband and now your sweet daughter has travelled so far away from you. Remember your daughter is only a plane flight away and I am sure you will speak often on the telephone. She still needs her mum’s advice and love no matter how grown up she feels at the moment. Your dear husband will be so proud of you and the way you have brought your daughter up and of all your achievements. You have them both in your heart forever. God bless Becca. xxReplyCancel

  • Jerri KayJuly 8, 2014 - 5:58 am

    Amen . . . and this goes for boys as well . .. not just daughters. My heart, thoughts and prayers are with you Becca. I lost my brother 27 years ago, the grieving takes a very long time. Time does not heal all wounds, but it does lesson the pain. God Bless You!ReplyCancel

  • FreddieJuly 8, 2014 - 7:59 am

    Becca dearest, Go ahead and spill all those tears as they will NEVER dry up! Not after 3.5 nor after 35 years. Missing your other half will never go away so let all those who roll their eyes because they aren´t fortunate enough to have someone so allimportant share their lives roll an for as long as they need to.
    I´m sure your hubby watches and rejoices from above thru every day you manage to go on and cope without him. He must be so proud!ReplyCancel

  • Dedra JohnsonJuly 9, 2014 - 7:57 am

    It’s been 7 years for me. I’ve learned to not apologize for my grief. It may make some uncomfortable, but he was my life for 33 years and I still miss him. I retired a month ago and didn’t plan on doing this solo. We all have strength we didn’t know we have and God is always with us.

    Really love your cards and blog.ReplyCancel

  • Vivian StrozewskiJuly 9, 2014 - 6:28 pm

    It does seem that fewer and fewer young (and not so young) people do not know how to communicate without the use of abbreviated words. I find it so exciting to get even a brief note from someone. I enjoy doing the same for others even thought I am not as eloquent as some. I’m sure your empty nest will be filled with lovely friends who will help you over this “hump” in the road of life. Thanks for listening. I hope to be the lucky winner. VsReplyCancel

  • Jill NorwoodJuly 13, 2014 - 12:57 pm

    A beautiful post! I am in awe of you my dear and I hope when it comes to me taking my son on this journey that I will do it with grace also. It has been just over 2 years since we lost my husband and his papa to cancer and my son turned 10 years this week. He was in kindergarten when his Daddy got sick. Love the Tina Fey prayer you shared! Big hugs!!!!! JillReplyCancel

WRBF-4341-2014Hi there sweet friends!  Just so you know, I’m travelling and have been for the last week, but I do have a card to share today.  Oops, you get the talkative Becca today . . . if you want to jump right to the card and skip the long post – then CLICK HERE.  

When I designed this card what was going through my mind was the lost art of the written word.  

How times have changed, right?
I mean these days, you simply dash off an email or call someone on the phone.  Kids who move away never write home, they simply pick up the phone and text mom.  In fact, my kids have never been the ones to send a card, instead they pick up their cell phones and status their friends on Facebook.

But  . . . it is interesting
how much they gush when I send them a card though.   They show it to everyone around – “my mom sent this!”  Their friend shrugs with surprise – “Your mom sent this?”  Wow!  See, people don’t even know how to act when they receive a card – it’s so foreign to a generation.  It’s a delightful feeling to get a card – I even feel this way when one graces my mailbox.  To know that someone cared that much to make or buy one – there’s just no other feeling.   Yes, it takes time but the memories last a long time.  My sweet daughter (and Bailey, remember Bailey?) have moved and I’m in the guest room/office – gush, all the cards I sent her are on display in here.

Here’s a snippet of my card which is showing on the Waltzingmouse Inspiration Blog this week – jump over and have a peek.  I’ll edit this post next week when I’m home to include the step by step directions, full pictures and the product list.
Card Making Ideas by Becca Feeken Using Waltzingmouse Afternoon Tea

If you made it this far . . .
(hugs) then, there is a reward!  Leave a comment  and I’ll (randomly) pick one of the comments on Monday, July 7th to receive one of my recent cards (your pick) so that you can send it on to someone who would love to receive a card . . . a drop in the bucket toward restoring our hope in the written word.  I hope this wasn’t a rant, but I’m concerned that we’re digitizing all our memories and when we go to open grandma’s box of memories in the future – nothing will be there.  How do you feel about this?  You’re a talkative bunch, so leave a comment, I want to know your thoughts on this shift.

My opinion
I love digital things – but they will never be accessible for the future unless they are printed out.  The two things that concern me most are digital pictures and keepsake emails – those things will go up in a poof of smoke as soon as a hard drive dies.  It is no coincidence that I’m a papercrafter – this might give you some insight to where the inspiration comes from.  I have a feeling it’s much the same for you :-)

Question Parking Lot:

  • Kathy JoJuly 3, 2014 - 10:15 am

    I agree totally. If it is not on our phones or digital cameras then the memories are lost. Future generations will not know what their great grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc looked like. Thank goodness for scrapbookers and people that still print out photos!

    The cards that my friends make and give me are always cherished! A Facebook or text greeting is always nice and appreciated, but a card is proudly on display and invokes a smile for all!

    Enjoy your travels!ReplyCancel

  • DebbiJuly 3, 2014 - 10:16 am

    This definitely resonates with me! Aesthetics are such an important part of life and a screen can never duplicate the real thing. Having one of your cards to hold in my hands would be incredible – they are always so gorgeous!ReplyCancel

  • milliejsJuly 3, 2014 - 10:22 am

    Becca, you are so right about getting a card and how good it makes me feel. I love to make cards and I really, really appreciate all your sharing. I often springboard from your ideas. Thanks and have a wonderful 4th.ReplyCancel

  • LindaJuly 3, 2014 - 10:24 am

    You’re so right – and then I catch myself doing the same thing… we should all slow down a bit and savor the small things.ReplyCancel

  • Joanna M.July 3, 2014 - 10:27 am

    I fear we are a dying breed Becca. I LOVE cards and I know that people like getting my cards but if I didn’t have crafter friends, I probably wouldn’t receive many. I love your long posts by the way!ReplyCancel

  • Kim BJuly 3, 2014 - 10:28 am

    We have a granddaughter and her moments are spread over phones, tablets, etc. and I keep saying we need hard copies. How times have change as I have drawers full of pictures of my son…ReplyCancel

  • RuthJuly 3, 2014 - 10:28 am

    I agree totally. My kids are not the least interested in things like my good dishes, silver, crystal, old photos etc. They tell me their lifestyle is different than mine. I believe that as they get older they will regret some of the things that they have let go and can never get back. They soooo love the scrapbooks I’ve made of their children’s lives and save every card I make for them. So perhaps their is hope. I am not against digital, in fact I am an avid digital photographer (and was with film as well). I do not however have a “smart” phone. I have a phone, but don’t feel the need to be in contact with people 24/7 so I use it for emergencies. I also think we have lost the art of speaking with each other, texting has taken over. But… that’s another issue. Becca, your cards are beyond beautiful and if I’m chosen will have a very difficult time choosing one, and will probably keep it for myself. :-) !!!ReplyCancel

  • Charlene DahlbergJuly 3, 2014 - 10:29 am

    oohhh Becca, I love this card, well, I love all your cards but this one says ” let’s take time and get together”. I agree with you that this digital age is fine in some instances but I LOVE hearing my kids and grandkids voice. It doesn’t take any longer to call then to send a text. I know how much my friends and family love getting my handmade cards as they tell me they love forward to getting them and keep them. So maybe I need to send more cards.ReplyCancel

  • ColleenB. ` TexasJuly 3, 2014 - 10:30 am

    Oh, I so agree. It gives me that warm fuzzy feeling inside and very much cherished when I receive a card or a letter in the mail; not often enough tho.
    I do so enjoy sending cards and writing letters still to very important people in my life whether far away or near.
    Sad to see hand written letters are becoming the thing of the past.
    Enjoy your day and have a wonderful and safe 4th of July weekendReplyCancel

  • Carol LoganJuly 3, 2014 - 10:33 am

    I also agree. There are days in a row when my mailbox is empty and I feel a bit let down. I try to send cards in addition to emails and phone calls. Happy Independence Day everyone!ReplyCancel

  • RebekkaJuly 3, 2014 - 10:33 am

    I so agree with you Becca. I write letters and send cards. My family is always amazed when they receive something from me, yes, they are e mailers only, they say they don’t have the time. But when I am home, their doing nothing but sitting around watching tv :).ReplyCancel

  • DebraJuly 3, 2014 - 10:34 am

    I agree with you too. Technology has its place and makes our lives much more convenient in some ways but also allows us to live ‘faster,’ which is not necessarily a good thing. Nothing replaces the delight of giving a handmade card, both for the sender and receiver!ReplyCancel

  • GraciellieJuly 3, 2014 - 10:34 am

    Becca, certainly I am concerned about the papercrafting industry/community. Just as you say there are pros and cons to technology. In my particular case, I discovered after my father passed that his legacy was preserved by his participations on a forum. Reading and sharing his inputs about things related to his profession, was a delight not only to me but also to his former students and friends. So I treasure that so much! I think my blog will be too a go to place for my son in the future.

    I remember when I used to send letters and lately I’ve been planning to send cards around the world to friends and family, but our postal service is so expensive and I couldn’t afford sending that many cards to everyone. So it is really a modern society conflict and evolution that we can do nothing about.

    Still I will continue to make cards and hope that this lovely old fashioned hobby doesn’t go extinct.

    Hugs! Enjoy your trip.ReplyCancel

  • CandyJuly 3, 2014 - 10:37 am

    I am so totally agreeing with you. When I lost my mother last year I must have made and sent out about 30 thank you cards. I felt it was just so very important. Thanks for thinking of us.ReplyCancel

  • Claire HorvathJuly 3, 2014 - 10:37 am

    I totally agree with your thoughts. Everyone I send cards to loves to get handmade cards. One time I sent my grandson a card that I purchased since I was pressed for time and my daughter said the first thing he said when he opened the card was, “she didn’t make me a card”. I felt so bad. For new people I send cards to I print the following on the left inside of the card:

    What’s a Greeting Card?
    It’s a little piece of paper
    That tells someone how you care,
    It can be a ray of sunshine—
    It can be a wish or prayer.
    It can simply say, “I Love You”
    Or just say, “I understand”
    It can be a little visit,
    Or the clasp of someone’s hand.
    It can be a word of comfort
    When somebody’s heart is sad,
    It can be a smile or chuckle
    Making someone’s heart feel glad.
    It can keep folks close together
    Even though they’re far apart.
    It can show someone you’re thankful
    From the bottom of your heart,
    It can travel any distance
    In all kinds of weather, too,
    And it has the “magic something”
    That some “big things” never do.
    Yes, it’s just a piece of paper
    And it costs no big amount,
    But it proves that old, old saying,
    “It’s the little things that count.”

    The verse for me says it all in a nutshell.

    Thanks Becca for all the sharing you do. I love your work.ReplyCancel

  • BonnieJuly 3, 2014 - 10:37 am

    Oh how I would love to be a master of written words. I try but maybe one day I might get there. When I am making a card I often rely on some else’s ability for words. You are so gifted and thank-you for your inspiration to all of us. I will continue to follow you.ReplyCancel

  • Janie PrintzJuly 3, 2014 - 10:38 am

    Becca, you gave really hit the nail on the head with this one. I so agree about reaching out & touching someone with a card or a letter. I’m happy just to get an email from a friend or my daughters anymore instead of a text that I can’t print out. I used to send my daughters (who are both married now) little care packages from time to time just because. I would tuck little things I thought they might enjoy like a package of sunflower seeds & put a sticky note on it that said “plant me & watch me grow” … Also put a new package of band-aids in once cuz I heard them say they were always needing one & forgot to buy them, added some cough drops & a couple small packs of tissues cuz I knew they weren’t feeling well & a pair of fuzzy blue socks to keep their feet warm with little sticky notes attached to everything. Over the years I sent many things & it always made their day. I think the last one I sent several years ago had a couple dozen Copics in it & some stamped images & a cute card that said now you can make some to share with others. I even sent a few card bases & a couple sentiment stamps. You’ve certainly made me stop & think about Grandmas Memory box & I’m going to start making & leaving a few more “real pictures” & sending a few more “just because” packages to make someone’s day.
    Big hugs, JanieReplyCancel

  • Cynthia WilliamsonJuly 3, 2014 - 10:38 am

    Hi Becca,
    I haven’t commented for a long time but I still read your posts and still love your cards. You are so right a text will never replace a card and a handmade card is not just a card ; it’s a gift of your time and your imagination. I would love to have one of your cards “in person” so to speak.
    Cynthia xReplyCancel

  • Caroline DJuly 3, 2014 - 10:38 am

    I still make and send cards and insist that my children at least hand write thank you cards. My daughter has figured out from reactions from friends how much they love the handmade thank you cards, so she continues to make cards now for special occasions. But alas, I feel like I’m fighting a losing battle. Thank you for always providing beautiful examples though!ReplyCancel

  • Pam ShusterJuly 3, 2014 - 10:39 am

    Becca you have certainly touched upon the reason that we all craft or make cards for someone. To take the time and make a card for someone and then see how they treasure it is almost like getting the wishes right back from them -~ what a warm, wonderful feeling.
    I love your card today and the sentiment it expresses! As always a beautiful card in a soft and warm color.ReplyCancel

  • Clare WJuly 3, 2014 - 10:39 am

    I guess we are all products of our generation – but papercrafting is timeless. If I were lucky enough to win on of your cards, it would not be given away – no way! It would have pride of place in my craft room where I would look at it and say ‘how did she tie that bow?’ as it would have to be one with a fabby becca bow on it!

    Re hard drives – isn’t it all clouds these days accessed by multiple devices? so dying hard drives shouldn’t be an issue – think that’s the theory anyway! Personally I dont have a cloud as I dont want my data floating around the ether –

    But the benefits of technology are wonderful also – this blog is an instance of that – who would of thought technology would be so crucial for a network of card crafters from around the world it seems – this blog is the epitomy of the benefits technology can bring – i.e. communication and information sharing – now where would we be without that?…Doesn’t bear thinking about does it!ReplyCancel

  • Colleen BrockwayJuly 3, 2014 - 10:40 am

    I am new to following you, but I am really enjoying making cards, especially with my Fab 50 friends. I love getting cards, and it feels great to create something. My goal is to start making and sending more cards. I know it makes me feel special to receive one. Why not pass that feeling on to someone else?!!ReplyCancel

  • JennieJuly 3, 2014 - 10:43 am

    I very rarely comment – though often visit for inspiration as your cards are so beautiful, but had to comment today – as it bothers me that we send so few hand written items these days. I came across a little note from my son only half an hour ago from when he was a small boy – – but I am so glad I have that small part of him still, though it reduced me to tears as I lost him 2 years ago. So the written word is so much more important than we think – –
    I am just as guilty of loving digital as anyone though – so sometimes think – gosh you have no room to talk!! I do print my pictures though – especially now!
    Thank you for blogging and sharing as you do – many times in the last 2 years your cards have made me smile and get through the day.ReplyCancel

  • Tina CovingtonJuly 3, 2014 - 10:46 am

    Becca, I so agree with you. I often say that the written word is going away and I hate that! I still send cards: birthdays, holidays and just because. But, I rarely receive one back. I also believe that a handmade card is a gift. I love making them and I love sending them. And of course, I would love receiving them too! Thanks for all your inspiration so I can make cards to send!ReplyCancel

  • Wanda ThomasJuly 3, 2014 - 10:48 am

    I couldn’t agree with you more. I have boxes of cards I have received from people that are taking up precious “stash” space, but I would not get rid of them for the world. They can go in the dumpster when I’m gone, but for now, I love the fact that those people cared enough to make the extra effort it takes to send a card.ReplyCancel

  • Elaine JohnsonJuly 3, 2014 - 10:49 am

    It is a shame that children are not taught to send cards with a personally hand written note inside. Penmanship is no longer taught in many school districts and cursive is definitely a thing of the past. Why, we have computers to do all that for us. My grandkids love and look forward to receiving a handmade card from me and are really disappointed if I am late or forget to send them a card. Several of the younger ones 7,8, and 9, are teaching themselves cursive. Why? It’s so much faster than printing, Grandma!
    So, I do appreciate what you do to keep these “old-fashioned” habits and talents alive. I love every one of your offerings and look forward to seeing them every morning.ReplyCancel

  • JoniJuly 3, 2014 - 10:50 am

    Like you, I am concerned about the loss of written word. My children have been doing things like writing thank you notes from the time they could, and it always astonishes the family members with children their ages – now 17 and 18, whose children have never done such a thing in their lives.

    Old fashioned things like that…and good manners…and courtesy…seem to have been forgotten by a generation. One of my slogans for my card business is, “Sometimes, you have to have paper!”

    Ok, off the soapbox now, and I love this card! Yup, I peeked!

    Thanks, Becca.ReplyCancel

  • Becky GreenJuly 3, 2014 - 11:01 am

    Hi Becca! What a lovely card! I feel the same way about everything being digitalized! Our daughter & I were talking about this, this very morning. (I have been trying to get her into card making….) :) But, I told her she needs to PRODUCE SOMETHING with her time! We are made in the image of God & He is the Creator…So, it’s natural that we too will want to create! Do something that will PRODUCE SOMETHING to give away to touch others & brighten their day! Instead of being connected to earphones & games all day! What is produced out of that? I like to be able to TOUCH what I’ve made! It won’t disappear when the computer is down or the electricity is out! When I find a tutorial on-line I really like, I copy it. Even if I have to write it out by hand to have a hard copy! I file it away for one of those days….ReplyCancel

  • SylviaJuly 3, 2014 - 11:04 am

    Hi Becca,
    Good Morning. I’m in total agreement with you.
    The lost art of the written word. I still love getting
    mail. To think someone actually took the time to
    remember me. My aunt who is almost 80. Loves
    the written word. I send her something every week.
    When she joins her girlfriends for their monthly
    lunch. She takes all the cards and notes to share.
    The written word is so importantly vital in our digital
    New York Mintue kind of world. As I’m writing this. I
    just got some”Written Word” delivered!! Oh I’m a
    happy camper!! Thanks!!ReplyCancel

  • Caron PJuly 3, 2014 - 11:05 am

    It is sad that the younger generation no longer seem to send cards. Everything must be done straight away so they do not take the time to make or send a card. Your cards are so beautiful thank you for the chance to win one. xxReplyCancel

  • Beth EJuly 3, 2014 - 11:06 am

    Couldn’t resist – I had to jump over to the Waltzing Mouse site to see the whole card! It is lively as usual! I have the perfect friend in mind to make it for too! Thanks again for sharing your talents with us, Becca!ReplyCancel

  • ANN ROBBINSJuly 3, 2014 - 11:06 am

    My husband is always telling me that once the pictures make it to the computer he never sees them again. But I do have a backup so I know where they are. LOL
    I would definitely NOT share your card with anyone but MYSELF if I were to win!!! You see I have been watching your blog so long, I feel like each card you show is for me! I relly do. I do enjoy your blog and read it all the way to the end and after I post this I will go and look at the card. Looks like a beauty. Hope I win as it would be a very nice Birthday card for me.
    Happy 4th of July!!

  • Carol H.July 3, 2014 - 11:10 am

    I too agree that the written word is falling by the wayside. I’m so glad that both do our daughters have kept up what I made them do as girls–send handwritten thank you notes for gifts they received. They’re in their 20’s and still write them out. I’ve been making scrapbooks for them both so that Thor pics will be tangible, along with the memories and stories the pics tell. I’m so thankful for bloggers, especially you, that have helped to inspire my card making. I’ve only been creating cards for a few years but everyone that gets one is so happy to have it. :). Safe travels to you!ReplyCancel

  • Barbara TranquillaJuly 3, 2014 - 11:12 am

    Hi BEcca, Faster is not always better–phone calls and texting. Nothing like getting a thoughtful piece of correspondence in the mail especially if it is artfully done. Your cards would wow even the high teck oriented youth. Keep sending out the card-making ideas and positive thoughts because they are all appreciated especially by me. Thank you.ReplyCancel

  • Barbara PalmerJuly 3, 2014 - 11:14 am

    I have the same concerns. I work on a technological university campus and have noticed that a lot of today’s students can write technical papers, but are not good at writing letters or notes. And it’s been a long while since I received a thoughtful thank you note for a wedding or baby gift. There have been a couple, that I treasure, just as I treasure every hand made card I receive. They go in a keepsake box just as the precious things made by my kids when they were small.

    I love technology and the digital world – my phone, my computer, my Nook – but they will not last forever.ReplyCancel

  • Mary H.July 3, 2014 - 11:18 am

    Hi Becca, So happy to hear you are traveling and I hope it’s a fun trip (or if not, that you DO get time to have a little fun). Your post was spot on, and another thought about electronic storage of precious photos, etc. Not only can you lose the hard drive, but what happens when operating systems change(my XP software recently had to upgrade). Data created with programs on that computer is not always accessible on a new operating system! So be sure to back up precious items or have some way to salvage when migrating to new software. If it’s precious, it needs to be in a ‘hard format’ of some kind. Beautiful card & insightful post! TFS & Happy 4th of July. Be safe on your travels. HugsReplyCancel

  • Cynthia HoggJuly 3, 2014 - 11:20 am

    This is a BEAUTIFUL card/invitation! And so correctly said about how a text or FaceBook status is the new “Norm”. There is nothing like receiving or sending a beautiful card to someone who you are thinking of. I admire your work. You are very talented! This one couldn;t be more perfect!ReplyCancel

  • Susi KJuly 3, 2014 - 11:21 am

    How right you are, Becca, about the rarity of receiving “snail mail” (I don’t mean bills, though LOL). I absolutely LOVE the anticipation of opening a card one of my friends took the trouble to send me, or make specifically for me. It’s something only another card-maker can truly understand … the time, the effort, the care and creativity that went into making it.
    I have long admired your amazing skills at creating BEAUTIFUL cards, so if I won this lovely prize, I would keep the card for myself. To own one of your stunning creations is something I never even dreamed of!
    Happy 4th of July to my American neighbours :-)ReplyCancel

  • Lisa PetersonJuly 3, 2014 - 11:23 am

    I so appreciate your inspiring words and cards. I spend hours agonizing over card designs/implementation for special events….my husband always complains when my things need to go in ‘flat rate boxes’. Recently one of my family members was visiting another (both out of town) when she spotted a card I had made that the recipient had shadowbox framed. Wow what an honor….both that my work was recognized and that it was appreciated enough that it deserved framing and a spot on the wall.

    If I was to receive one of your cards I would never pass it on …. I appreciate every one I ever get – particularly hand made (there are very few of them).ReplyCancel

  • Elizabeth CampauJuly 3, 2014 - 11:26 am

    My most cherished thing from my Grandmother are the cards she sent me AND the cards I sent her. (She kept them all.) Grandma was by best friend and being able to open those cards 40 + years later are such a special gift. I am a scrapbooker and have been writing my boys notes, so that when I am gone they will know they were loved and cherished.ReplyCancel

  • Mary KimesJuly 3, 2014 - 11:36 am

    The other day our 92 year old neighbor sent us a card just to say thanks for taking her to the grocery store. I thought to myself after reading your blog today that sending cards has become a lost art, but when I get a card from our neighbor saying thanks for something, it makes me smile. Years from now when she is gone, I will be able to look back at her cards and remember her smile and all the love she had for us. I also found some cards that I sent to my mom and dad and some that they had sent to me. I look at these and remember how much love they had for me and the fun of picking out a card just for them. They are gone now but just to have a card with their signature bring back so many memories. So if my 92 year old neighbor can still send cards so can I. I promise to follow her footsteps to make people smile. I might not send one for every little thing but I will remember the major events in our family. Now off to go but some Forever Stamps!ReplyCancel

  • SandraJuly 3, 2014 - 11:40 am

    I have to confess…I couldn’t wait Becca….so I went straight to the card….oh, but I came back to read the rest of your written word and I couldn’t agree more…I still write letters and thankfully I have lots of inspiration here on your blog to send along with my letter to the very special people in my life. Beautiful card…but you always end up costing me money if it isn’t stamps then it’s dies!

    Warmly, SandraReplyCancel

  • MarilynYJuly 3, 2014 - 11:41 am

    I always feel that my generation (the Baby Boomers) have the best of everything in life. We grew up with the exposure to ideas and styles of the 50’s & 60’s and have witnessed the technical boom from the 70’s till today. I have taught my grandchildren to make and send thank you and seasonal cards to family members along with their emails and texting. It is up to us to make sure that the art of writing letters and sending cards to friends and family does not become a ‘lost art’.ReplyCancel

  • MehrllJuly 3, 2014 - 11:41 am

    I agree so much with what you said. I send cards to the lonely or those who just need a pick up. I think those are much more appreciated than the routine birthday and anniversary. Thinking of you cards mean a lot. I make a lot of note cards so I can drop a line on the inside that is personal. Thanks for all your do and your encouragement.ReplyCancel

  • Lynne T.July 3, 2014 - 11:44 am

    I so agree with what you said. I still do send cards and hope the recipient enjoys receiving them.ReplyCancel

  • RaquelJuly 3, 2014 - 11:44 am

    Happy 4th of July Becca and friends–enjoy this special day for all Americans and have a safe and fun day with friends and family. God Bless America and all who have fought and are still fighting for the most priceless gift–FREEDOM!!ReplyCancel

  • Blue RoseJuly 3, 2014 - 11:44 am

    Gorgeous card, my favorite color too.

    Okay, here we go…I have to say Amen to your “rant.” I too am concerned about our youths and their detached digital world. I have several nieces and nephews, and when we gather at my parent’s home for a celebration, they are all with cell in hand thumbing something to someone, or on a game. What happened to playing games at a family celebration? The other thing I notice, and bothers me to no end, is their diminishing skills in spelling and speaking, case in point…the other day my niece said to me, “BRB,” and began to walk away, needless to say I stopped her in her tracks. I told her I was neither on a cell, nor on Facebook, so she needed to use the appropriate words with me…at all times…now who’s ranting? My point is, we are becoming detached from humanity, and it saddens me. We call for service and we get a robotic customer service representative…press number whatever to get to whatever, and it takes forever to speak to a human being, and longer if you want to speak to someone in this country. I enjoy technology…a wee bit geeky at work, but personally, I do not own a cell, I send cards, handmade of course, still have a landline, a regular Canon A1, and an old fashion tv. When I send e-mails, they are long hand, no alphabetic cryptology. Okay, I’m done ranting…please forgive me all. I would just like the human touch back, a real human being on the other end of the customer service call, and the full attention of the human being I am having whatever meal with. Technology is great, but it is taking away the human touch, which we all desperately need.ReplyCancel

  • F BondJuly 3, 2014 - 11:48 am

    Some family members collect my cards. Each year I try to send out more even though its not an “occasion” . I love the written word. I have all of the letters and cards that were ever sent to me. I know its a sentimental thing- But I love them and with each one it takes me back to remember the time and place of what was happening in my world. I will NEVER throw them away- they will forever be in my heart and in my bedroom in that special place!ReplyCancel

  • CynthiaJuly 3, 2014 - 11:48 am

    Becca, I, too, love papercrafting and the art of writing. During the last few weeks, while in my hometown, I had to go through many boxes and came upon old articles, handwritten notes, cards and other paper keepsakes. These finds were so special to me! You are right about the beauty and longevity of actual paper. I will treasure the little notes and handmade cards that I found. Your card is very beautiful. Many blessings to you and yours~ReplyCancel

  • Aiveen judgeJuly 3, 2014 - 11:49 am

    Hi Becca, you are so right. We all love getting post ( but not the window type). My next card to be sent will be to my daughter on the 7th July for her birthday. I have most of my cards from my children from the last 30 years and it is funny to look at their writing and wishes. As you say they are not so good at it now. This post will make me encourage them more. Thanks Aiveen.ReplyCancel

  • Debbie DunhamJuly 3, 2014 - 11:50 am

    I agree with you! I still send cards but seldom receive them. I am most likely to get an email or facebook message! I’m surprised Hallmark stays in business lolReplyCancel

  • Clare CurcioJuly 3, 2014 - 11:50 am

    I agree that paper is important even in this age of technology. Although it only takes a spark to set a flame off to burn a house, I think both technologies are needed. You can backup your files and put the thumb drive somewhere safe. I do all of the above.
    Your card is wonderful!


  • AndreaJuly 3, 2014 - 11:51 am

    Becca you made a good point. I love the convience of the electronic devices and I love to make cards, although mine can’t hold a candle to yours, I know that the people I give cards to appreciate it. I must say I like the convience of having my phone handy so when my granddaughter smiles I can capture it. When my children was small I never seemed to have my camera around. So know I’ll have pictures to put in a scrapbook for her when she grows up.

    I love your cards.ReplyCancel

  • CheriJuly 3, 2014 - 11:59 am

    So very true!!!! I have even noticed some of the professional cardmakers that I’ve followed for YEARS are dropping off the map now, gone on to another hobby. Challenges are few and far between…..I love getting a card, but I think we are a dying breed sadly!
    Thanx for the commentary, I thought I was the only one who seriously got annoyed because my kids won’t even answer a phone, just text!!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Wanda CJuly 3, 2014 - 12:02 pm

    I agree with all your comments, there is nothing nicer than to have written memories.
    My mother passed away not long ago and due to illness for the last two years she was not the mother I knew. We were always best friends but when she got ill with paranoia she didn’t realize what I was trying to do for was to help her. Getting to the point without the cards she gave to me and now I love to browse through them and remember the good times and the lovely sentiments she conveyed to me in the cards.
    Without them the negative times with my mother would be what I now remember.
    PS I just love your cards, you are so talented.ReplyCancel

  • BrendaJuly 3, 2014 - 12:03 pm

    How true.. I had a long illness and even tho it was great to receive phone calls and emails it really brightened my day when there was a card in the mail. Nothing takes the place of a handwritten note of care from someone :o)ReplyCancel

  • Kathy in IdahoJuly 3, 2014 - 12:06 pm

    Love the cards you make! So nice your daughter appreciates the cards you make her. : )ReplyCancel

  • PeggyJuly 3, 2014 - 12:07 pm

    Becca, I so agree with you. That is why I love making cards. I always send the cards I make. People are always so appreciative of them. My brother displays every card I send him in his “man cave”. I mostly do birthdays, miss you, get well cards. I don’t do holidays, I always forget someone and hear about it. People love to receive cards.ReplyCancel

  • Barbara R.July 3, 2014 - 12:08 pm

    I agree with you about the written word, and also about the spoken word. A couple of weeks ago my DH and I went out for breakfast. There was two couples and each of them was doodling with their cell phones. They weren’t even talking to each other. Our youth is losing spelling skills (what little they had), communications skills and using the written word. I think technology is wonderful, but not to the exclusion of face to face.ReplyCancel

  • Eileen L.July 3, 2014 - 12:13 pm

    I dislike the lack of human contact these days because of our technology. While I do enjoy some things technology allows, nothing can replace taking the time to spend a day chatting with family and sharing fun times together.
    I spend much time making cards for someone, giving them much thought as to what they like including their favorite colors, I enjoy making them and they do enjoy receiving them, yet, sadly I dont receive many myself. The fast pace of our society has even separated us further, oh to turn the clock back for a while would be sweet.ReplyCancel

  • margaret driscoll UKJuly 3, 2014 - 12:15 pm

    Hello Becca
    I read, and agreed with you!
    My daughter in Australia does Facebook, and I do email, so if I get a reply I’m privileged!
    I still send written cards, and letters, in the hope that someone will take the hint, but in this changing world I feel like I’m in the minority.
    Handwriting was a lesson when I was at school and something to be proud of……….
    still must move on with the times, Becca!
    We can’t change it but must embrace it !
    Take care
    Love the card
    Love MargReplyCancel

  • Joanne M.July 3, 2014 - 12:21 pm

    Becca, I agree with you. I love to send my handmade cards to my friends. I usually do anniversaries, wedding, thank you, get well and sympathy cards. People are usually appreciative and have told me that they save them as keepsakes. I love the cards you make and am inspired by your awesome creations…thanks for sharing them with us!

    Joanne in CanadaReplyCancel

  • Barbara WilsonJuly 3, 2014 - 12:21 pm

    I agree I had to write a thank you note to my Grandmother, when she sent me anything. I use to write letters in all of my Christmas cards, but now I just mail them. Now it seems the people in the room can’t even talk to each other. The youngest and his wife come to visit and they are constantly texting each other or their friends.ReplyCancel

  • Marilyn ClarkJuly 3, 2014 - 12:21 pm

    Your cards are always a work of art. People like receiving cards and letters.
    My grandson just graduated high school June 1st and he hand wrote every Thank You card and mailed out within 10 days.
    His thought was if people take the time to come to his graduation celebration, he can take the time to write a Thank You.
    No, I did not help him. Enjoy your weekend.ReplyCancel

  • Judi MarkelJuly 3, 2014 - 12:26 pm

    I would love one of your cards and they are works of are to cherish forever, I would frame it. I print out everything digital I get, never want to lose a picture or file . But I always save them to flash drives or CD’s.

    Have a Happy 4th of July and enjoy your travels.ReplyCancel

  • DebraK in FloridaJuly 3, 2014 - 12:29 pm

    You are so correct. There is something to be said about having a hard-copy of something. Not only can a hard drive fail, but file formats can change. I lost all my Microsoft Imaging Documents (mdi) files of statements and bills I was saving as IRS receipts. Even backup median can change–remember the 3.5″ floppy drives? I had a lot of notes on them to write a book one day. My fault for not copying them forward to newer technology, but another example. So many proofs of data can be lost: pics, transcripts, letters, financial doc, the list is endless. And worse yet, every one wants us to go paperless! So, we either print it ourselves, or risk losing the info forever–think tax time.
    Having one of your cards would excite me beyond words! I have stepped away from my craft room for a few months and could really use some inspiration. You could be that for me!
    Have a safe holiday weekend! I hope your weather is cooler than central west Florida. And keep an eye on that hurricane!ReplyCancel

  • Fran L.July 3, 2014 - 12:32 pm

    I agree with you 100%. That is one of the reasons i’m a card maker. I completely enjoy it, but it also makes me stay in touch with the written/stamped word. At the very least I sign my name! Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent and insights with us. You are a dear sweet person.ReplyCancel

  • TammieJuly 3, 2014 - 12:43 pm

    I am with you Sister! The special feeling of receiving a hand-addressed, hand-made card is a sweet-filled-emotion that is a stark contrast to a digital post or a snailmailbox filled with ads and bills. Sometimes I even mail a card or note to my husband (yes, we live in the same house!), just so he has that special tickle when he checks the mailbox.ReplyCancel

  • Theresa KJuly 3, 2014 - 12:47 pm

    No one ever believes that I prefer making cards and getting handwritten letters rather than email. I don’t own a cell phone. Can’t be bothered to be on the phone while I am out of the phone. But nowadays, the “written” word has taken on new meaning because children are no longer taught cursive writing in school. The administration figures because everything is computerized, cursive writing is no longer needed. So they are “educating” a bunch of dummies who will never be able to read a historic document, and they can not sign their name to a check or contract. It is a pathetic age.ReplyCancel

  • christiJuly 3, 2014 - 12:47 pm

    oh becca, you have hit on some of the truisms of our time. I remember going to the stationery section of the dept. store and just oohing and ahhhing at the paper goodies. i’m not sure that section exists anymore. so for me it’s now the lss. some things never change. my grandmother saved every correspondence she ever had and I stumbled upon it one afternoon. it’s a shame it was all thrown away. postmarks form everywhere 1/2 cent stamps … the list goes on. I do like digital for the space saving but as new things come old ones vanish.ReplyCancel

  • Dottie DavisJuly 3, 2014 - 12:52 pm

    This card is so soft sending a lovely invitation to get together. Beats a phone call any day. The comment made about going through a grandmothers box of keepsakes from one of this current generation, finding nothing, is a chilling reminder that true communication involves face to face meetings. Much of the rest is really fluff and compulsive. It takes a time investment to build relationships. I really do love my text phone as it does keep me somewhat connected to distant relatives, so there is some good in it all…we just need to remember not to substitute one for the other. Thanks for sharing this beautiful card creation, Becca. We appreciate it.ReplyCancel

  • Sharon Diane SeawardJuly 3, 2014 - 12:59 pm

    I TOTALLY agree with you! There absolutely nothing like a handwritten note and a handmade card! Some people don’t know what they are missing. Love your cards (and your sweet spirit).

  • Kim MacdonaldJuly 3, 2014 - 1:06 pm

    Hi Becca. I very much agree with you. We will always have our memories but the written word will nudge our thoughts and make us remember things that we just clean forget. I recently lost my hard drive, and as so many people do say ‘oh I must back them pictures up’ and I never got round to up dating it, and lost all my Paris memories! If I am lucky enough to win, my Mum will be the recipient, as she absolutely loves hand made cards. I wish your daughter and Bailey all the best in their new home. Hugs Kim xReplyCancel

  • Sandy BoothJuly 3, 2014 - 1:17 pm

    Hi Becca! I know what you mean about the lost word! I agree. I am always happy to hear people save the cards I make. My Mother passed in March and in going through her things I found a large box filled with all the cards I made for her, drawings from the grandchildren and cards from others. How much fun (and sadness too) to reminece and look at them. Keep on sending your beautiful cards! Have a great weekend!ReplyCancel

  • RuthannJuly 3, 2014 - 1:18 pm

    I certainly agree with you. I love to send (or give) cards and it is even better to receive one that someone chose just for me! Thanks for the chance to win one of your beautiful cards.ReplyCancel

  • Linda WrightJuly 3, 2014 - 1:21 pm

    I am the only one left in my family-I am 65. My mother was an only child. I have all her stuff and her mother’s!!! My father was from a large family but I have little of his past.
    I have one dgt. left. She may not want all this stuff. I have seen so many peoples things in trash bags at the curb or thrift shops. We need to document our lives and our families or it will be lost. How sad to think there would be no memory or you :( I know I need to dedicate my retirement to this while I can remember things. I wish I had kept more letters from my Daddy. He had such beautiful handwriting. Thanks for the push to write more often.ReplyCancel

  • caroleJuly 3, 2014 - 1:27 pm

    Because I have come to fear the lost art of communicating on a personal basis with family, I have begun making mini albums and cards for family members. This way there is no need to haul out large albums filled with pictures – most of which only mean something to the album creator. Cards containing a picture or two from last year’s birthday, a small album filled with personal recollectios and pictures of Grandma and Grandpa, and small amounts of special family events. Every Christmas I give every family a small album with a current family picture of everyone. It’s fun to look back at the “babies” that are now in school – or as two are now five! I am thankful that God has given me the talent to do this and the blessings of people like you who share their talents with others. Bless you and a big Thank You.ReplyCancel

  • Carol bJuly 3, 2014 - 1:39 pm

    I know what you mean about sending handmade cards. My grown son really appreciates my cards and saves them. This make me very happy. He has even asked me to make a card for a special someone.
    Carol buReplyCancel

  • Yvonne NicholsonJuly 3, 2014 - 1:43 pm

    Hi Becca,

    You are so right this generation just don’t send cards only know how to text or e-mail or phone, you can’t keep those things. I love getting and sending cards to family and friends, they tell me they keep them.I am thankful I have the talent to make the cards to send to them.
    I don’t comment much, but love all the lovely cards you create.
    Take care and have a very happy 4th.ReplyCancel

  • ElaineJuly 3, 2014 - 1:44 pm

    Nothing nicer than a card made with love and from the heart, i have saved all mine over the years, and little Christmas tree ornaments made from my boys School days , they are now over 45 years old rather tatty now ,but will i throw them away ? no never when i am no longer here my boys will probably come across them and say , ” i remember making this, ” do you remember that one ” etc ,etc , then they will probably say ” fancy our Mum still having these after all these years ”

    Take Care Becca God Bless
    Elaine H XReplyCancel

  • Maureen KillenJuly 3, 2014 - 1:45 pm

    Good evening Becca,
    It’s 7.43 pm in the UK, on a lovely calm sunny evening.
    Your card (which I had to look at before reading your blog!) is perfect, but then again they always are.
    I am in my 70’s and my daughter and son-in-law got me my first laptop for Christmas just gone, so I’m very much a newby and cannot attach things, add photographs or anything else, but I do enjoy seeing the different card blogs. So in that respect technology is an advantage.
    I’m a great card maker and have been crafting in one form or another for over 65 years. My granddaughters love to get into my “making room” and they make cards at the drop of a hat, or draw pictures, or scrap book and they are only 8 and 10.
    I agree with everything you say about correspondence, but I’m showing them the enjoyment they, and the recipients, get when sending out their little missives.
    At the moment the youngest is studying the Victorians at school and I always supply that class with various Victorian memorabilia including a book which was presented to my grandfather at Sunday School in 1875. The dedication on the flyleaf of which is written in the most beautiful copper plate writing. My how times have changed.
    I think you will see from the comments the other ladies have also made that we all agree with you on the subject of communication)!
    Enjoy your travels, don’t get too tired, and please keep on giving us these fabulous ideas.
    Love xxReplyCancel

  • Sonia StephensonJuly 3, 2014 - 1:48 pm

    Hi Becca. I so agree with you. I have 2 sons who have grown up through this ‘digital age’, and although texting and emails are an easy way of life you can’t beat a handmade card or hand written letter to keep and treasure. I also have thousands of photos backed up on discs – most never to be given a second look, but all the most precious ones if not already done so will be scrapbooked and made into memory books to cherish and share with my loved ones.
    Thankyou Becca for sharing all of your beautiful creations and offering so much inspiration. Enjoy your travels xxxReplyCancel

  • Connie L. RileyJuly 3, 2014 - 1:51 pm

    I agree wholeheartedly with you, Becca. I’m a librarian by trade (retired now) and by nature and I support archiving and do heritage albums as much as possible. One of my favorite pleasures is looking through old cards that my Mother sent me. She wrote little poems in them!ReplyCancel

  • BonnieJuly 3, 2014 - 1:53 pm

    I totally agree with you Becca. I love to send family and friends homemade cards. It makes their day special as well as mine. I think the digital world is a time saver, but I still like to have the “written word” in my hands. Huggs to you and Bailey. (I lost my girl Maize last August)ReplyCancel

  • MaryannJuly 3, 2014 - 1:57 pm

    I totally agree with everything you said Becca, it is a shame, how noone seems to send even a small note for birthdays anymore, but just send the two lines in an e-mail these days. I remember, when my mum died 8 years ago, and I helped my dad sort things out, I found all the old letters, I wrote home, when I went on vacations, and she had kept all of them, it was pretty amazing to find, and took me down a very long trip of Memory LAne, that´s for sure, but I´m also afraid, that my grandkids wount ever get to try that, as I know my own daughter and daughter in law don´t care about these things at all, so I´m pretty sure, that when I´m gone, all will just be tossed out, and then it´ll be all over. Quite sad actually to think about. I too have every little card and drawings my kids and my grandkids have ever made for me, and treasure them all.
    A wonderful card too you showed at Waltzingmouses blog, sooo beautiful.ReplyCancel

  • KristenJuly 3, 2014 - 2:06 pm

    I am a staunch advocate of the written word! As an English major I love words and how they can express so much more than a few clicks on a keypad or a monotone message on a phone. There should be a movement started…”SAVE and ENCOURAGE the WRITTEN WORD”…or something like that…how’s that for a rant?ReplyCancel

  • Anne (UK)July 3, 2014 - 2:07 pm

    So true! Was just thinking this the other day when reminiscing about the letter exchange between my maternal grandparents during the war. These days, if communication isn’t instant, it doesn’t seem to happen. I wonder if any of my descendants will treasure thespecial letters and cards as I do!
    Anne (UK) xReplyCancel

  • Lynne IngramJuly 3, 2014 - 2:07 pm

    I have 6 granddaughters and I hope that their Moms’s are encouraging them to save all the cards I send them. I like to think that when they are older and I am gone from their lives that these cards will be something special that they will cherish. They all live many many miles from me and I only see them twice a hear. We go north for one bunch and west for the other. So, it is my pleasure to stay in touch with them this way. Yes, email and texting is another way we stay in touch but that is gone as soon as deleted.ReplyCancel

  • LindaJuly 3, 2014 - 2:13 pm

    Add me to the “Becca Written Word Club”! I am rather new to card making. I have always been a crafter of some sort or other but I have only been making and sending cards to my young great nieces and nephews (ages 1 yr to 12yr olds) for the past 2 years now. (As well as other family members.) I missed sending them cards for one holiday because I was ill. My niece called me because the children missed my cards so much and wanted to know when I’d get better so they could get their cards. My cards are the only mail they receive and they run to the mailbox every day weeks before a major holiday looking for my cards to arrive. They squeal with delight when there is mail from their great aunt! That makes me feel so special! I get a handmade thank you back from them with little hand drawn pictures and squibbles that I just adore and keep in a special box to look at when I feel down. My husband loves to look at them also.
    My cards are nowhere as georgous as yours Becca, but you so inspire me! I thank you for your generosity and beautiful words! I don’t know that I could part with one of your cards. It would hold a place of major honor in my house!ReplyCancel

  • DesireeJuly 3, 2014 - 2:32 pm

    I have tried to teach my own children that nothing is better then a card. We’ll have to see if it sticks, but I know that they appreciate cards themselves when they get them (might be the birthday money inside….lol). Thanks for the reminder that I should take sometime and whip up a card to share with others. :-)

    Thanks again Becca!ReplyCancel

  • Lara MosbyJuly 3, 2014 - 2:38 pm

    Becca – I totally agree with you about the written word. *Most* people do like getting cards made especially made for them. But I know a lot of people don’t write notes anymore either. So… I am making small stationery gifts this year for Christmas. Some people won’t use them, but the gift will come with a promise that if all the notecards get used, I’ll make more!ReplyCancel

  • Nancy WJuly 3, 2014 - 2:38 pm

    This is exactly my dilemma. I have stopped taking pictures when digital cameras replaced the 35mm ones. I have bought 3 cameras but never broke them out of their packages as they kept upgrading every 6 months with more power and more pixels. Everyone takes so many pictures and sends them out digitally on their smartphones but nothing to hold and treasure. These pictures will not last to the future as there is nothing to hold and pass on. Anything kept on memory sticks, hard drives and the “cloud” will be inaccessible and unavailable with media changes, etc. Being single and without offsprings, I really have to consider what “junk” and momentoes I will leave behind. I feel no one will care about any of my photographs so I’ve stopped cold turkey with the demise of the filmstrips/negatives. I resolved to just “enjoy the moments”!ReplyCancel

  • lisa808July 3, 2014 - 2:56 pm

    I enjoyed your post today and look forward to seeing the full reveal of today’s snippet. Enjoy your trip.

    p.s. I too worry about losing my pictures–i keep them on the SD cards with copies on a USB stick and my computer.ReplyCancel

  • Pattie JnsJuly 3, 2014 - 2:56 pm

    Becca, Hurray for speaking out. I appreciate all you said, Truth. I don’t use digital stamps because I like the feel of real ones, and also keep sakes to pass on. To me they leave out the person, an become electronic an not as personal when the person has done all the work. Suppose I am different because of being older. But what is going to happen to writing, creating, and person to person touch.? sad.ReplyCancel

  • Gail RJuly 3, 2014 - 3:00 pm

    I feel the same as you… it’s sad to see the passing of the written word. You can’t wrap a ribbon around e-mails and keep them in the cedar chest. I have several letters from my grandma who passed nearly 20 years ago. Perhaps my children will read them someday. and that’s something you can’t do in the digital world. I also secretly wish I could write in the fashion of the Civil War era. it was so, so eloquent.ReplyCancel

  • ChristineJuly 3, 2014 - 3:10 pm

    I couldn’t agree with your thoughts more! I am currently surrounded by the chaos of my traditional summer project, catching up my photo albums from where I left off the summer before. I read somewhere that we “must not allow photos of precious times and precious people remain jpegs”.

    As a fourth grade teacher, it is a major focus of my curriculum to refine students’ writing skills. The act of writing thank you notes and letters is foreign to them, but I notice that when they receive notes from me, they become treasures tucked into binders and books and placed their desks for times when a little moral support is needed.

    We must keep the written word alive!ReplyCancel

  • Juanita BraunJuly 3, 2014 - 3:21 pm

    All I can say is you are spot on. I think of all the comments so far everyone agrees with what you said. I think we need to pass it along to this new generation about this loss. Your card was so beautiful and what a beautiful way to get together with a friend.

    Juanita from RockvilleReplyCancel

  • Carole ThrasherJuly 3, 2014 - 3:27 pm

    I’m with you Becca! I hate the thought of that empty box!! Just like I still love holding a real book, I love the paper crafting!! (One of my sons says I have a paper fetish! ha!) This is a very elegant looking card. You are always inspirational! Thank you!!ReplyCancel

  • Jerilynn O.July 3, 2014 - 3:30 pm

    I feel the same way but I have to say that I’m as guilty as the next person about relying on the digital world to communicate. I LOVE when I collect my mail and I get a pastel envelope because I know it’s a card. I do send cards and letters the postal way for the milestones like birthdays, graduations and deaths, but I do most of my communicating through facebook and email. I know. Pitiful.ReplyCancel

  • Gail D.July 3, 2014 - 3:32 pm

    I totally agree with you about the written word. My kids do the same thing, either phone or text. I always like to receive a card just because it makes me feel that at least someone took the time to find the card and were obviously thinking about me which just picks up the spirits real quick. Really liked your column and I didn’t think it was too talkative. Thanks for the great card and column.ReplyCancel

  • Margaret CrawfordJuly 3, 2014 - 3:37 pm

    Hi Becca, Oh My Gosh! You really have started something here! What an outpouring! I heartily concur. There is nothing nicer than a hand written letter, or a handcrafted card. Technology is wonderful, but our era had charm, elegance, sincerity and respect. Now… on another theme, but much the same…… I have a Kindle, which I love. I can carry a library on holiday with no ecxess baggage because of books………. but, it sure does not beat the feel of a hard backed book or paperback….turning the pages and leaving your inspirational bookmark where you left off. Sigh……. I will join your campaign with pleasure. Hope you are having a great vacation. Thanks again for sharing yet another lovely card.ReplyCancel

  • MarleneJuly 3, 2014 - 3:40 pm

    Becca, I fully agree w/ u that the written word is being lost! When I send my cards to special friends, they never fail to tell me thank u & what they mean to them. They also take the appropriate ones out each holiday for display, from year to year. That is so special to me that they care that much. Your cards are so beautiful & meaningful. Thank u for sharing them.ReplyCancel

  • Cathy HomanJuly 3, 2014 - 3:49 pm

    Since I love all your cards, and follow all your posts – you should pick me (hehehe). Continue to do what you do, I love all the inspiration you give me.ReplyCancel

  • Dorothy HarrsionJuly 3, 2014 - 3:54 pm

    Becca, you are SO generous and kind. I still write thank you notes, and I write the verses I send in my cards, once in awhile I use the same verse but frequently I adapt it to the person. I have cards people have given me from many years, and the last Christmas card from my mother and beloved aunt… Their handwriting brings fond memories as well as the words.
    This generation is losing what words can mean, how you can take them out again and again to read, to be encouraged and uplifted.
    Thank you for your beautiful creations and sharing them with us, reminding us that people are always worth the time….
    May God bless you today and through this weekend – enjoy your family time!!!ReplyCancel

  • Dorina DJuly 3, 2014 - 4:10 pm

    Love your blog today. There is nothing like receiving cards or notes in the mail. I still send thank you notes and letters to family and friends. I send each niece and nephew a card every month doesn’t matter what occasion. I’ve been doing it since they were 2. They always know the card is from me as their name on the envelope is decorated. Now as they are getting older (6-9) they are sending me thank you notes and cards they are making and decorating the envelopes too. It’s so fun and I love how excited they get when they get the mail.ReplyCancel

  • Rene from OZ xoJuly 3, 2014 - 4:17 pm

    Hi Becca, I do send lots of cards especially to the kids in my life, I know they love getting something in the post and they save them in a box. Great to hear Bailey is thriving, a great story there!!
    Love Rene from OZ xoReplyCancel

  • NancyJuly 3, 2014 - 4:31 pm

    Nobody even sends thank you notes anymore!!!ReplyCancel

  • Kathy SJuly 3, 2014 - 4:35 pm

    I thoroughly agree- we all need to keep up sending greetings and thoughts in one way or another that is not singularly digital. it also helps with spelling- instead of abbreviating words use full ones. I am so pleased to hear Bailey is still ok- I still remember when she went missing and my heart ached for you all and then the relief when she was found again. hope they are both settling in well and how nice it would be to see all your cards on display. this card looks the perfect invite for a cuppa and a chat. great way to spend a day with friends.
    also Happy 4th July to all those who celebrate.ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer DJuly 3, 2014 - 4:38 pm

    I just Looooove your Cards they are STUNNING! How right you are I know my friends don’t care about the present its the card they want and they all keep them. Well written. Enjoy your week!ReplyCancel

  • Jacquelyn AlexanderJuly 3, 2014 - 4:41 pm

    Becca, I agree with you. I want to leave memories you can touch. I love technology also but everyday I wait for the mail in hopes of receiving something other than a bill or junk mail…..I made my son promise that HE will call at least once a week so I can hear his voice (that’s the only way I have a clue as to whether he is really okay). We text but I don’t like it. I can hear in his voice if he is okay and maybe when I get the weekly call he is okay at that time and maybe not before but we all must get through the night before we can make it to daylight. If he needs me, I can sense it.ReplyCancel

  • Linda BrownJuly 3, 2014 - 4:57 pm

    I totally agree with you. I wish so much that people would get back to sending cards. When my husband’s father died, we found some cards he sent home when he was in the war. They are just really a treasure now.ReplyCancel

  • Judy StuttsJuly 3, 2014 - 5:00 pm

    Everything you say is so true! I am a traditional Scrapbooker but I do love a digital backup! Love all your tutorials.ReplyCancel

  • ChristineJuly 3, 2014 - 5:05 pm

    That to me is the whole point of creating & sending my handmade cards. They are personalised & have taken time to create – each one with a bit of ‘me’ too. Each one was made with love & hopefully each one is treasured by the recipient in some way. I hope that even if they do not keep the card I have sent them, then they will fully appreciate the thought & sentiment with which it was sent.ReplyCancel

  • Sandy HoyJuly 3, 2014 - 5:23 pm

    I learned to love making things as a child and that love has stayed with me throughout my life, in a variety of mediums. As a now-retired Navy wife who spent long hours writing out the events of the day and sharing my thoughts with my husband for almost 12 years of “at sea” time – I know the value of the handwritten letter. We are still together, almost 42 years later, and we communicate very easily. I used to send a note (with a teabag enclosed) to my mother-in-law and mom, updating them of the latest family news.
    I do fear that our grandchildren’s children will not have the rich art that we make of our treasured memories today. My best hope is that something of what I share with my family will remain – even if it is just a story about that crazy grandmother that liked to play with paper and glass. And that maybe, just maybe, they will learn to play and share their memories in new, and tangible forms with future generations.
    Thanks for being a mentor, and sharing your lovely cards and gentle thoughts.ReplyCancel

  • Tanja S.July 3, 2014 - 5:30 pm

    I agree Becca. I have so many photos on my hard drive, but occasionally my husband backs them up onto a portable hard drive. I do not have the time to scrapbook them all but I recently made a couple of photobooks. I plan to do this more as they are quicker than paper scrapping but are still fun and inexpensive. I love a card in the mail so I continue to make them for as many friends as possible, there is nothing like the real thing or a real book to curl up in bed with!ReplyCancel

  • Rachel BrooksJuly 3, 2014 - 5:39 pm

    So true. Written letters are a lost art – they don’t even teach kids to write cursive any more! I enjoy making cards (lots more simple than your amazing creations!) and sending them to friends and family and those who need a cheery word, a prayer, a bit of support and a pretty card that someone took the time to create. The rewards are tremendous. Today I got a lovely thank you note from a 7 and 11 year old I’ve never even met for thee card-in-a-box I sent each of them with some summer spending money. I’ll keep making and sending and marveling over your creations.ReplyCancel

  • Ms LindaJuly 3, 2014 - 5:53 pm

    Becca: I agree with you for my sister always ask why do you send cards or letters when you can text, Facebook or call. My reply is and always will be the need to communicate with others without the electronics of today. We have lost our ability to communicate or express ourselves in writing. Our children of today will sit hours texting and when asked a question reply or not , but texting continues.
    Thank you for bring to the forefront of conversation and allowing others to start and think, “Am I guilty of this? Realize to give of ones self in writing is an enjoyed to others. Ladies you make beautiful cards share them with a kind thought of phrase to let them know, I love You, Thank You, Thinking of You or Just Because and see the surprise and joy them give. May God BlessReplyCancel

  • Marzee CarnesJuly 3, 2014 - 5:54 pm

    While I am as guilty as the next person about NOT writing, I believe you are correct. I began scrapping for this reason. I wanted my child’s memories written down. I wanted my love for him documented.
    I have a box of letters and cards from my husband that I love to look through. We have been married for 37 years, and many of the notes and letters were written when we were dating. They mean the world to me.
    I try to write a letter to my son every year on his birthday.
    I am trying to make and send more cards for this reason. It shouldn’t be just on special occasions, or at times of grief that we let people know how special they are to us!
    I don’t usually keep all the Christmas cards I get each year, but you can bet if they are homemade, or have a handwritten message in them, they earn a place in my treasure box!ReplyCancel

  • Lisa StaymanJuly 3, 2014 - 6:04 pm

    Well this subject sure did resonate with your blog followers!! Over a hundred responses…now if you could just get everyone to send you a card instead of leaving you a note, you would have a miracle!! I miss written letters but I do make my cards. Kids today don’t even get taught handwriting or spelling because of spell check and computers! What really drives me nuts is some of the text abbreviations. Oh you did get me started!!! Love your cards and find them to be very inspirational. God bless you.ReplyCancel

  • elizabeth murphyJuly 3, 2014 - 6:27 pm

    Oh Becca….You are sooo right on.I truly take your point of view. And if you only knew how many of your cards I have printed out to keep for future reference, so if I am your Blessed winner, it would be an honor for me to hold.ReplyCancel

  • SallyJuly 3, 2014 - 6:35 pm

    Hi Becca,
    This post really hit home with me. I travel alot and continue to get prints of my trip pictures but so many do not anymore! It is sad to think that future generations will not have the pictures and news articles that I treasure from my grand parents.

    Thank you for this thought-provoking post!ReplyCancel

  • pamJuly 3, 2014 - 6:41 pm

    Hi Becca, I’ve been a fan of your blog for a long time and we definitely see eye to eye on this subject. I confess that I have digital items, clipart, etc. loaded on my computer, however, I print a flower or animal clipart and sometimes use it as an embellishment on a card that I’m making. So I guess that I’m a fan of digital but not in the sense of making a 100% digital card or layout. All of my children and grandchildren get a handmade birthday card from me each year and I know that they would rather get my card than a text or phone call. I just wish they would make me one! :) But I know their talents lie in other areas and not in paper crafting. All done and said, it’s such a nice thing to get a handmade item from someone. PamReplyCancel

  • Marcia TattersJuly 3, 2014 - 6:49 pm

    Hi Becca,
    Love your cards as always. I am really with you when you talk about your grandmothers “treasure box”. My mum passed away 30 years ago. I still have her cards, the ones she kept from family mainly. I cannot bear to throw them out so I recycle them to my daughters and granddaughters and write in them that they came from their great grandmother and great,great grandmother. They are really touched by it. I don’t know what will happen to them but they are in their hands to do what they will.ReplyCancel

  • TrishaJuly 3, 2014 - 7:01 pm

    Another beautiful card, your imagination always amazes me!
    I would love to be able to make someone’s day with one of your cards :-)
    Enjoy your trip!!ReplyCancel

  • JudyJuly 3, 2014 - 7:09 pm

    I’m with you Becca regarding texting or e-mailing a message vs. sending a card, whether it was one that you spent time picking out at a store or handmade (99% of the cards that I send to family and friends are handmade), nothing can really replace sending a card. My kids (39 and 42), look forward to getting cards from me on various occasions because they know that I’ve put a lot of time and work into making something specifically for them, and when I make cards for my closest friends, I always try to make a card that I know will bring a smile to their face trying to use their favorite colors and images. The cards that you make are always “top notch” and I can’t imagine anyone not being excited when they receive a card with your return address on it. I would be honored to win one of your homemade cards. Keep up the fantastic work Becca!ReplyCancel

  • MildredJuly 3, 2014 - 7:12 pm

    So very true. And now schools are not even teaching “penmanship.” As a member of an older generation, I haven’t gotten into the digi stamps, smart phone, etc. Just WP, email and a bit of FB to follow the grandkids. Thanks for all you share with us, Becca.ReplyCancel

  • RoseJuly 3, 2014 - 7:55 pm

    Oh Becca, how very true ………. I agree with EVERYTHING you’ve said. I don’t have any kids but I always get very positive feedback from the people that I’ve made cards for. They always say “my dad was over the moon and asked who made this card” or “she went round and showed your card to everyone” and things like that. It really gives you a warm glow round the heart.
    WHICH IS WHY WE’LL KEEP CRAFTING AND MAKING CARDS – So sad to open a “keepsake box” with nothing in it.
    I’m born a German and by and large my brothers/sister don’t really appreciate cards like we do in England (and obviously America) , so that’s sad. My Dutch friends, however, love receiving them and always send me something they made themselves. That is great.
    Going through a rough time at the moment and creating beauty from just plain cardstock etc is a great comfort to me – it draws my focus away from the horrible reality whilst I’m doing that.
    And you can take some credit for that, as can Sue Wilson. Your cards have inspired me to try and attain that level of creativity and improve all the time. So thank you again for that.
    Hugs, Rose (in Chester, UK)ReplyCancel

  • Colleen HowellJuly 3, 2014 - 8:18 pm

    Hey I love sending and making cards for friends and family. Some even pay me to make them one as well. Yes before long all will be digital, do not like that because I love making cards but I also scrap all my photos as well in books. I will be very sad when it ends. Love the card by the way went to site to see what it looked like, beautiful of course.ReplyCancel

  • Susan SlaterJuly 3, 2014 - 8:19 pm

    Oh how I agree. I love to send cards. So often I’ll even get a call or Email saying thank you; not necessarily something you get when sending digital messages. I find making cards is my escape and relaxation technique. But when I open up the mailbox to find a card or even a note with a photo inside, it is something special. I love the digital age but still nostalgic for the old days. It is amazing how someone can get so much just from giving.ReplyCancel

  • Robyn JosephsJuly 3, 2014 - 8:20 pm

    My postmistress says I get more personal mail than anyone else in Montreat.
    I send and get a lot of homemade and thoughtful cards. I also so a lot of email, and they both have their uses.
    I will never give up the written word.
    All of Quietfire Stamps as you know, start off written by hand with a pen.
    the original solar machine- our bodies and God’s inspiration!
    I recently started new blog, Poetry Journal Monthly http://poetryjournalmonthly.blogspot.com/
    to help folks enjoy and share writing in their journals and on line.
    I’d love you to join us!

  • Louise HullJuly 3, 2014 - 8:24 pm

    HI Becca, no, this was not a rant. It was a realistic observation about our “Instant” society. As an English teacher, I am concerned about the loss of the written word. Writing is so important, and receiving a written note is so encouraging and enjoyable. Thanks for all your beautiful creations; everyone who receives one of your cards must know how much you truly care.ReplyCancel

  • Linda GradyJuly 3, 2014 - 8:49 pm

    I love making handmade cards for my family and friends. My 85 yr. old mother has a cute little box in her bedroom with all my cards I’ve sent her over the past few years; my brother even confessed to saving them. This makes me proud and know my cards are appreciated; also make them for the military to send home to their families (Operation Write Home). I really enjoyed reading some of the comments sent to you on this subject; it seems there are a lot of us who feel the same way you do and glad you brought up the subject, Becca. Have a great holiday weekend!!ReplyCancel

  • Susan NelsonJuly 3, 2014 - 9:53 pm

    I’m with you … I really miss written correspondence and even phone calls! I wonder if pencils will become obsolete someday? Everyone just seems to be emailing and texting all of the time now so it doesn’t seem like you can have an in-depth conversation with anyone … so sad … everything is so impersonal nowadays. I would really love to win one of your cards, but unfortunately, I could never part with it and I would have to ask you to sign it! I’m crossing my fingers.ReplyCancel

  • croppinmamaJuly 3, 2014 - 10:18 pm

    I can’t agree with you more that writing snail mail is becoming obsolete to anyone younger than 40. As an avid photographer, the same future is projected for our digital images. Thankfully, I was raised by an English teacher Mom who taughe me the importance of handwritten notes and letters and instilled that in me at a young age. I’ve insisted that my three sons write thank yous for any gifts they receive; no electronic messages allowed. Thanks for sharing your artistic talents with us, which continue to inspire us to make and send cards to show others we care.ReplyCancel

  • Juanita BakerJuly 3, 2014 - 10:30 pm

    Hi Becca, Love all your cards. You are truly one talented lady and it is so appreciated that you share your beautiful items with all of us. I too am a card sender and have always been. I started making mine several years ago and love sending them to all my friends and relatives. It is such a satisfying feeling when they “email” and tell you they love them. Getting a card lets you put it on display and enjoy it for a long time. Thanks for all your beautiful pieces of art.ReplyCancel

  • MarjorieJuly 3, 2014 - 10:42 pm

    I agree with you 100%. It’s one of my soapbox speeches. And it’s why I have a paper crafting store. Long live snail mail.ReplyCancel

  • Janice BrummettJuly 3, 2014 - 11:00 pm

    I agree the “written Thank You/ letter” is becoming a lost art. I insisted our two sons write a Thank You for every gift they received while growing up. They could not play with the item or cash the check until the note was written. My boss commented during the regions conference call that he must be on my “naughty list” as I sent him a purchased card! LOL He told all the managers that I make the most beautiful cards and had sent him one I had purchased! He WAS on my naughty list, but I actually forgot to make one for him.

    A friend of mine was battling cancer (which she lost) so I was making her a card a week. I have two other friends who are still fighting their cancer fight, so I continue making cards (one female and one male–his is the hardest to design) weekly for them.

    Thank you for the inspiration I get from all your beautiful cards. I sometimes lose my mojo and after pursing your blog, I get new ideas and I off again. Since I have now retired, I have more time to create. I had to organize my room so I would know what I have and what I MUST HAVE!

    Any person who receives a card from you is truly a lucky person. I haven’t seen anything you have made that I wouldn’t love to receive. Keep up the beautiful job.ReplyCancel

  • LorrayneingramJuly 3, 2014 - 11:48 pm

    Becca you are so right. I get texts. My daughter is going about calling. Sometimes she sends special cards. Thank you for your inspiration. I hope your visit goes well with your daughter. Happy 4th.ReplyCancel

  • Judy McMullenJuly 4, 2014 - 12:27 am

    I so agree with you! I don’t there is nothing like having both the visual and touch sensory of a beautifully crafted handmade card that someone has created just for you.ReplyCancel

  • Nicolette G. ParsonsJuly 4, 2014 - 12:40 am

    I am a writer of letters and card maker and have always relied on my “long hand” to keep in touch with those i love. I started writing letters to kids who were leaving home for the first time to serve the LORD or to serve the Nation. I am always surprised by peoples comments about my taking time to do this. I wrote family letters for my blind father, for my brain damaged husband. I loved the feeling of sending “me “, I will have to be totally crippled before i will give up long hand writing. LOVE your work and try to make my work live up to your standard. HUGS and prayers sweet Becca.

  • Debra MillerJuly 4, 2014 - 1:34 am

    Well said Becca, I couldn’t agree more! You my new friend, have inspired me to bless others by creating and sending comforting, encouraging, loving, words. I’m also blessed through the process. Thank YOU!!!ReplyCancel

  • Lorraine Gould in AustraliaJuly 4, 2014 - 1:39 am

    Oh you are so right… the written word is so important for history. My Aunty recently died she had a shoe box full of letters from my Dad, he had written to her for years. His travels, his thoughts on us (his children) and his life in the Army. Oh my how beautiful it is to read his words and feel his love many years after he has gone. Yes keep the written word, Gods written word is what keeps me going. Hugs from down under.
    Lorraine FDUReplyCancel

  • Ruth UKJuly 4, 2014 - 2:55 am

    Couldn’t agree with you more Becca!
    It is easy to get sucked into the digital world , but it is not the same as something you can hold and admire and always have..

  • Philippe RosaJuly 4, 2014 - 3:42 am

    Hi Becca , I surely aggree with what you’re saying ! That is also the reason why I love having a book in my hand or a magazine . I love your cards and have been following for quite some time now . Thanks for the occasion of winning . Happy day to the lucky one !


  • Redd GordonJuly 4, 2014 - 5:08 am

    Hi Becca, I was newly referred to your website and am truly amazed by all your beautiful creations. I totally am in agreement with you on the lost of the written word. I grew up hearing that a picture is worth a thousand words. And thus physical cards and actual pictures are some what mystical because they capture moments in time as they take you back to precious precious moments. For those of us that are nostalgic, though we embrace modern digital technology we know it is not a substitute for cards and pictures.

    I’ve only started crafting at the beginning of this year and still consider myself new at crafting. It is truly a blessing to find a website such as yours which provides so much guidance and inspiration. So I take this opportunity to thank you and say that I will most definitely continue to follow.


  • LaceladyJuly 4, 2014 - 5:40 am

    Love your card Becca, well what you showed us of it. I agree with you about writing, I’m not good at long hand so much, but I can still type and print! Plus of course, I always make my own cards. That is not to say I wouldn’t love to have an original of yours. I’m not sure I could give it to someone else though, it would join my Sue Wilson one, on the wall!ReplyCancel

  • JennifirstJuly 4, 2014 - 5:45 am

    I just went back & read the story of Bailey. Made me cry. What a wonderful story, and how good you are to your daughter.

    Written word… when I send my cards to my son in college, he only opens them to see if I included $. I did manage to talk him into not throwing them away anymore; now he saves them to return to me so I can reuse or donate them. Perhaps it’s a matter of maturity.ReplyCancel

  • Katherine StanleyJuly 4, 2014 - 6:18 am

    I love your cards. The chance to win one of them is awesome. You are actually the You Tuber that turned me on to Spellbinders. I thank you for that but I’m not sure that my husband thanks you. Keep the beautiful coming.ReplyCancel

  • Rosanne MulhernJuly 4, 2014 - 7:11 am

    As card makers of course we enjoy sending our creations to others. It is so gratifying to know that they are appreciated. It is also wonderful to receive a handcrafted card. I would love to receive one of your masterpieces! Thanks for the opportunity. Happy 4th.ReplyCancel

  • Norah McPheeJuly 4, 2014 - 7:32 am

    Good afternoon Becca,
    Oh how right you are concerning writing. I come from i think the last generation that knows how to write(because children nowadays don’t seem to know how to write, spell or grammatically correct). I still can’t to this day spell their new short hand way that they do on the mobile phones. I love getting a card, as it just makes my heart flutter that wee bit that some one cares. If i won your beautiful card, i’m afraid i would keep it and make a copy to send. Hope you are having a lovely July 4th Independence Day,
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil, Scotland)ReplyCancel

  • Karen A.July 4, 2014 - 7:39 am

    OMG – I can so agree – I love getting a card in the mail and I kjnow that my relatives and friends LOVE getting a homemade card from me.
    Your designs are absolutely beautiful.ReplyCancel

  • Melissa HoffmannJuly 4, 2014 - 8:01 am

    I would love to win a card you created. I check your blog regularly for inspiration. Thanks!ReplyCancel

  • erniJuly 4, 2014 - 8:21 am

    oh Becca ! you speak out,what I am thinking for times: so many people are wondering to get a “real” Card,handwritten and crafted also. And not only when there are special days, just to say : I think of you.- I like your work so much,it gives me ideas and I like to watch a talented artist like you ! please,go on with your work,, hugs ErniReplyCancel

  • BarbaraJuly 4, 2014 - 8:35 am

    I have a collection of fountain pens that I love to write with—-so every Monday morning I sit down and write notes to 7 of my aunts. I try to make up a set of cards for the month but sometimes I am in my studio late Sunday night whipping up something to send. I have used a lot of your designs but they never look as good as yours. That is because if I don’t have the die that you use I use what I have. I have been doing this several years and have greatly improved. I love your site and the beautiful work that you do! What an inspiration——-ReplyCancel

  • ConnieJuly 4, 2014 - 8:40 am

    You are spot-on about the written word. I started making my own greeting cards a few years ago and my grandkids look forward to them – they even ask before they open the envelope if I made it. My best friend has kept all of them I’ve given her over the years, too. They are special because I’ve given a part of me in each one…even the simple ones are appreciated. Thanks for being my inspiration.ReplyCancel

  • ElizabethJuly 4, 2014 - 8:57 am

    So very true Becca, a call is great but a card or letter one can read over and over. words mean so much. Thanks for all your sharing and words to us. Love to see and enjoy your beautiful cards so much!ReplyCancel

  • Terri WJuly 4, 2014 - 9:00 am

    I agree with your whole heartedly about everything being digital. I would rather talk to someone than get a text but some of my family prefers the later. Makes me sad. I too love it when my son takes the time to pick out a card for Mothers day or my birthday. Even if they are silly it still means he took that time just for me.
    I am not too sure if my cards are still in the hands of those I sent them too or if they have been thrown away. Hoping they still have them.ReplyCancel

  • Pat PeeleJuly 4, 2014 - 9:44 am

    It is so refreshing to receive a card chosen or made just for me. I refer back to it often and even go though them when I need a pick me up. I also love to find a snapshot in there that doesn’t have to be downloaded and printed.ReplyCancel

  • April S.July 4, 2014 - 10:09 am

    I enjoy sending cards and receiving them! They are so much more special than a text or an email!ReplyCancel

  • Marcie SmithJuly 4, 2014 - 11:25 am

    I personally enjoy receiving something that has been handcrafted then sent digitally. I display everything that was ever made personally in my craft spaces so that I can enjoy them. I was actually lucky enough to even have a card made by you a few years back and I love it. Your creativity astounds me Becca and I have been enjoying your posts for several years now. I just can’t wait to see how you are going to manipulate those spellbinder dies whenever there is a new release.

  • Margie FulcherJuly 4, 2014 - 11:54 am

    Thank you for the “Written Word” article. I totally agree with you. I love sending and getting cards and snail mail letters. I have noticed with the new generation they do not send thank you notes for the gifts we send. It is either a verbal thank you or an e-mail. I also find that I am not getting a personal e-mail from family and friends, just a forward. I have a large group of stamping friends, and I look forward to receiving their cards and notes. I am blessed. I also feel blessed to find your blog. Your cards are so beautiful. You are an inspiration. Not only your cards, but I love reading your inspiring words. Thank you for your wonderful blog.

    Margie F.ReplyCancel

  • Linda StandartJuly 4, 2014 - 11:55 am

    I love this card. The soft colours are among my favorite combinations. It’s restful and inviting and makes you think of a comfortable afternoon with a friend. Perfect for an invitationReplyCancel

  • SHELLEEJuly 4, 2014 - 12:56 pm

    I totally agree with you–and all who have commented! I love to make & receive cards and letters. However, my time is so limited that sometimes I just don’t get to it and the “occasion” passes. My thoughts are in the right place but time works against me! However, I am told that makes the cards I DO send that much more special, as the recipient knows how hard it is to find crafting time! I have a friend who just moved out of state. One if the items I included in her going away gift was a tablet, envelopes, stamps and my address mailing labels. She has used them to send me a couple of hand written letters—-which are SO special to me!ReplyCancel

  • Niki WJuly 4, 2014 - 1:54 pm

    Another beautiful card. I agree, getting a card in the mail is so special. Thanks for sharing.


  • AnnJuly 4, 2014 - 2:39 pm

    Always love your inspiration, Becca. I will always be a paper person as I love to hold and look at cards, books, etc. My husband and I met thru the internet and I have stored away a copy of every email he sent me and every email I sent him. I love to reread these even aftter 10 years of marriage. TFSReplyCancel

  • Linda LoydJuly 4, 2014 - 3:06 pm

    I’m with you. It makes me sad. I do my part… I ensure that everyone at work gets a handmade card signed by all the other co-workers. Some just throw the cards in the trash yet others have them on display in their cubicles. It makes me feel like I’m doing something worth while in my tiny corner of the world.ReplyCancel

  • Maureen KillenJuly 4, 2014 - 4:04 pm

    Dear Becca,
    Happy 4th July. (sorry I’m a bit late, but better late than never!) xxReplyCancel

  • DominikaJuly 4, 2014 - 4:37 pm

    Totally agree with you Becca. But I still prefer to send a card than a text massage. And I love to receive cards too :)ReplyCancel

  • joannajohnsonJuly 4, 2014 - 6:28 pm

    Becca, I have spent a couple hours on your site today and have learned so much. I have been trying to learn paper crafting and card making and scrapbooking for a while now but I am ill and my brain is not retaining what I learn. But every time I come to your site I get so inspired to not give up and to keep trying. I am just not very good at paper crafts I guess. I make glorious stick pins and hat pins and sell them on eBay but for some reason my clumsy hands have trouble with the paper. I have bought so many thing to try and make me a crafter like you, but it hasn’t helped. ( : I have beautiful craft room (a gift from my hubby) and it still doesn’t help. But what has really helped me is you. I have followed you for a long time. But I watched you make a card today on a Becca bits and saw you struggle just a little with assembling it and it helped me so much! I know someday I will make something as beautiful as you did in that video , but for now I will continue to “Play” in my lovely craft room with my grandkids and cut out Spellbinders and punch out punchies and make card number one million for their mommy. (She loves all.) I have faith and know that I am doing just what God would have me do. I will not give up! but will continue to watch you and other crafters until I can get it right! Thanks so much for all the time you put into this. It must be a big sacrifice sometimes! But we really need you . Spellbinders needs you too! We could never figure out how to use all those little pieces if you hadn’t taught us! JoannaReplyCancel

  • Nancy PenceJuly 4, 2014 - 7:48 pm

    Oh Becca, I believe you may be on to something here! I believe that there is no better way to reach out so someone more personally than by writing and sending them a card . . . something they can see and hold, and perhaps read over and over again. People tell me that when they receive one of my cards they display them their in china cupboards, curio cabinets, and the like so they can see them and enjoy them. That always makes me feel like I’ve done my job! I believe we should keep writing and sending cards no matter what. They truly will become treasured keepsakes.ReplyCancel

  • Margie LuttrellJuly 4, 2014 - 8:16 pm

    I’m with you, Becca. I am so thrilled to get a home made card from my crafting friends. The homemade ones are the best and I cherish them!ReplyCancel

  • JillJuly 4, 2014 - 10:13 pm

    I really like this post…actually, I like all your posts and cards…smile.
    I so agree with you. Even though I don’t receive many cards in return…I will continue to send cards, (even if it is considered to be old fashioned) because I know how good it makes me feel when I receive on.ReplyCancel

  • Nana GriffinJuly 4, 2014 - 11:19 pm

    I love making cards and sending them to friends and family. Everyone always loves getting them and some say they save them all. I have my grand daughter making cards too. She started when she was young stamping with me and now that she is in collage she still makes her cards foe friends and family.ReplyCancel

  • Maureen WilberJuly 4, 2014 - 11:54 pm

    Oh, my, Becca, you spoke to my heart. People do love getting cards, but I think that those of us who make them get so much more from the making and giving. What thoughts and memories we get to ponder! What hopes and dreams we get to anticipate!
    Thank you so very much for sharing your beautiful cards, your amazing ideas and tips, and your gentle spirit, with us.ReplyCancel

  • Jennie BaileyJuly 5, 2014 - 12:42 am

    Such beautiful and inspiring words, Becca. I love having a wander around your blog and such beautiful creations too. I can’t remember a time when I haven’t bought something new after seeing all the inspiration on your blog. One day I will capture the beauty!ReplyCancel

  • Heather B.July 5, 2014 - 4:20 am

    I so agree and appreciate you sharing this sentiment. I love fb and digital pictures to stay in touch but handmade and handwritten creations mean so much more. The art of letter writing seems like its dying. I’m with you and wanting to stay old school to show someone how much I care.ReplyCancel

  • Kathy McDanielsJuly 5, 2014 - 4:26 am

    I would be thrilled to receive one of your masterpieces however, I don’t think I’d be able to part with it!…;-)ReplyCancel

  • GG Judy JacksonJuly 5, 2014 - 5:35 am

    Boy, am I lucky. My son sends me cards but my daughter does not. I haven’t started making cards since my heart attack 4/3/2014 and 3 more overnight stays in 3 other hospitals since 4/15/2014. Thank you for the opportunity to have a card to add to mine as my stash is almost gone.ReplyCancel

  • Karen RatcliffeJuly 5, 2014 - 8:53 am

    Hi Becca
    You are so right about the new generation losing the art of the written out on paper word. They’ve even forgotten how to talk to someone face to face. It’s either text or phone! My girls wanted me to get text on my phone but I told them I love hearing their voices, so they call every night and talk. I have a 14 year old grandson whom I made a special birthday card for his birthday and I got a thrill when he called to exclaim his pleasure at receiving something I made especially for him and he keeps it on the mantel in the livingroom at home. It can surprise you that they do really love and appreciate a card made with love for them! They all want special cards now and I love the challenge!
    Hugs, KarenReplyCancel

  • Mrs BJuly 5, 2014 - 9:37 am

    Hi Becca. How right you are. Email, texts etc. have a place in todays world, how else wuld we be lucky enough to see your beautiful creations. But a letter or card is so important. Another written word that is in peril is the good old fashioned BOOK! Again, maybe e readers etc have a place today but sitting a reading a book must never be a thing of the past! My 19 year old daughter loves her tablet but has said on more than one occasion that she would feel lost if traditional books were to vanish. The look and feel is part of the enjoyment, just as receiving a hand made card is. Hopefully more of he younger generation feel like her, so there may be hope yet for the written word : ) Great post today, it certainly has got us all thinking. Take care.ReplyCancel

  • vivacehJuly 5, 2014 - 10:50 am

    I, too, could not agree more. I love sending cards to family and friend for “just because reasons” I also love to receive them. I lovingly store them away as cherished keepsakes. I think a good example of how digital might steal precious memories if we aren’t careful, is an old cell phone I carry around. I have some precious pictures of my two grandsons on it. I realize I have to protect that phone until I get those pictures off and guess what, store in another digital fashion. Ultimately, I want to print them out and store them them for my family.ReplyCancel

  • Raya rawsonJuly 5, 2014 - 2:04 pm

    You are an inspiration! I love reading your blog. It is wonderful to receive a handmade card.ReplyCancel

  • Patricia HowarthJuly 5, 2014 - 3:00 pm

    Hi Becca, Ditto, I see technology every day, and use it, but sending cards, letters and reading books must never be ‘a thing of the past’. I love receiving cards and letters, and I adore the smell and feel of books, I must admit that I buy a book, then buy the Kindle version aswell to read, they are easier for travelling with and are not as heavy, but I still love the smell of a book. My Daughter and my Grand-daughters, have their phones stuck to their hands, they only correspond with texts, it not only affects their spelling but also their ability to communicate orally with people. Technology is brilliant, but can never take away communication and interaction with people. Photos are also brilliant to be kept in a file on computer, but if they are printed off and ‘scrapbooked’ they can be a brilliant set of ‘memories’ for future generations.
    Take care, and Thank You for the chance to win one of your beautiful creations.
    Lots of love from Patricia xxReplyCancel

  • Pauline MattsonJuly 5, 2014 - 3:45 pm

    Thank you, Becca, for sharing THIS card as well as all of you OTHER cards with us. My passion for card-making grew so much after I discovered your sight!

    Even though my kids don’t send cards, they always say they appreciate the beautiful cards I send them! Of course, many of them resemble your beautiful cards!

    Love to have one!


  • TammieJuly 5, 2014 - 3:59 pm

    Pretend this is in my handwriting –

    Dear Becca,

    Today is filled with southwest sunshine, spicy jalapeños, and fresh summer corn and squash. I wish you were here to share a glass of lemonade.

    It is always a please to read your sweet writing (blog). Keep in touch and know you are loved and appreciated.

    Your friends always,

    P.S. Write soon!ReplyCancel

  • Tracey PriestleyJuly 5, 2014 - 4:12 pm

    This website is on my favourites bar and I enjoy seeing your latest creation every day. I am enthralled by the beautiful designs you think up. Your cards are beautiful – a true piece of art.

    I’ve been making cards for years now but am a very long way of producing cards to your standards. Even so, family and friends like receiving them (or are too polite to say otherwise) especially when I just post a card to them for no specific reason other than to say ‘hello’ or ‘thinking of you’

    You are right, the art of the written word, especially hand written word, is losing – who would have thought that I would get to the stage of having to make a determined effort to write for something that isn’t work (perhaps that’s the problem – I spend so long writing at work that escaping from it at home is nice

    Thanks for the inspiration and smile you bring me each dayReplyCancel

  • CrystalJuly 5, 2014 - 4:16 pm

    Dear Becca
    So true I love cards I keep all mine my daughter left this year on her oe and I sent her a card for her birthday she just loved it she sent me an ecard for mine
    I so do love hand written cards and letters I treasure the ones I have especially as they from very special people who have gone on
    Thank you you are always such an inspiration
    I am always touched by your blog and grateful for folks like you
    Love love your work and especially that you are connected with our maker
    Take care blessingsReplyCancel

  • Randi M.July 5, 2014 - 4:29 pm

    Dear Becca, I don’t write often in your blog, but thank you for your post! My husband saved every card I ever sent him or made for him in a 3 ring binder and when we married he gave it to me as a surprise!! I have continued my tradition and hand make and mail cards to my husband and twins and have saved them in a keepsake box. I hand make cards and thank you’s to my coworkers and clients. I so believe in keeping the tradition alive! I would love to be the recipient of one of your amazing paper graces!!ReplyCancel

  • lindaJuly 5, 2014 - 4:30 pm

    Hi Becca so hard to be a mother,we have to let go too soon.But we know we will always be needed and that can be good or bad ,as mostly they need cash but l try to write letters to mine telling them how much l miss them ,even my daughter that l see everday. So l do try hugs lindaReplyCancel

  • Gail L.July 5, 2014 - 4:48 pm

    You are right about the written word.
    I DO send cards, I don’t write in a lot of them so the recipients can pay them forward. And they do!
    My mom’s a ‘card’ person, & I make Thank You, Thinking of You etc. for her stash, so she always has the perfect one!
    My kids sound like yours! So proud!
    I also read The Mothers Prayer, I’m forwarding it to my daughter.ReplyCancel

  • Kelly FlahertyJuly 5, 2014 - 5:36 pm

    I recently had this same conversation with my mother. When I began making cards last year, (you were the person I learned from, you may even remember a few of my posts and e-mails) my mother and daughter were the recipients of my creations. My sisters and sons were also included but to a lesser extent. Yes, they all gush and show their coworkers and friends, but no, no one send a letter or a card back! But my family now expects to receive a card for every type of event!
    I don’t mind though – it’s a wonderful reason to go back to my art table and create.ReplyCancel

  • joyJuly 5, 2014 - 5:36 pm

    I don’t hand write much because my handwriting is so bad, it’s hardly readable, but what’s interesting is that I love to read my grandmothers shaky writing – she used to write me lots when I was in college even though she had arthritis in her hands. I have saved all her letters because she had so much good advice and was so encouraging to me. Thank you for the inspirational push to write more because one day my letters may be encouraging to one of my grandchildren.ReplyCancel

  • Rosie WaldtJuly 5, 2014 - 5:52 pm

    I agree about the hand written word on cards and scrap booking. I no longer journal w. the computer in scrap booking but hand write for my kids to see it was my writing later on. I have my mother’s written names when my sister was born, (I was 12 y/o) asking us kids what we wanted to name her and I treasure it very much. Also, her reminding us what to do for chores on the farm before she passed on. And I love getting a handwritten letter when my friend who has been a pen pal for 66 yrs. sends something even tho we email frequently. Thank you for alerting us all about what needs to come back.ReplyCancel

  • Joanna DicksonJuly 5, 2014 - 5:52 pm

    You are so right about receiving cards. Being a paper crafter myself I never receive anything like I make but I’ve got to admit my friends say that the only way they could give me what I make for them is to ask me to make a card for them to give back to me. This digital age has happened so quickly between our generation and the current it’s scary. Postage/mail costs have increased so much over the last couple of years. Digital is faster and cheaper, touch of a button. We will have to become the papercraft disciples and continue to send something to treasure . Sorry this is a bit long winded Becca xxReplyCancel

  • Kay MatsonJuly 5, 2014 - 6:04 pm

    Hi Becca, I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers because you are a strong person and are getting through this “empty nest” time as best as you can. After all, all of us mothers, if we are lucky and we raised our children to be independent, have to face this time. It is HARD!! But you know you want the best for your kids and being independent is the best for them. Especially for girls not to be dependent on men which you have proven to your daughter in spades that is possible (even if it hurts). You take care and stay busy, which I know you are any way.ReplyCancel

  • LindaJuly 5, 2014 - 6:06 pm

    Oh Becca, I totally agree with you over the written word. I do make cards but just for family and friends (nothing remotely like yours though) but I will always write my own words inside them. I feel that way they are even more personal. And I do still send letters though fewer than I would like. Last year we had some difficulty finding one of my sons old school friends address to send him an invite to my son’s wedding. When we did get it I wrote a letter as well as it had been many years since I had seen him and due to his change of address the invite was a little on the late side. Well he was quite taken aback by receiving a personal letter. He said no one had ever sent him such a thing and he was very moved by it. He is the same age as my son (37/38) and you would think by that age this would not be the case. This goes to show what you have said is right and I think rather sad. I don’t have too much time for card making or letter writing but I make the time as much as I can and will send at least a few extra lines to people when I can or at least at times such as Christmas instead of a card on its own. Cards are so wonderful to receive and show someone cares and thinking about us but the occasional letter, albeit short can convey more about ourselves and help others to be more part of our lives no matter the distance. Although social media, a love hate of mine, can do some of the same it can and should never replace the more personal letter writing or card sending. I’ll join you on your soapbox anytime my dear. Thank you for sharing your life with us all. All your cards and projects are just beautiful, if only I had just a fraction of your talent. Take care.
    Ps sorry for such a long comment ;-)ReplyCancel

  • Stephanie WJuly 5, 2014 - 6:07 pm

    You are so right. I think having “hard copies” of things is so important. I try to print out special emails from our children/my husband to keep. I also have special texts they’ve sent me copied and put in my wallet. After all, I never want to lose that text our son sent me a few days before his wedding that said, “Mom, no matter what happens, you’ll always have a special place in my heart.” One of my most treasured possessions is the 900+ letters my parents exchanged during the two years Dad was overseas during WWII.ReplyCancel

  • Shirley L.July 5, 2014 - 6:29 pm

    It’s so sad that the written word is vanishing from people’s lives. I take such great pride in the cards I make and send to people and love the appreciative responses I get. But…so few people write thank you notes anymore. I send a gift to a graduate and expect at least a note indicating that it was received. The same thing is true of weddings. However, usually nothing arrives or I’ll get a canned email answer. I don’t like the excuse that “I’m so busy”. Well, I am busy, too, but I take the time to make someone a card because I feel this recipient is an important person in my life. Sure hope we can change the way people feel about the written word and the impact it makes on others when someone takes the time to respond to a gift, a friendly hello, scaring thought, etc. Good topic, Becca. Hang in there.ReplyCancel

  • Joyce Irvin HarrisJuly 5, 2014 - 6:50 pm

    Becca…I love to make special cards or write letters for special people and occasions! The written word is personal, especially when it’s a card or letter. The sender has spent time creating or choosing a sentiment that would be just right for the recipient. S/he has actually touched the paper you are receiving. When the card or letter is received, it is valued because someone took time out of their day to consider you. Then, if you’re like me, the card or letter goes in a special place where it will reside and be passed on to generations following.ReplyCancel

  • EireneJuly 5, 2014 - 7:23 pm

    Digital things are great, but some things just can’t be replaced with digital convenience…ReplyCancel

  • Vivian C.July 5, 2014 - 7:36 pm

    I LOVE mail! My mother wrote letters and loved to receive letters. I’m like her. My mother has been gone for 15 years now and the last of my letter writing aunts has passed too. It saddens me. Letters give a real sense of connection. It is too bad that it is a lost art.ReplyCancel

  • JeanneJuly 5, 2014 - 7:54 pm

    I love your cards, but I love even more the fact you share your life with us. You are a great story teller, that is becoming a lost art too! I do think people still write letters to service men & women, and schools promote “pen pals”, so there is still hope. I do not know anyone who doesn’t love receiving a card or letter n the mail. Jeanne

    p.s. Your card is beautiful!ReplyCancel

  • Cheryl B.July 5, 2014 - 8:57 pm

    Truer words were never spoken(or written!) I cherish all the cards and letters my MIL sent me over the years. Such a grand and gentle lady. She lived to be 93 and her generation believed in keeping in touch by the written word. I love going to my mail box and looking inside only to find a card or letter. Totally makes my day. If I were to receive one of your beautiful cards, Becca, I would probably swoon. Each and every card is so elegant and beautiful.ReplyCancel

  • ElianaJuly 5, 2014 - 10:32 pm

    God’s Grace is sufficient and always present for us! His presence gives us the strength to get through so many things that seem “impossible”.

    May He hold you close always and continue to give you strength to see you through all trials dear Becca.

    You are an inspiration to so many – thank you for all you give and share with us. You are appreciated. I do thank you for the opportunity to post for your drawing. I will continue to pray for you!


  • Bette SJuly 5, 2014 - 11:04 pm

    I feel the same way. None of my grandchildren even write long hand – the print! And those cell phones and texting! Wish they would just call and say what they want to say and forget the texting. I dislike to text myself and try to avoid it all I can. It is never easy to lose someone you love and you never, ever get over missing them. My father died in 1966 and my Mom in 1972 and I can still hear their voices and smell my Dad’s “Red Man” chewing tobacco. I miss them so much still. But I am thankful for all the wonderful memories they left me. I know some day we will be together again. Stay strong.ReplyCancel

  • Diana DJuly 6, 2014 - 12:04 am

    I totally agree with you. The written word is fading fast. It’s too easy to sent a text or make a quick phone call. Like the history of our nation, life as we know it will soon be forgotten. Making cards gives me such pleasure. That’s why I do it almost daily. I feel like I’m on vacation when I’m in my studio. The smiles and compliments I get make it all worth while. Such a small thing to bring someone a moment of joy.
    Thank you for sharing your talent with us. God Bless

  • Rosalind HodgkinsJuly 6, 2014 - 3:48 am

    Good morning Becca, recently one of my granddaughters was seven and had a tea party with family, so I suggested she write her thank you notes, so we did them together. She loved all the embossing ect but when it came to mum giving them out to family it became another thing to do ? I think if it wasn’t our generation pushing the written word it just would die out, so feel free to “rant”.
    X Ros HodgkinsReplyCancel

  • SueJuly 6, 2014 - 9:04 am

    What I have found is that I am now enjoying writing my own words inside a card rather than having having some words that don’t match my personality or what I would like to convey to the receiver of the card. A number of people like to have a verse inside and just sign it but it doesn’t seem as personal, in my opinion. The more I do it, the easier it becomes to be able to express my true thoughts and feelings.

    It would be a delight to win one of your cards, Becca, although I am sure it would be a difficult decision to pick which one…I just love your work!ReplyCancel

  • Cyndee ScholetJuly 6, 2014 - 12:51 pm

    I submitted a comment earlier and thought I even saw it posted. I was going to edit a mistake I made (on geography), but it looks like the post is not there anymore?ReplyCancel

  • FMJuly 6, 2014 - 3:19 pm

    I totally agree with you. THe archives will be empty. How will people learn about out generation and all that has happened. Where will go to seek information about their ancestors etc.? There will be no primary documents to inform/support about what happened. Scary, really.ReplyCancel

  • Carol PinkeyJuly 6, 2014 - 3:33 pm

    Becca, I love receiving a card as much as I love making/sending one. But, I truly miss written letters. I married at 18 (in 1969) and all we had to communicate was to write letters, as Ma Bell had the monopoly on telephones and it was too expensive to call. I treasured the letters from my friends & I would immediately respond. My husband was in Viet Nam at the time and all we had was “the written word.” Two weeks for a letter to reach him and two weeks to receive one from him. I would RUN to the mailbox each day in hopes of receiving a letter. With email, texting, facebook… it is amazing, but I hear very little from those I use to correspond with… just a note in a Christmas card each year. People are too busy to write. Although, I would LOVE to win your card… I just learned my friend’s mother passed away (my second mom) and I am making a special sympathy card for my friend, but I would also send yours to her. She would truly value such a beautiful card. Sorry to get so long winded!ReplyCancel

  • Judie RymanJuly 6, 2014 - 5:23 pm

    Yes indeed……we have lost that “personal” touch….. My family will have much of their Mimi to see and touch and read… My gift to them. I’m the “card lady” and don’t mind a bit. Yes, I text and email quick things, but to show my love, appreciation, thanks, sympathy, birthday greetings…yup….they will get a good old PAPER card in the mail…will ALL of my love. Thanks for your inspiration, Becca!!!ReplyCancel

  • Jo AnnaJuly 6, 2014 - 9:38 pm

    Beautiful card.ReplyCancel

  • Patty GamonJuly 7, 2014 - 12:27 am

    I love your style and especially your cards! I’ve only been designing and making cards for about a year and a half but I’m really hooked.
    Writing, sending, and receiving communications used to be special–now people LIVE on their phones. I don’t like to be connected 24/7. It’s like no one has any privacy anymoreReplyCancel

  • Dianne LucasJuly 7, 2014 - 11:30 am

    Becca: You make the written word so beautiful, and your cards inspire me to continue sending loving words to friends and family who need an unexpected lift. I still re-read letters from my mother. And after she was gone, I found her shoebox full of every letter & postcard I ever sent, so now I can re-read memories of my younger life. Grief never quite leaves us, though time seems to soften the edges. I lost my husband last year and I only wish I had long letters from him to read once in a while. Your art is such a gift for all of us who follow your blog. Blessings.ReplyCancel

  • BarbaraJuly 7, 2014 - 4:04 pm

    There is no need for anything to be lost when a hard drive dies. I use Carbonite and every single thing I save is automatically backed up without my having to do a single, blessed, thing! For $50 a year, my pictures, my scrapbooking pages, all my digital art, my cutting files – everything I do on computer – is automatically saved. After losing three external hard drives I send it all to the cloud via Carbonite now, and even if my house was lost in a fire, hurricane, or tornado, I could get all my files back with a new computer just by putting in my password at Carbonite’s website.ReplyCancel

  • JoAnnJuly 7, 2014 - 5:38 pm

    I agree with you! I have some friends that have not printed a picture or got one developed in years. I don’t understand why take them if your not going to at least put them in a photo album so people can enjoy. I love to make mini albums and fill them up with pictures. I have started making a mini album as gifts and one of my friends went and got some pictures developed for the first time in 5 years. After that I started making them for gifts more often. This generation is so different than when we came up. Some times it is sad that people stay in touch on FB or through emails rather than picking up the phone and hearing their voice. But so many think nothing of it. Don’t get me wrong, I love my computer, but some people let it take over. I’m talking about family. On the radio this very thing was being discussed and the host admitted the only way he stays in touch with his sister is on FB. That’s just not right!
    Keep those beautiful cards coming and one day I hope you’ll start making more video’s. I love to see you in the process of making all those work of art.ReplyCancel

  • Sharon Goins-EberhardtJuly 13, 2014 - 4:00 am

    I feel exactly the same way and talk about this incessantly. My grandmother was a card-giving fanatic and out of 7 grandchildren, I am the only one who has that bug :proud face: I try to do my part in preserving some of the “lost arts”. Thanks for sharing this with the world Becca!ReplyCancel

  • Phyllis B.July 13, 2014 - 2:18 pm

    Lovely “rant”!!ReplyCancel